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Loading, accessing and visualizing data from Netezza Performance server


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Loading and accessing data from Netezza Performance Server

In this code pattern, we will learn about how users and developers can load data from various sources and access them to perform research or other business-related activities using Netezza Performance Server (NPS). The parallel architecture of the Netezza database environment enables high-performance computation on large data sets, making it the ideal platform for largescale data mining applications.

In this code pattern, we will be using energy price and Australian weather station temperature and ranfall dataset and analyze the data using Jupyter Notebook using IBM Cloud Pak for Data (CP4D) platform. We will walk you through step by step on:

  1. Connecting to Netezza database
  2. Loading data to Netezza using csv file, external table, cloud object storage.
  3. Analyzing and visualizing the data loaded from NPS.



  1. User loads Jupyter notebook to IBM Cloud Pak for Data.
  2. User connect to Netezza using NZPY connector.
  3. User loads and analyzes data from Netezza Performance Server.

Included components

  • Netezza Performance Server: IBM Netezza® Performance Server for IBM Cloud Pak® for Data is an advanced data warehouse and analytics platform available both on premises and on cloud.
  • IBM Cloud Pak for Data Platform : IBM Cloud Pak® for Data is a fully-integrated data and AI platform that modernizes how businesses collect, organize and analyze data to infuse AI throughout their organizations.
  • Jupyter Notebook: An open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Create a new project in CP4D
  3. Add connection to Netezza server
  4. Load notebook to your project
  5. Install NZPY
  6. Configure NPS connection in notebook
  7. Loading or Unloading data from external source
  8. Load data from other data sources
  9. Load data from object Store
  10. Loading and analyzing Australian weather station data

1. Clone the repo

git clone

2. Create a new project in CP4D

  • Log into IBM Cloud Pak for Data and create a new project, by selecting Projects from hamburger menu and clicking New Project +.

Create new project

Then, choose Analytics project, and select Create empty project, provide the project Name and click Create.

Analytics Project

Project details

Project created

3. Add connection to Netezza server

  • From the project page select, Add to project +, choose Connection

Add connection

  • In the next screen, choose From Global tab NPS for pure analytics

NPS selection

  • Fill out the connection details, Test the connection and if it is successful, click Create.

NOTE: for database you can use system for now. We will be creating our own database and using that in our notebook.

connection details

connection created

NOTE: Save the name of the connection for later use.

4. Load notebook to your project

  • From the project page, click Add to project +, and select notebook from the options:

add notebook

  • Select From URL tab and fill in the name and provide the Notebook URL as below, and click Create notebook.

5. Install NZPY

Run the cell that contains pip install nzpy which is the only pre-requisite for this notebook. nzpy lets us connect to the server and allow us to run DDL and DML SQLs.

add notebook

6. Configure NPS connection in notebook

  • Open the notebook in edit mode, and in the cell with title Connecting to the database, provide the name of the connection that you created earlier in step 2.

  • Run that cell and the cell below and make sure you get the 10 database names. This ensures that we have successfully connected to our remote NPS server.


Add the connection detail directly into the notebook by replacing the values of the following in the connection cell.

# Setup connection and use the credentials from the connection. Replace the following values before you start

# from project_lib import Project
# project = Project.access()
# NPS_credentials = project.get_connection(name="NPS")

## OR

host="<hostname or ip>"

add notebook

7. Loading or Unloading data from external source

NOTE: Before loading or unloading the data, upload orders.tbl from the cloned repository folder by going to doc/source/data. In the project home page, on the Assets tab, click the data icon, and browse to upload the file. You will have to unzip the data locally first before you upload.

Upload data assets

nzpy also supports streaming data loads and unloads. There are quite a few variations we can do here. You can load data from local files to NPS which uses streaming transient external table with REMOTESOURCE 'ODBC' option as shown below:

with con.cursor() as cursor:
        insert into nzpy_test..ORDERS
            select * from external '/project_data/data_asset/orders.tbl'
                using (
                    delim '|' 
                    remotesource 'odbc'
                    skiprows 1)''')
    print(f"{cursor.rowcount} rows inserted")

The same also works in reverse to unload data from NPS to local files.

with con.cursor() as cursor:
      create external table '/tmp/orders.tbl'
        using (
            delim '|' 
            remotesource 'odbc'
            includeheader yes
        ) as select * from nzpy_test..orders limit 20''')    
pd.read_csv('/tmp/orders.csv', delimiter='|')

8. Load data from other data sources

Data sources, like external servers, github etc. can be used by streaming data from the source through the python data pipeline. The python code is using nzpy which read data from external sources and connect that directly to nzpy pipe via a named pipe.

Note: The named pipe method below works seamlessly on Linux and Mac. For windows win32pipe module can be used to achieve the same

Creating a pipe for all data streaming loads lets one have a thread that can push data to this pipe. The other end is connected to Netezza via an external table.

import pathlib
datapipe = pathlib.Path("/tmp/datapipe")

def create_datapipe():
    global datapipe
    if datapipe.exists():
        print(f"Cleaning prior {datapipe}")
    print(f"Initializing fifo", end='..')

import requests, shutil, subprocess, gzip

def load_published_dataset(ds):
    with open(datapipe, "wb") as pipe:
        with requests.get(ds, stream=True) as r:
            with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=r.raw) as unzip:
                shutil.copyfileobj(unzip, pipe)

Now we can use both of the above functins to load external sources and create table in NPS.

import threading

if datapipe.exists() and datapipe.is_fifo():
    print("Pipe ready")

source = ''
streamer = threading.Thread(target=load_published_dataset, args=(source,))

with con.cursor() as cursor:                            
        insert into select * from external '{datapipe}' 
            using (
                delim ','
                remotesource 'odbc'
                skiprows 1
    print(f"{cursor.rowcount} rows inserted")

9. Load data from Object Store

NPS can load and unload data from object stores like Amazon S3 and IBM Cloud object store. This works by using Netezza External Tables to read from and write to object store.

We will look into how to load and unload using AWS S3.

To load into Netezza from s3 we can use external table with AWS S3 credentials like below:

table = 'covid'
with con.cursor() as cur:
    # drop any old table
    r = cur.execute(f"select 1 from _v_table where tablename = '{table}'")
    if r.fetchall():
        cur.execute(f'drop table {table}')
    # create a table to load data
    cur.execute(f'create table {table} ({schema})')
    print(f"Table {table} created")
    # load data from object store
    insert into {table} 
        select * from external 'owid-covid-data.csv' ({schema})
        using (
            remotesource 'S3' 
            delim ','
            uniqueid 'covid' 
            accesskeyid '{os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"]}'
            secretaccesskey '{os.environ["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"]}'
            defaultregion '{os.environ["AWS_REGION"]}'
            bucketurl '{os.environ["BUCKET"]}'
            skiprows 1
    print(f"{cur.rowcount} Rows loaded")

Once thats done we can analyze the data and visualize by selecting data from NPS. Lets analyze on week over week trend on covid cases.

# Get a week over week trend
df = pd.read_sql_query('''
    select continent,
            this_week(covid_date) as wk,
            max(new_cases) as total 
    from covid 
        continent is not null and
        continent != ''
    group by wk, continent
    order by wk, continent
    ''', con,
    parse_dates = {b'WK': '%Y-%m-%d'})
df.columns = [c.decode().lower() for c in df.columns] =

Covid Cases Visualize

10. Loading and analyzing Australian weather station data

In this section, we will use Python and Netezza Performance Server, to load and analyze the data on Australian temperatures and rainfall published publically.

We will be doing following with the data: * Load data into Netezza * Filtering, transformation and analytics in database * Visualizing

  • Lets create two tables temperature created from temperatures.csv dataset and rainfall created from rainfall.csv dataset.

Australian dataset

  • The code below that you see in the cell will create two tables for us.
with con.cursor() as cursor:
    # find which of the tables already exist
    existing = { table[0] for table in cursor.execute("select lower(tablename) from _v_table where lower(tablename) in ('rainfall', 'temperature')").fetchall() }
    if 'temperature' not in existing:
        # create only if they don't
        create table temperature (
            city_name     VARCHAR(20),
            date          DATE,
            temperature   NUMERIC(8,3),
            temp_type     VARCHAR(10),
            site_name     VARCHAR(30)
        ) distribute on (city_name)
        print("Table temperature created")
    if 'rainfall' not in existing:
        create table rainfall (
            station_code  INT,
            city_name     VARCHAR(20),
            year          INT,
            month         INT,
            day           INT,
            rainfall      NUMERIC(8,3),
            period        INT,
            quality       VARCHAR(5),
            lat           NUMERIC(5,2),
            long          NUMERIC(5,2),
            station_name  VARCHAR(100)
        ) distribute on (city_name, station_code)
        print("Table rainfall created")

The following python code along with nzpy library will create a datapipe to load the temperature and rainfall data.

# load temperature rainfall data
rainfall = ""
loader = threading.Thread(target=load_published_dataset, args=(rainfall,))

with con.cursor() as cursor:
    print("Loading data", end=".. ")
    result = cursor.execute(f'''INSERT INTO rainfall SELECT * FROM EXTERNAL '{datapipe}'
                                USING (
                                    DELIMITER ','
                                    REMOTESOURCE 'odbc'
                                    NULLVALUE 'NA'
                                    SKIPROWS 1)''')
    print(f"{cursor.rowcount} rows inserted")

# load temperature data

temperature = ""

loader = threading.Thread(target=load_published_dataset, args=(temperature,))

with con.cursor() as cursor:
    print("Loading data", end=".. ")
    result = cursor.execute(f'''INSERT INTO temperature SELECT * FROM EXTERNAL '{datapipe}'
                                USING (
                                    DELIMITER ','
                                    REMOTESOURCE 'odbc'
                                    NULLVALUE 'NA'
                                    SKIPROWS 1)''')
    print(f"{cursor.rowcount} rows inserted")
  • lets analyze the data that we just loaded to NPS databse tables by grouping the temperatures across months and decades to reduce the dataset. After that visualization and further analytics can be done easily in python.
df = pd.read_sql('''
    select extract(decade from date) * 10 as decade,
           extract(month from date) as month,
           avg(temperature) as avg
        from temperature
        where city_name in ('SYDNEY', 'MELBOURNE')
        group by month, decade, city_name
        order by month
 ''', con)

df.columns = [c.decode().lower() for c in df.columns]
df.decade = df.decade.astype(int)
df.avg = df.avg.astype(float)
df.month = df.month.astype(int)

The output of the above query is shown below:

Australian dataset analyze

  • Now we can combine DataFrame with ggplot too see how average temperatures for two cities across the year stack up across all decades for the last 100 years.
import matplotlib, calendar
from plotnine import *
%matplotlib inline

( ggplot(df, aes(x='month', y='avg', group='decade', color='decade')) + geom_line() + geom_point() + 
  labs(y = "Average Temperature (°C)", x = "Month") + facet_wrap('city_name') +
   scale_color_gradient(low="blue", high="red") + 
   scale_x_discrete(labels=list(calendar.month_abbr[1:]), limits=range(12)) + 
   theme(axis_text_x=element_text(rotation=60, hjust=1))

The output of the above plotting is shown below:

Australian dataset analyze

Next Steps

At the end of this, you are now familiar with Netezza datbase and how you can use nzpy library to connect to the database, load and retireve data, analyze and visualize the data.

In the next code pattern which is part of the learning path, we will deep dive into NPS In-Database analytics functions and create machine learning models to predict and forecast energy price data set.. For this we will be using energy dataset.


This code pattern is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2. Separate third party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 (DCO) and the Apache Software License, Version 2.

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