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This project is a starting point for building node apps that will run on IBM Cloud functions. The project is set up for Typescript development, and has the build tools required to create a deployable bundle from your source files. You can use any project structure you like as long as everything is reachable from /src/index.ts. index.ts is a key file in this project - don't modify the main() function name or the global.main export either or your code won't run on IBM Cloud Functions!

For unit testing, this project uses Mocha/Chai and Gulp with Typescript integration. There's also an included tsconfig.json file so you can feel free to use tsc to transpile your code. Add your unit tests and simply run gulp test-unit and your test code (also written in Typescript) will be transpile and piped through Gulp.

This project uses Webpack with Typescript integration to transpile and create a deployable bundle. Simply run npm build to create a deployable build, or if you have the IBM CLI installed, run npm build-deploy and a bundle will be built and deployed using your configured CLI instance.

Have fun and feel free to contribute!

Getting Started

Simply run npm install to install all dependencies before coding.

The best way to leverage this project is to create your main class, then instantiate it and call it from within the main() function inside of index.ts. From the entry point of your main class, you can then utilize a traditional development workflow with modular code, dependency injection, and unit testing with Mocha/Chai.

Unit Testing

Add all tests under the /test folder using the format [test].spec.ts. Then simply run gulp test-unit to run your unit tests will be transpiled and executed. Currently the nyan-cat reporter is used for test output.


You can create a bundled build for your app running npm build. Once you have the IBM CLI correctly installed and configured, simply run npm run deploy to run all required ibmcloud commands to successfully deploy your new Cloud Function. If you want to do build and deploy, simply run npm build-deploy to perform both actions.


Template project for building apps in node/Typescript for IBM Cloud Functions







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