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VIRA Dialog System

This repository contains code and data to build the dialog manager of the VIRA chatbot, addressing concerns surrounding COVID-19 vaccines.


Create a Conda Environment

conda create -n vira_env python=3.9
conda activate vira_env
pip install -r requirements.txt

Setting up Access to the MongoDB Database

  1. Create a directory to store files needed to access the database:
mkdir resources/db
  1. Place in it a db_credentials.json file and a certificate.crt file. The db_credentials.json file should contain the following keys: username (string), password (string), and endpoint (list of strings). You should obtain these details as well as the certificate.crt file from your MongoDB admin/setup.

Uploading VIRA Content to the Database

The script to upload the content in resources to the db is

To run it, first define the following environment variables:

  1. BOT_WA_APIKEY: The API key of the translation service
  2. BOT_WA_URL: The url of the translation service
  3. BOT_DASHBOARD_CODE: The code required to access the evaluation dashboard (currently not active, can be left empty)
  4. BOT_KPA_HOST: The url of the KPA service in the evaluation dashboard (currently not active, can be left empty)
  5. BOT_KPA_APIKEY: The API key of the KPA service in the evaluation dashboard (currently not active, can be left empty)
  6. BOT_INTENT_CLASSIFIER_URL: The url of intent classifier (key-point matching) service of VIRA
  7. BOT_DIALOG_ACT_CLASSIFIER_URL: The url of the dialog-act service of VIRA

Then run

python -conf-canned-db

Testing VIRA in Local Environment

  1. Define an environment variable 'VIRA_API_KEY'
  2. Launch VIRA using python
  3. Test VIRA with a simple user question using python

Deploying VIRA in a Containerized Management System

Building VIRA Dialog System's Docker Image

Build a docker image using:

docker build . -t vira-system

Dokcer Configuration

Running the image requires two setup steps:

  • Passing an environment variable VIRA_API_KEY
  • Mounting the files db_credentials.json and certificate.crt to /app/resources/db/

Running Locally

Run the image using:

docker run -p 8000:8000 -it -e VIRA_API_KEY --mount type=bind,source=resources/db/db_credentials.json,target=/app/resources/db/db_credentials.json --mount type=bind,source=resources/db/certificate.crt,target=/app/resources/db/certificate.crt vira-system

Running in a Containerized Management System

  1. Build the docker as shown above.
  2. Push the image to a docker registry of choice.
  3. Setup a deployment file in which VIRA_API_KEY is defined and the files: db_credentials.json and certificate.crt are mounted to /app/resources/db/
  4. Deploy the image on your platform using a link to the image on the docker registry.


If you would like to see the detailed LICENSE click here.


The VIRA dialog system code base







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