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Horea Porutiu edited this page Jul 20, 2018 · 6 revisions

Short Name

The Blockchain Bean - Tracking coffee across the supply chain with blockchain

Short Description

Use blockchain to digitize the supply chain of a coffee retailer

Offering Type



We have created a blockchain API is supports tracking coffee from farm to cup. In a real life example, this API can be invoked on significant events, such as when a customer is served a cup of coffee. That cup of coffee and associated metadata could then be written to the blockchain, enabling a customer to query the blockchain to retrieve personalized data about their cup of coffee.


Horea Porutiu, Spencer Krum, Michael Flores



  • link to demo video



In this Code Pattern, we will create a blockchain app that increases visibility and efficiency in the supply chain of a coffee retailer. The private keys and credentials of the blockchain application will be stored on a Cloudant database. We will use different transactions to show different possible actions for the different participants in the supply chain. This sample application will record all transactions on the IBM Blockchain Starter Kit, and enable a coffee retailer to ensure the customer that their coffee is organic and fair-trade. The Code Pattern can be useful to developers that are looking into learning more about creating applications that mimic a food trust supply chain with Hyperledger Composer.

When the reader has completed this Code Pattern, they will understand how to:

  • Interact with IBM Blockchain Starter Kit
  • Build a blockchain back-end using Hyperledger Composer
  • Create and use Cloudant NoSQL Database
  • Deploy a Cloud Foundry application that writes to the ledger


  1. The user deploys the app in IBM Cloud. The user submits transactions.
  2. The transaction is submitted to the ordering service.
  3. When the transaction conforms to the business logic, the data is written to the ledger.
  4. Another block is added to our chain on the IBM Blockchain Starter Kit for the specific channel.

Included components

  • IBM Blockchain Platform: The IBM Blockchain Platform is a flexible software-as-a-service offering delivered through the IBM Cloud, providing the performance and security for even the most demanding use cases found across regulated industries.

Featured technologies

  • Blockchain: Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger for recording the history of transactions.
  • Databases: Repository for storing and managing collections of data.
  • Cloud: Accessing computer and information technology resources through the Internet.

