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Airlock SDK for iOS

The Airlock SDK determines which features are enabled for a particular application based on the user profile and device context (locale, location, device type, etc.).

System Requirements

  • iOS 8.0 and later


The Airlock SDK is available as a CocoaPod. To install, add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Airlock'

Configuring your application to use the Airlock SDK

Do the following steps to integrate the Airlock SDK with your iOS project:

  1. Open the Airlock Control Center.
  2. Go to the Products area.
  3. In the list of products, select an iOS product, for example: iOS Flagship App.
  4. In the Version Ranges area, click the download button next to the appropriate version range.
  5. Select the iOS platform and click the links to download the defaults file (AirlockDefaults.json) and constants file (AirlockConstants.swift).
  6. Add the AirlockDefaults.json file to your project as a resource, and add the AirlockConstants.swift file as a source to be compiled.

SDK Overview

The master list of features and configuration rules are stored on the Airlock server (AWS S3). Each feature definition includes rules that determine when the feature is enabled based the user profile, device context (locale, location, device type, etc.), and weather conditions. An application that uses the Airlock SDK provides the user profile, device context information, and weather data to the SDK. The SDK runs rules on that information and determines which features are on or off, and which output configurations are applied. In case of error or when feature and configuration information is not available on the server, the defaults file is used.


To use the Airlock SDK, follow these steps:

  1. Initialize the SDK by calling the loadConfiguration method. This method provides the base URL to the Airlock server and loads the defaults file and any previously stored information from the server. You supply the product version and defaults file to this method.

  2. Pull the list of features, their status, and configurations from the server by calling the asynchronous pullFeatures method. The pullFeatures method downloads the current list of features from the server.

  3. Calculate the pull results by calling the calculateFeatures method. You supply the following information to this method as a single JSON string: the user profile and the device context (includes the locale, location, device type, etc.).

    The calculateFeatures method determines whether the features are enabled based on the method’s input, and evaluates the feature’s configuration rules. No feature status changes are exposed until the syncFeatures method is called.

  4. Make the current feature list available to the code by calling the syncFeatures method.

  5. Use the getFeature(feature_name).isOn method to determine whether a feature is on or off.

    A condition statement surrounds every code block that is air-locked. The condition causes the block to run if the feature is enabled:

    if (Airlock.sharedInstance.getFeature(AirlockConstants.<name_space>.<feature_name>).isOn()) {
            // Add feature code here

    Important: For air-locked code snippets, ensure that no change will occur in the rest of the application when the feature is turned off. From an execution perspective, the application must run the same way when the feature is turned off as it would if the feature did not exist.

  6. Use the getFeature(feature_name).getConfiguration method to get the feature's configuration in as a dictionary object. Note that the configuration can contain objects. In other words, the value of a specific key in the configuration can also return a dictionary.

    let feature = AirlockManager.getInstance().getFeature("feature_name")
    if (feature.isOn()){
    	let config = feature.getConfiguration()
    	if let buttonColor = config["buttonColor"] {
    		if (buttonColor == "red"){
    			// Do something when the color is red
  7. Optional: Get the feature's children, parent, or all features under the root as follows:


Setting device user groups

When a feature is the development stage, you control the visibility of the feature by defining internal user groups in Airlock Control Center. Each feature is associated with one or more user groups. The SDK provides a user interface that allows you to associate your device with these user groups.

To integrate this interface into your app, add the following line to the current view controller that is embedded in the navigation controller:


This method pushes the user groups view controller onto the caller navigation controller stack and updates the display.


The following sample code calls the methods that are described in the Usage section:

        let context:String = "" // device context (name-value pair structure in JSON format)
        let productVersion:String = "1.0.0" // the product version number
        let configFilePath = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("AirlockDefaults",ofType:"json")
        guard configFilePath != nil else {
            print("ERROR:Airlock defaults file not found")
        do {
             * Initialize Airlock with default feature values and product version.
            try Airlock.sharedInstance.loadConfiguration(configFilePath!,productVersion:productVersion)
        } catch {
            print("ERROR:Init Airlock:\(error)")
         * Asynchronously brings the new features JSON from AWS S3.
         * Updates LastPullTime
        Airlock.sharedInstance.pullFeatures({ sucess,error in
            if(!sucess) {
             * Calculate features based on Context JSON.
             * Updates LastCalculateFeatures
            do {
                try Airlock.sharedInstance.calculateFeatures(context)
            catch {
            do {
                 * Synchronize the latest calculateFeatures results with the current feature set
                 * Updates LastSyncTime
                try Airlock.sharedInstance.syncFeatures()
            } catch {


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