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Kafka Connect Splunk Transformer

This repository contains two transformations which can be of help when dealing with the transfer of JSON records into Splunk.


The intention of this transformer is to mimic internal Splunk transformations and configuration parameters; SOURCE_KEY, DEST_KEY, FORMAT and REGEX. This allows us to offload the processing of log messages into Kafka Connect workers. The transformer was designed to work in conjunction with Kafka Connect Sink for Splunk in which you can enable the configuration parameter to support the transfer of Kafka record header fields to Splunk metadata (e.g. index, source, sourcetype, host).

Configuration Parameters

Name Description Default Value
source.key Name of the field on which (either itself or its value) we want to apply some changes. Nested fields are also supported utilizing the dotted form, e.g. "". If the source.key parameter contains a dot (.), it is automatically considered as nested.
source.preserve An option for preserving the original source.key field in the Kafka record body when the dest.key field is specified. The source.key field can thus be left unchanged in the Kafka record body. false
dest.key If dest.key is specified, the transformation will rename source.key field to dest.key. dest.key cannot point to the same field as source.key does.
dest.toHeader Set to true if you want to put the final field (source.key or dest.key if specified) into Kafka record headers. The final field is then removed from the Kafka record body. false
regex.pattern An option to apply a regex to the value of the source.key. regex.format option needs to be specified. Capture groups are supported.
regex.format An option to apply final formatting on the source.key value. Capture groups from the regex can be used using dollar syntax e.g. $1.
regex.defaultValue An option to provide a default value for the target field, if the source.key value does not match the regex pattern. regex.pattern and regex.format must be specified.

Notes on transformer behaviour

Nested source.key

  • If the source.key parameter contains a dot (.) character, it is automatically considered as nested.
  • If the source.key is the only field nested in the parent object and the source.key is renamed by using the dest.key (source.preserve defaults to false) then the key is put into the root of the JSON message. The parent object of the source.key field is left empty, and it is not removed.
    • Example: {"nested": {"renameMe": "value"}} => {"nested": {}, "renamedKey": "value"}
  • Despite the fact that the dest.key can contain dots (.), it is in NO way considered as the nested field and its key is always processed at once without creating any nested structures.
    • Example: {"nested": {"renameMe": "value"}} => {"nested": {}, "renamed.key": "value"}
  • source.key parameter cannot point to the object. It must be the final element (field). If it points to the object, the Kafka record is returned unchanged.
    • Example: {"nested": {"renameMe": "value"}} and (source.key="nested") => unchanged Kafka record
  • regex.pattern, regex.format and regex.defaultValue are applied in place if dest.key is not specified.
    • Example: {"nested": {"key": "value"}} => {"nested": {"key": "applied format or default value"}}

Regex & format

  • java.util.regex package is used to work with regular expressions.
  • If regex.pattern is specified, but there is no match on the value of the source.key field, the regex.defaultValue is returned if it is specified. Otherwise, the Kafka record is returned unchanged (without any other transformations).

Flowchart Diagram

Flowchart Diagram


The intention of this transformer is to add filtering capabilities similar to those in Kafka Connect versions 2.6 and above using the org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.Filter transformer. For earlier versions, the KIP-585: Filter and Conditional SMTs is not yet included and org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.Filter SMT in conjuction with Predicate interface cannot be used.

Configuration Parameters

Name Description Default Value
headerKey Name of the header key. If such a header key exists in the Kafka record, the whole message will be discarded unless isNegate is set to true to reverse this condition.
isNegate Set to true to negate filtering of messages with specified headerKey. false

Example transformation

Here is an example configuration for the Splunk and Filter transformers as discussed above - the transforms field contains an ordered list of transformers you want to apply.

  "connector.class": "com.splunk.kafka.connect.SplunkSinkConnector",
  "tasks.max": "1",
  "topics": "LogDNATopic",
  "": "true",
  "splunk.hec.uri": "<SPLUNK_HEC_URIs>",
  "splunk.hec.token": "<SPLUNK_TOKEN>",

  "transforms": "my_custom_transform_1,my_custom_transform_2,discard_if_no_index_in_header",

  "transforms.my_custom_transform_1.type": "",
  "transforms.my_custom_transform_1.source.key": "source_key1",
  "transforms.my_custom_transform_1.source.preserve": true,
  "transforms.my_custom_transform_1.dest.key": "splunk.header.index",
  "transforms.my_custom_transform_1.dest.toHeader": true,
  "transforms.my_custom_transform_1.regex.pattern": "^(.*)$",
  "transforms.my_custom_transform_1.regex.format": "my_custom_$1_format",
  "transforms.my_custom_transform_1.regex.defaultValue": "my default value",

  "transforms.my_custom_transform_2.type": "",
  "transforms.my_custom_transform_2.source.key": "source_key1",
  "transforms.my_custom_transform_2.dest.key": "source_key1_renamed",

  "transforms.discard_if_no_index_in_header.type": "",
  "transforms.discard_if_no_index_in_header.headerKey": "splunk.header.index",
  "transforms.discard_if_no_index_in_header.isNegate": true
  • The configuration includes three transformations ordered in the pipeline (see transforms field).
  • The first transformation (labeled my_custom_transform_1):
    • It takes the value of the source_key1 field if it is found.
    • If the regex.pattern matches, it applies the regex.format, which results in my_custom_<value of source_key1 field>_format.
    • If the regex.pattern does not match, the regex.defaultValue is used as the value instead.
    • Since the dest.key is specified, a new field with dest.key key is created (which means splunk.header.index). The value is taken from the previous points.
    • source.preserve is set to true, so the original source.key is not removed from the Kafka record. It is left intact and available to the next transformation.
    • dest.toHeader is set to true, so newly created splunk.header.index field and its new value are moved to the Kafka record headers. The field is then removed from the Kafka record body.
  • The second transformation (labeled my_custom_transform_2):
    • It creates a new source_key1_renamed field, and it takes the value from the original source key source_key1.
    • Since source.preserve defaults to false, the original source_key1 field is removed from the Kafka record.
  • The third transformation (labeled discard_if_no_index_in_header):
    • If the header with key splunk.header.index exists in the Kafka record, the message is not discarded (because the condition is negated by isNegate set to true). If the header with key splunk.header.index does not exist in the Kafka record, the message is discarded.


Please, use Gradle version 7.0+:

gradle jar


gradle clean test

Setting up Kafka Connect worker

Worker properties

These transformers rely on the message being in JSON format and the connect worker to be configured to use JSON value and key converters. To do this, the connect worker will need to have the following properties set:


Unless you are specifying a schema, you will also need to set the following properties:


Adding transformer

In order to make the transformers available to your Kafka connect worker, place the built jar on a supported plugin path in your worker environment.


This repository contains a custom Kafka Connect transformers which support a transformation of JSON formatted Kafka records into a structure supported by Splunk.






Contributors 4

