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MiMICRI: Towards Domain-centered Counterfactual Explanations of Cardiovascular Image Classification Models

This repository is a demonstration of the MiMICRI approach proposed in the ACM FAccT 2024 paper titled:

MiMICRI: Towards Domain-centered Counterfactual Explanations of Cardiovascular Image Classification Models

mimicri is a python library of interactive visualizations for segmentation-based counterfactual generation, designed to work with the JupyterLab computational environment.


  title={MiMICRI: Towards Domain-centered Counterfactual Explanations of Cardiovascular Image Classification Models},
  author={Guo, Grace and Deng, Lifu and Tandon, Animesh and Endert, Alex and Kwon, Bum Chul},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2024 FAccT Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency},

Pre-processing Images

The MiMICRI system requires images to first be pre-processed using semantic segmentation. The demo uses the ukbb_cardiac toolbox to segment cardiac MRI images from the UK Biobank. We have pre-downloaded and segmented two cardiac MRIs from the ukbb_cardiac toolbox. They are included in the notebooks/demo_image folder. We also include a notebook (notebooks/plot_segmentation.ipynb) to view the segmentations.

The demo only includes a small subset of images. If you would like to use the full UK Biobank dataset, you must register for an account and obtain the necessary approvals.

Note that other types of medical images and segmentation methods, including manual segmentation, may be used.


Create a clean conda environment with the exact versions of the following packages:

conda create -n mimicri python=3.8 jupyterlab=3.4 ipywidgets=7.6 ipykernel=5.3

conda activate mimicri

Clone the repo locally:

git clone https://{YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN}

Navigate to your local cloned mimicri folder and install other dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt.

Ensure that the yarn package manager has been installed. If you have npm, you can do this using: npm install --global yarn

Finally, install the local mimicri package with sh ./

The package should show up when you run:

jupyter labextension list

Data Files and Running Demo Notebooks

We provide the notebook (notebooks/mimicri_demo.ipynb) to demonstrate usage of the MiMICRI modules end-to-end.

To protect the privacy of patients' healthcare data, we are unable to provide any UK BioBank patient demographic data. We also exclude any original UK BioBank files in this code repository. We have included two cardiac MRIs and segmentation files from the ukbb_cardiac toolbox. You may also provide your own cardiac MRIs and segmentation files if you would like to use a larger data set.


mimicri is a Python package that helps users generate and analyze counterfactual explanations of image classification models.







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