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Jamie Thompson edited this page Jun 24, 2019 · 2 revisions

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QRadar App JavaScript Library (qjslib)

QJSLib is a JavaScript utility library that provides functionality for QRadar apps to simplify interactions with QRadar.

How to use

Browser vs module

The build process for this project generates two seperate qappfw.js files, one in build/ and one in lib/.

The file in lib/ is not minified and designed to be bundled with your application code.

The file in build/ contains a number of polyfills and is minified to ensure compatability with older browsers, and as such is suitable for direct use from the browser.

As a module

  1. Install qjslib.
npm i qjslib
  1. Import it into your application.
import { QRadar } from "qjslib";
  1. You can now use the helper functions.
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((json) => console.log(json));

As a browser script

  1. Get the latest release of QJSLib.
  2. Download the latest tarball qjslib-(version).tgz.
  3. Extract package/build/qappfw.js.
  4. Place this file in your QRadar app, e.g. in /app/static/qappfw.js
  5. Add a reference to the file from your HTML file.
  6. The utility class QRadar is added to the global scope - and can be accessed through window.qappfw.QRadar.
  7. You can now use qjslib like this:
const QRadar = window.qappfw.QRadar

// Using traditional xmlhttprequest callback{
    path: "/api/gui_app_framework/applications",
    onComplete: function() {console.log(this.response);},
    httpMethod: "GET"

// Using modern promise based fetch
// Not using arrow functions for older browser compatability
    .then(function(response) {return response.json();})
    .then(function(json) {console.log(json);});

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