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Installing RedHat community powered Grafana operator from OperatorHub

Helene Wassmann edited this page Aug 6, 2021 · 15 revisions

Check the Grafana operator available to the OpenShift cluster from the OperatorHub:

# oc get packagemanifests -n openshift-marketplace |grep grafana
grafana-operator                                     Community Operators   34d

Create the OperatorGroup and the Subscription object in the namespace you are going to deploy a Grafana instance for a CNSA cluster:

# oc new-project grafana-for-cnsa

# oc apply -f
# oc apply -f

Check the Grafana operator have been added to the Operator Subscriptions:

# oc get subs -n grafana-for-cnsa
NAME                            PACKAGE            SOURCE                CHANNEL
grafana-operator-subscription   grafana-operator   community-operators   alpha

Alternatively you can install the Grafana operator using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

For more information check the OpenShift documentation about Adding Operators to a cluster

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