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backwork-backup-postgresql Build Status PyPI version

Add support for PostgreSQL backups on backwork.


This plug-in is build on top of pg_dump, so you will need to it installed.

pg_dump is part of the postgresql client.


You can use pip to install this plug-in:

$ pip install backwork-backup-postgresql


After installing the plug-in you will be able to use the backup mysql command on backwork.

backwork backup postgresql -h
usage: backwork backup postgresql [-h] [--gzip] [-o OUTPUT] -P PASSWORD

Backup a PostgreSQL database. It uses `pg_dump` so it's required to have it
installed and added to the system's PATH. You can use any of the arguments
supported by `pg_dump`. Use `pg_dump --help` for more information.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gzip                compress output file (requires gzip to be installed)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output file path
  -P PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        PostgreSQL connection password

You can pass any option that you would normally use on mysqldump:

$ backwork backup postgresql -P password --host= --username=root --port=32769 --dbname=MY_DATABASE

As shown in the --help message, there are two extra arguments you can use in your backup process --gzip and -o.

--gzip will compress the output and requires the gzip command to be available in your system.

-o OUTPUT or --output OUTPUT will save the output of pg_dump into a file.

Important: There is a conflict with the -h argument since it is reserved for the help/usage message. User --host to pass the hostname.