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Score function templates for IBM Watson OpenScale

salman-khan-s edited this page Apr 29, 2024 · 12 revisions

Score function templates

IBM Watson OpenScale users need to pass these custom score functions as an input while generating common configuration package for a subscription via the notebook. This page has some templates of score functions that can be used for reference.

Input to score function:

  • The only input to the score function is the training data containing all the feature columns.
    • training_data_frame : (type: pandas.DataFrame)

Output from score function:

  • The output of the score function varies depending on the problem_type.
    • For classification problems, the output should be a tuple of (probabilities, predictions). Both probabilities and predictions are of type numpy.ndarray
    • For regression problems, the output should be a numpy.ndarray of predictions.
    • predictions: (type: numpy.ndarray)
      • The data type of this array should be same as dataset class label data type e.g. ["A", "B", "C"... ]
      • The shape of this array should be same as the length of the training_data_frame
    • probabilities: (type: numpy.ndarray)
      • Each element should be a probability vector with values between 0 and 1. e.g. [[0.50,0.20,0.15,0.15] , [0.60,0.10,0.05,20.5], .......]
      • The shape of this array should be the length of the training_data_frame x the number of unique classes in label column.

WML Model Engine:

This section provides the score function templates for model deployed in WML. There are 2 formats specified (local model , online model) and user is free to choose any of the formats .

The templates specified below are common for binary / multi-class classification cases.

Local mode

  • Model stored in WML is retrieved and loaded in local environment. This model is used to score.

Limitations of running in WML local mode:

  • If a model is trained and deployed using WML Auto AI, the local mode does not work as the right runtime used to train the model is not known
  • If a model is generated and deployed using WML Model Builder - the local mode does not work as WML python client does not support this context.
def score(training_data_frame):
        <EDIT THIS>
        # Supply the model id
        space_id = <EDIT THIS>
        model_id = <EDIT THIS>
        # Retain feature columns from user selection
        feature_columns = list(training_data_frame.columns)
        # Load the WML model in local object
        from ibm_watson_machine_learning import APIClient
        wml_client = APIClient(WML_CREDENTIALS)
        model = wml_client.repository.load(model_id)
        # Predict the training data locally 
        # Example of a spark based model ( the below set of lines to be customized based on model framework)
        from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
        spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").appName("drift").getOrCreate()
        spark_frame = spark.createDataFrame(training_data_frame)
        score_predictions = model.transform(spark_frame)
        score_predictions_pd ="*").toPandas()

        probability_column_name = <EDIT THIS>
        prediction_column_name = <EDIT THIS>
        import numpy as np
        probability_array = np.array(
            [x.tolist() for x in score_predictions_pd[probability_column_name]])
        prediction_vector = np.array(
            [x for x in score_predictions_pd[prediction_column_name]])
        return probability_array, prediction_vector
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. Error: {}".format(str(ex)))

Online Scoring

  • Please install python library ibm_watson_machine_learning using pip install ibm-watson-machine-learning. The snippets make use of the above python client to score against the online endpoint of a WML model. Please be aware that a cost will be incurred for scoring using this method.

Classification Problems

def score(training_data_frame):
    # To be filled by the user
        <EDIT THIS>
        deployment_id = <EDIT THIS>
        space_id = <EDIT THIS>

        # The data type of the label column and prediction column should be same .
        # User needs to make sure that label column and prediction column array 
        # should have the same unique class labels
        # edit these if your prediction column has different name or if the model has any meta columns
        prediction_column_name = "prediction"
        probability_column_name = "probability"
        label_column_name = "label"
        meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]
        if meta_columns and not (isinstance(meta_columns, list)):
            raise ValueError("Meta columns are of incorrect type. Need to be of type list of strings.")

        training_df = training_data_frame.copy()
        meta_payload = {}
        cols_to_remove = [label_column_name]
        # Prepare meta payload values if meta columns are available in dataframe
        if meta_columns and all(col in training_data_frame.columns for col in meta_columns):
            meta_df = training_df[meta_columns].copy()
            meta_df = meta_df.fillna('')
            meta_fields = meta_df.columns.tolist()
            meta_values = meta_df[meta_fields].values.tolist()    
            meta_payload = {
            "fields": meta_fields,
            "values": meta_values

        # Removing the meta columns from the dataframe
        for col in cols_to_remove:
            if col in training_df.columns:
                del training_df[col]
        # Read the feature columns for scoring
        fields = training_df.columns.tolist()
        values = training_df[fields].values.tolist()

        payload_scoring = {"input_data": [{"fields": fields, "values": values, "meta":meta_payload}]}

        # Load the WML model in local object
        from ibm_watson_machine_learning import APIClient
        wml_client = APIClient(WML_CREDENTIALS)

        score = wml_client.deployments.score(deployment_id, payload_scoring)
        score_predictions = score.get("predictions")[0]

        prob_col_index = list(score_predictions.get("fields")).index(probability_column_name)
        predict_col_index = list(score_predictions.get("fields")).index(prediction_column_name)

        if prob_col_index < 0 or predict_col_index < 0:
            raise Exception("Missing prediction/probability column in the scoring response")
        import numpy as np
        probability_array = np.array([value[prob_col_index] for value in score_predictions.get("values")])
        prediction_vector = np.array([value[predict_col_index] for value in score_predictions.get("values")])

        return probability_array, prediction_vector
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. Error: {}".format(str(ex)))

Regression Problems

def score(training_data_frame):
    # To be filled by the user
        <EDIT THIS>
        deployment_id = <EDIT THIS>
        space_id = <EDIT THIS>

        # edit this if your prediction column has different name or if the model has any meta columns
        prediction_column_name = "prediction"
        label_column_name = "label"
        meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]
        if meta_columns and not (isinstance(meta_columns, list)):
            raise ValueError("Meta columns are of incorrect type. Need to be of type list of strings.")

        training_df = training_data_frame.copy()
        meta_payload = {}
        cols_to_remove = [label_column_name]
        # Prepare meta payload values if meta columns are available in dataframe
        if meta_columns and all(col in training_data_frame.columns for col in meta_columns):
            meta_df = training_df[meta_columns].copy()
            meta_df = meta_df.fillna('')
            meta_fields = meta_df.columns.tolist()
            meta_values = meta_df[meta_fields].values.tolist()    
            meta_payload = {
            "fields": meta_fields,
            "values": meta_values

        # Removing the meta columns from the dataframe
        for col in cols_to_remove:
            if col in training_df.columns:
                del training_df[col]
        # Read the feature columns for scoring
        fields = training_df.columns.tolist()
        values = training_df[fields].values.tolist()

        payload_scoring = {"input_data": [{"fields": fields, "values": values, "meta":meta_payload}]}

        # Load the WML model in local object
        from ibm_watson_machine_learning import APIClient
        wml_client = APIClient(WML_CREDENTIALS)

        score = wml_client.deployments.score(deployment_id, payload_scoring)
        score_predictions = score.get("predictions")[0]

        predict_col_index = list(score_predictions.get("fields")).index(prediction_column_name)
        if predict_col_index < 0:
            raise Exception("Missing prediction column in the scoring response")
        import numpy as np
        prediction_vector = np.array([value[predict_col_index] for value in score_predictions.get("values")])

        return prediction_vector
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. Error: {}".format(str(ex)))

Azure Model Engine

Azure Studio

This section provides the score function templates for model deployed in Azure Model Engine. User needs to consider that online scoring endpoints of Azure Studio will be used. Please be aware that a cost will be incurred for scoring using this method.

Following examples are provided for two kinds of endpoints:

  • with workspaces in scoring url. Example:<workspace_id>/services/<service_id>/execute?api-version=2.0&details=true
  • with subscriptions in scoring url. Example:<subscription_id>/services/<service_id>/execute?api-version=2.0&format=swagger

Depending on the selected endpoint, request and response schema changes. If you have a different schema for your request and response from scoring url, please adjust the following code snippets accordingly.

Binary Classification Problems

For workspaces based scoring url
def get_scoring_request(training_data_frame):
    input_values = training_data_frame.values.tolist()
    feature_columns = list(training_data_frame.columns)

    # Payload
    payload = {
        "Inputs": {
            "input1": {
                "ColumnNames": feature_columns,
                "Values": input_values
        "GlobalParameters": {}

    return payload

def get_prediction_probability_using_scoring_response(
    response, prediction_column, probability_column):

    # # assumed response json structure
    # {
    #     "Results": {
    #         "output1": {
    #             "type": "DataTable",
    #             "value": {
    #                 "ColumnNames": [
    #                 ],
    #                 "ColumnTypes": [
    #                 ],
    #                 "Values": [
    #                     [],
    #                     []
    #                 ]
    #             }
    #         }
    #     }
    # }

    results = response.json()["Results"]["output1"]["value"]

    prob_col_index = list(results.get('ColumnNames')).index(probability_column)
    predict_col_index = list(results.get('ColumnNames')).index(prediction_column)

    if prob_col_index < 0 or predict_col_index < 0:
        raise Exception("Missing prediction/probability column in the scoring response")

    # Get Score label from first entry
    first_entry = results.get('Values')[0]
    score_label = first_entry[predict_col_index]

    score_prob_1 = float(first_entry[prob_col_index])
    main_label = True
    if score_prob_1 < 0.5:
        #The score label is not main label of interest
        main_label = False

    output = [[value[predict_col_index], 1 - float(value[prob_col_index]) if \
        (value[predict_col_index] == score_label and not main_label) else \
            float(value[prob_col_index])] for value in results.get('Values')]

    import numpy as np
    # Construct predicted_label array
    predicted_vector = np.array([value[0] for value in output])

    # Construct probabilities array
    probability_array = np.array([[value[1],(1-value[1])] for value in output])

    return probability_array, predicted_vector

def score(training_data_frame):

    # edit these if your prediction and probability column have different names
    prediction_column_name = "Scored Labels"
    probability_column_name = "Scored Probabilities"

    cols_to_remove = []
    # edit these if your training dataframe contains label column
    label_column = "TO_BE_EDITED"

    # edit these if your training dataframe contains meta columns
    meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]

    # Removing the meta columns/label column from the feature_columns
    feature_cols = [col for col in training_data_frame.columns if col not in cols_to_remove]

        payload = get_scoring_request(training_data_frame=training_data_frame[feature_cols])

        import requests
        response =
                "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token)
        if not response.ok:
            raise Exception(str(response.content))

        return get_prediction_probability_using_scoring_response(
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. {}".format(str(ex)))
For subscriptions based scoring url
def get_scoring_request(training_data_frame):
    input_data = training_data_frame.to_json(orient="records")

    # Payload
    import json
    payload = {
        "Inputs": {
            "input1": json.loads(input_data)
        "GlobalParameters": {}

    return payload

def get_prediction_probability_using_scoring_response(
    response, prediction_column, probability_column):

    # # assumed response json structure
    # {
    #     "Results": {
    #         "output1": [
    #             {
    #                 "age": "28",
    #                 "workclass": "Private",
    #                 "education": "Masters",
    #                 "marital-status": "Married-civ-spouse",
    #                 "occupation": "Adm-clerical",
    #                 "relationship": "Wife",
    #                 "race": "White",
    #                 "sex": "Male",
    #                 "capital-gain": "0",
    #                 "capital-loss": "0",
    #                 "hours-per-week": "10",
    #                 "native-country": "United-States",
    #                 "Scored Labels": "<=50K",
    #                 "Scored Probabilities": "0.189918905496597"
    #             }
    #         ]
    #     }
    # }

    results = response.json()["Results"]["output1"]

    # Get Score label from first entry
    first_entry = results[0]
    score_label = first_entry[prediction_column]

    score_prob_1 = float(first_entry[probability_column])
    main_label = True
    if score_prob_1 < 0.5:
        #The score label is not main label of interest
        main_label = False

    output = [[value[prediction_column], 1 - float(value[probability_column]) if \
        (value[prediction_column] == score_label and not main_label) else \
            float(value[probability_column])] for value in results]

    import numpy as np
    predicted_vector = np.array([value[0] for value in output])
    probability_array = np.array([[value[1],(1-value[1])] for value in output])

    return probability_array, predicted_vector

def score(training_data_frame):

    # edit these if your prediction and probability column have different names
    prediction_column_name = "Scored Labels"
    probability_column_name = "Scored Probabilities"

    cols_to_remove = []
    # edit these if your training dataframe contains label column
    label_column = "TO_BE_EDITED"

    # edit these if your training dataframe contains meta columns
    meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]

    # Removing the meta columns/label column from the feature_columns
    feature_cols = [col for col in training_data_frame.columns if col not in cols_to_remove]

        payload = get_scoring_request(training_data_frame=training_data_frame[feature_cols])

        import requests
        response =
                "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token)
        if not response.ok:
            raise Exception(str(response.content))

        return get_prediction_probability_using_scoring_response(
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. {}".format(str(ex)))

Multi-class Classification Problems

For workspaces based scoring url
def get_scoring_request(training_data_frame):
    input_values = training_data_frame.values.tolist()
    feature_columns = list(training_data_frame.columns)

    # Payload
    payload = {
        "Inputs": {
            "input1": {
                "ColumnNames": feature_columns,
                "Values": input_values
        "GlobalParameters": {}

    return payload

def get_prediction_probability_using_scoring_response(
    response, prediction_column, probability_column):

    # # assumed response json structure
    # {
    #     "Results": {
    #         "output1": {
    #             "type": "DataTable",
    #             "value": {
    #                 "ColumnNames": [
    #                 ],
    #                 "ColumnTypes": [
    #                 ],
    #                 "Values": [
    #                     [],
    #                     []
    #                 ]
    #             }
    #         }
    #     }
    # }

    results = response.json()["Results"]["output1"]["value"]
    result_column_names = list(results.get('ColumnNames'))

    predict_col_index = result_column_names.index(prediction_column)
    prob_col_indexes = [result_column_names.index(column_name) for column_name in result_column_names \
        if column_name.startswith(probability_column, 0)]

    # Compute for all values
    score_label_list = []
    score_prob_list = []

    for value in results.get("Values"):

        #Construct prob
        score_prob_values = [float(value[index]) for index in range(len(value)) \
            if index in prob_col_indexes]

    import numpy as np
    # Construct predicted_label bucket
    predicted_vector = np.array(score_label_list)

    # Scored probabilities
    probability_array = np.array(score_prob_list)

    return probability_array, predicted_vector

def score(training_data_frame):

    # edit these if your prediction and probability column have different names/prefixes
    prediction_column_name = "Scored Labels"
    probability_column_prefix = "Scored Probabilities"

    cols_to_remove = []
    # edit these if your training dataframe contains label column
    label_column = "TO_BE_EDITED"

    # edit these if your training dataframe contains meta columns
    meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]

    # Removing the meta columns/label column from the feature_columns
    feature_cols = [col for col in training_data_frame.columns if col not in cols_to_remove]

        payload = get_scoring_request(training_data_frame=training_data_frame[feature_cols])

        import requests
        response =
                "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token)
        if not response.ok:
            raise Exception(str(response.content))

        return get_prediction_probability_using_scoring_response(
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. {}".format(str(ex)))
For subscriptions based scoring url
def get_scoring_request(training_data_frame):
    input_data = training_data_frame.to_json(orient="records")

    # Payload
    import json
    payload = {
        "Inputs": {
            "input1": json.loads(input_data)
        "GlobalParameters": {}

    return payload

def get_prediction_probability_using_scoring_response(
    response, prediction_column, probability_column):

    # # assumed response json structure
    # {
    #     "Results": {
    #         "output1": [
    #             {
    #                 "age": "28",
    #                 "workclass": "Private",
    #                 "education": "Masters",
    #                 "marital-status": "Married-civ-spouse",
    #                 "occupation": "Adm-clerical",
    #                 "relationship": "Wife",
    #                 "race": "White",
    #                 "sex": "Male",
    #                 "capital-gain": "0",
    #                 "capital-loss": "0",
    #                 "hours-per-week": "10",
    #                 "native-country": "United-States",
    #                 "Scored Labels": "<=50K",
    #                 "Scored Probabilities for class <=50K": 0.81,
    #                 "Scored Probabilities for class >50K": 0.19 
    #             }
    #         ]
    #     }
    # }

    results = response.json()["Results"]["output1"]

    # Compute for all values
    score_label_list = []
    score_prob_list = []

    for value in results:

        #Construct prob
        score_prob_values = [float(prob) for key,prob in value.items() \
              if key.startswith(probability_column, 0)]

    import numpy as np
    #Construct predicted_label bucket
    predicted_vector = np.array(score_label_list)

    #Scored probabilities
    probability_array = np.array(score_prob_list)

    return probability_array, predicted_vector

def score(training_data_frame):

    # edit these if your prediction and probability column have different names/prefixes
    prediction_column_name = "Scored Labels"
    probability_column_prefix = "Scored Probabilities"

    cols_to_remove = []
    # edit these if your training dataframe contains label column
    label_column = "TO_BE_EDITED"

    # edit these if your training dataframe contains meta columns
    meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]

    # Removing the meta columns/label column from the feature_columns
    feature_cols = [col for col in training_data_frame.columns if col not in cols_to_remove]

        payload = get_scoring_request(training_data_frame=training_data_frame[feature_cols])

        import requests
        response =
                "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token)
        if not response.ok:
            raise Exception(str(response.content))

        return get_prediction_probability_using_scoring_response(
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. {}".format(str(ex)))

Regression Problems

For workspaces based scoring url
def score(training_data_frame):

    # edit this if your prediction has different names
    prediction_column_name = "Scored Labels"

    cols_to_remove = []
    # edit these if your training dataframe contains label column
    label_column = "TO_BE_EDITED"

    # edit these if your training dataframe contains meta columns
    meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]

    # Removing the meta columns/label column from the feature_columns
    feature_cols = [col for col in training_data_frame.columns if col not in cols_to_remove]

        input_values = training_data_frame[feature_cols].values.tolist()

        # Payload
        import requests
        from datetime import datetime, timedelta

        payload = {
            "Inputs": {
                "input1": {
                    "ColumnNames": feature_cols,
                    "Values": input_values
            "GlobalParameters": {}

        headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}
        start = datetime.utcnow()
        response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
        if not response.ok:
            raise Exception(str(response.content))

        response_time = (datetime.utcnow() - start).total_seconds() * 1000

        # assumed response json structure
        # {
        #     "Results": {
        #         "output1": {
        #         "type": "DataTable",
        #         "value": {
        #             "ColumnNames": [
        #             ],
        #             "ColumnTypes": [
        #             ],
        #             "Values": [
        #                 [],[]
        #             ]
        #         }
        #         }
        #     }
        # }
        # If your scoring response does not match above schema, 
        # please modify below code to extract prediction and probabilities array

        # Extract results
        results = response.json()["Results"]["output1"]["value"]
        result_column_names = list(results.get("ColumnNames"))

        predict_col_index = result_column_names.index(prediction_column_name)

        # Compute for all values
        score_label_list = []
        for value in results.get("Values"):

        import numpy as np
        # Construct predicted_label bucket
        predicted_vector = np.array(score_label_list)

        return predicted_vector
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. {}".format(str(ex)))
For subscriptions based scoring url
def get_prediction_using_scoring_response(
    response, prediction_column):

    # # assumed response json structure
    # {
    #     "Results": {
    #         "output1": [
    #             {
    #                 "age": "28",
    #                 "workclass": "Private",
    #                 "education": "Masters",
    #                 "marital-status": "Married-civ-spouse",
    #                 "occupation": "Adm-clerical",
    #                 "relationship": "Wife",
    #                 "race": "White",
    #                 "sex": "Male",
    #                 "capital-gain": "0",
    #                 "capital-loss": "0",
    #                 "hours-per-week": "10",
    #                 "native-country": "United-States",
    #                 "Scored Labels": "10000",
    #             }
    #         ]
    #     }
    # }

    results = response.json()["Results"]["output1"]

    import numpy as np
    import warnings
    prediction_vector = np.array([value[prediction_column] for value in results])

    if (np.issubdtype(prediction_vector.dtype, np.str_)) or (np.issubdtype(prediction_vector.dtype, np.object_)):
        warnings.warn("The predictions for the regression problem are strings. Converting them to floats.")
        prediction_vector = prediction_vector.astype(float)

    return prediction_vector

def score(training_data_frame):

    # edit these if your prediction column has different name
    prediction_column_name = "Scored Labels"

    cols_to_remove = []
    # edit these if your training dataframe contains label column
    label_column = "TO_BE_EDITED"

    # edit these if your training dataframe contains meta columns
    meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]

    # Removing the meta columns/label column from the feature_columns
    feature_cols = [col for col in training_data_frame.columns if col not in cols_to_remove]

        import json
        import requests

        input_data = training_data_frame[feature_cols].to_json(orient="records")
        payload = {
            "Inputs": {
                "input1": json.loads(input_data)
            "GlobalParameters": {}

        response =
                "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token)
        if not response.ok:
            raise Exception(str(response.content))

        return get_prediction_using_scoring_response(
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. {}".format(str(ex)))

Azure ML Service

This section provides the score function templates for model deployed in Azure ML Service. User needs to consider that online scoring endpoints of Azure ML Service will be used. Please be aware that a cost will be incurred for scoring using this method.

Classification Problems

def score(training_data_frame):
    az_scoring_uri = <EDIT THIS>
    api_key = <DEPLOYMENT API KEY>

    # edit these if your prediction and probability column have different names
    prediction_column_name = "Scored Labels"
    probability_column_name = "Scored Probabilities"

    cols_to_remove = []
    # edit these if your training dataframe contains label column
    label_column = "TO_BE_EDITED"

    # edit these if your training dataframe contains meta columns
    meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]

    # Removing the meta columns/label column from the feature_columns
    feature_cols = [col for col in training_data_frame.columns if col not in cols_to_remove]

        input_values = training_data_frame[feature_cols].values.tolist()
        input_data = [{field: value  for field,value in zip(feature_cols, input_value)} for input_value in input_values]

        payload = {
            "input": input_data

        import requests
        import json
        import numpy as np
        import time

        headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json",  "Authorization":("Bearer "+ api_key)}
        start_time = time.time()  
        response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
        if not response.ok:
            raise Exception(str(response.content))

        response_time = int((time.time() - start_time)*1000)

        # assumed response json structure
        # {
        #     "output": [
        #         {
        #             "Scored Labels": "Risk",
        #             "Scored Probabilities": []
        #         }
        #     ]
        # }
        # If your scoring response does not match above schema, 
        # please modify below code to extract prediction and probabilities array

        response_dict = json.loads(response.json())
        output = response_dict["output"]

        # Compute for all values
        score_label_list = []
        score_prob_list = []
        for value in output:

        return np.array(score_prob_list), np.array(score_label_list)
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. {}".format(str(ex)))

Regression Problems

def score(training_data_frame):
    az_scoring_uri = <EDIT THIS>
    api_key = <DEPLOYMENT API KEY>

    # edit this if your prediction column has different name
    prediction_column_name = "Scored Labels"

    cols_to_remove = []
    # edit these if your training dataframe contains label column
    label_column = "TO_BE_EDITED"

    # edit these if your training dataframe contains meta columns
    meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]

    # Removing the meta columns/label column from the feature_columns
    feature_cols = [col for col in training_data_frame.columns if col not in cols_to_remove]

        input_values = training_data_frame[feature_cols].values.tolist()
        input_data = [{field: value  for field,value in zip(feature_cols, input_value)} for input_value in input_values]

        payload = {
            "input": input_data

        import requests
        import json
        import numpy as np
        import time

        headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json",  "Authorization":("Bearer "+ api_key)}
        start_time = time.time()  
        response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
        if not response.ok:
            raise Exception(str(response.content))

        response_time = int((time.time() - start_time)*1000)

        # assumed response json structure
        # {
        #     "output": [
        #         {
        #             "Scored Labels": 123
        #         }
        #     ]
        # }
        # If your scoring response does not match above schema, 
        # please modify below code to extract prediction and probabilities array

        response_dict = json.loads(response.json())
        output = response_dict["output"]

        # Compute for all values
        score_label_list = []
        for value in output:

        return np.array(score_label_list)
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. {}".format(str(ex)))

AWS SageMaker Model Engine

This section provides the score function templates for for model deployed in AWS SageMaker Model Engine. User needs to consider that online scoring endpoints of SageMaker will be used. Please be aware that a cost will be incurred for scoring using this method.

The below snippets are created with an assumption that input datasets are one hot encoded for categorical columns and label-encoded for label column

Binary Classification Problems

def score(training_data_frame):
        "access_key_id": <EDIT THIS>,
        "secret_access_key": <EDIT THIS>,
        "region": <EDIT THIS>

    # User input needed
    endpoint_name = <EDIT THIS>

    # edit these if your prediction and probability column have different names
    prediction_column_name = "predicted_label"
    probability_column_name = "score"

    cols_to_remove = []
    # edit these if your training dataframe contains label column
    label_column = "TO_BE_EDITED"

    # edit these if your training dataframe contains meta columns
    meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]

    # Removing the meta columns/label column from the feature_columns
    feature_cols = [col for col in training_data_frame.columns if col not in cols_to_remove]

        access_id = SAGEMAKER_CREDENTIALS.get("access_key_id")
        secret_key = SAGEMAKER_CREDENTIALS.get("secret_access_key")
        region = SAGEMAKER_CREDENTIALS.get("region")

        # Covert the training data frames to bytes
        import io
        import numpy as np
        train_df_bytes = io.BytesIO()
        np.savetxt(train_df_bytes, training_data_frame[feature_cols].values, delimiter=",", fmt="%g")
        payload_data = train_df_bytes.getvalue().decode().rstrip()

        # Score the training data
        import requests
        import time
        import json
        import boto3

        runtime = boto3.client("sagemaker-runtime", region_name=region, aws_access_key_id=access_id, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key)
        start_time = time.time()

        response = runtime.invoke_endpoint(EndpointName=endpoint_name, ContentType="text/csv", Body=payload_data)
        if not(("ResponseMetadata" in response) and ("HTTPStatusCode" in response["ResponseMetadata"]) and (response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == 200)):
            raise Exception(str(response))

        response_time = int((time.time() - start_time)*1000)
        results_decoded = json.loads(response["Body"].read().decode())

        # Extract the details
        results = results_decoded["predictions"]

        predicted_label_list = []
        score_prob_list = []

        for result in results :
            # Please note probability always to belongs to the same class label

        import numpy as np
        predicted_vector = np.array(predicted_label_list)
        probability_array = np.array([[prob, 1-prob] for prob in score_prob_list])

        return probability_array, predicted_vector
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. {}".format(str(ex)))

Multi-class Classification Problems

def score(training_data_frame):
        "access_key_id": <EDIT THIS>,
        "secret_access_key": <EDIT THIS>,
        "region": <EDIT THIS>
    # User input needed
    endpoint_name = <EDIT THIS>

    # edit these if your prediction and probability column have different names
    prediction_column_name = "predicted_label"
    probability_column_name = "score"

    cols_to_remove = []
    # edit these if your training dataframe contains label column
    label_column = "TO_BE_EDITED"

    # edit these if your training dataframe contains meta columns
    meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]

    # Removing the meta columns/label column from the feature_columns
    feature_cols = [col for col in training_data_frame.columns if col not in cols_to_remove]

        access_id = SAGEMAKER_CREDENTIALS.get("access_key_id")
        secret_key = SAGEMAKER_CREDENTIALS.get("secret_access_key")
        region = SAGEMAKER_CREDENTIALS.get("region")
        # Convert the training data frames to bytes
        import io
        import numpy as np
        train_df_bytes = io.BytesIO()
        np.savetxt(train_df_bytes, training_data_frame[feature_cols].values, delimiter=",", fmt="%g")
        payload_data = train_df_bytes.getvalue().decode().rstrip()

        # Score the training data
        import requests
        import time
        import json
        import boto3

        runtime = boto3.client("sagemaker-runtime", region_name=region, aws_access_key_id=access_id, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key)
        start_time = time.time()

        response = runtime.invoke_endpoint(EndpointName=endpoint_name, ContentType="text/csv", Body=payload_data)
        if not(("ResponseMetadata" in response) and ("HTTPStatusCode" in response["ResponseMetadata"]) and (response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == 200)):
            raise Exception(str(response))

        response_time = int((time.time() - start_time)*1000)
        results_decoded = json.loads(response["Body"].read().decode())

        # Extract the details
        results = results_decoded["predictions"]

        predicted_vector_list = []
        probability_array_list = []

        for value in results:

        # Convert to numpy arrays
        probability_array = np.array(probability_array_list)
        predicted_vector = np.array(predicted_vector_list)

        return probability_array, predicted_vector
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. {}".format(str(ex)))

Regression Problems

def score(training_data_frame):
        "access_key_id": <EDIT THIS>,
        "secret_access_key": <EDIT THIS>,
        "region": <EDIT THIS>
    # User input needed
    endpoint_name = <EDIT THIS>

    # edit this if your prediction column has different name
    prediction_column_name = "score"

    cols_to_remove = []
    # edit these if your training dataframe contains label column
    label_column = "TO_BE_EDITED"

    # edit these if your training dataframe contains meta columns
    meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]

    # Removing the meta columns/label column from the feature_columns
    feature_cols = [col for col in training_data_frame.columns if col not in cols_to_remove]

        access_id = SAGEMAKER_CREDENTIALS.get("access_key_id")
        secret_key = SAGEMAKER_CREDENTIALS.get("secret_access_key")
        region = SAGEMAKER_CREDENTIALS.get("region")
        # Convert the training data frames to bytes
        import io
        import numpy as np
        train_df_bytes = io.BytesIO()
        np.savetxt(train_df_bytes, training_data_frame[feature_cols].values, delimiter=",", fmt="%g")
        payload_data = train_df_bytes.getvalue().decode().rstrip()

        # Score the training data
        import requests
        import time
        import json
        import boto3

        runtime = boto3.client("sagemaker-runtime", region_name=region, aws_access_key_id=access_id, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key)
        start_time = time.time()

        response = runtime.invoke_endpoint(EndpointName=endpoint_name, ContentType="text/csv", Body=payload_data)
        if not(("ResponseMetadata" in response) and ("HTTPStatusCode" in response["ResponseMetadata"]) and (response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == 200)):
            raise Exception(str(response))

        response_time = int((time.time() - start_time)*1000)
        results_decoded = json.loads(response["Body"].read().decode())

        # Extract the details
        results = results_decoded["predictions"]

        predicted_vector_list = []
        for value in results:

        # Convert to numpy arrays
        predicted_vector = np.array(predicted_vector_list)

        return predicted_vector
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. {}".format(str(ex)))

SPSS Model Engine

This section provides the score function template for model deployed in SPSS model engine. The online scoring end point of custom engine will be used for scoring. Please be aware that a cost will be incurred for scoring using this method.

Classification Problems

def score(training_data_frame):
        "username": <EDIT THIS>,
        "password": <EDIT THIS>
    # To be filled by the user - model scoring url
    scoring_url = <EDIT THIS>
    # "id" - Identifier for the scoring configuration being used to generate scores   
    scoring_id = <EDIT THIS>

    # edit these if your prediction and probability column have different prefixes
    prediction_column_prefix = "$N-"
    probability_column_prefix = "$NP-"

    cols_to_remove = []
    # edit these if your training dataframe contains label column
    label_column = "TO_BE_EDITED"

    # edit these if your training dataframe contains meta columns
    meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]

    # Removing the meta columns/label column from the feature_columns
    feature_cols = [col for col in training_data_frame.columns if col not in cols_to_remove]

        training_data_dict = training_data_frame[feature_cols].to_dict(orient="records")
        request_input_row = [{"input": [{"name": key, "value": value} for key, value in json.items()]} \
            for json in training_data_dict]

        payload_scoring = {
            "id": scoring_id,
            "requestInputTable": [{
                "requestInputRow": request_input_row

        # Retain username and password for custom
        username = SPSS_CREDENTIALS.get("username")
        password =  SPSS_CREDENTIALS.get("password")

        import requests
        import time
        import json
        import numpy as np

        start_time = time.time()
        response =, json=payload_scoring, auth=(username, password))
        if not response.ok:
            error_msg = "Scoring failed : " + str(response.status_code)
            if response.content is not None:
                error_msg = error_msg + ", " + response.content.decode("utf-8")
            raise Exception(error_msg)

        response_time = int((time.time() - start_time)*1000)

        # Convert response to dict
        score_predictions = json.loads(response.text)
        output_column_names = list(score_predictions.get("columnNames")["name"])

        # identify prediction and probability column names
        probability_column_names = [item for item in output_column_names \
            if item.startswith(probability_column_prefix)]
        if len(probability_column_names) == 0:
            raise Exception("No probability column found. Please specify probability column name.")

        prediction_column_name = [item for item in output_column_names \
            if item.startswith(prediction_column_prefix)]
        if len(prediction_column_name) != 1:
            raise Exception(
                "Either no prediction column found or more than one is found. Please specify prediction column name.")
        prediction_column_name = prediction_column_name[0]

        # identify prediction and probability column indexes
        prob_col_indexes = [output_column_names.index(prob_col_name) for prob_col_name in probability_column_names]
        predict_col_index = output_column_names.index(prediction_column_name)

        if len(prob_col_indexes) == 0 or predict_col_index < 0:
            raise Exception("Missing prediction/probability column in the scoring response")

        probability_array = []
        prediction_vector = []

        for value in score_predictions.get("rowValues"):
            response_prediction = value["value"][predict_col_index]["value"]
            response_prob_array = []
            for prob_col_index in prob_col_indexes:
        import numpy as np
        probability_array = np.array(probability_array)
        prediction_vector = np.array(prediction_vector)

        return probability_array,prediction_vector
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. {}".format(str(ex)))

Regression Problems

def score(training_data_frame):
        "username": <EDIT THIS>,
        "password": <EDIT THIS>
    # To be filled by the user - model scoring url
    scoring_url = <EDIT THIS>
    # "id" - Identifier for the scoring configuration being used to generate scores   
    scoring_id = <EDIT THIS>

    # edit this if your prediction column has different prefix
    prediction_column_prefix = "$N-"

    cols_to_remove = []
    # edit these if your training dataframe contains label column
    label_column = "TO_BE_EDITED"

    # edit these if your training dataframe contains meta columns
    meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]

    # Removing the meta columns/label column from the feature_columns
    feature_cols = [col for col in training_data_frame.columns if col not in cols_to_remove]

        training_data_dict = training_data_frame[feature_cols].to_dict(orient="records")
        request_input_row = [{"input": [{"name": key, "value": value} for key, value in json.items()]} \
            for json in training_data_dict]

        payload_scoring = {
            "id": scoring_id,
            "requestInputTable": [{
                "requestInputRow": request_input_row

        # Retain username and password for custom
        username = SPSS_CREDENTIALS.get("username")
        password =  SPSS_CREDENTIALS.get("password")

        import requests
        import time
        import json
        import numpy as np

        start_time = time.time()
        response =, json=payload_scoring, auth=(username, password))
        if not response.ok:
            error_msg = "Scoring failed : " + str(response.status_code)
            if response.content is not None:
                error_msg = error_msg + ", " + response.content.decode("utf-8")
            raise Exception(error_msg)

        response_time = int((time.time() - start_time)*1000)

        # Convert response to dict
        score_predictions = json.loads(response.text)
        output_column_names = list(score_predictions.get("columnNames")["name"])

        # identify prediction column name
        prediction_column_name = [item for item in output_column_names \
            if item.startswith(prediction_column_prefix)]
        if len(prediction_column_name) != 1:
            raise Exception(
                "Either no prediction column found or more than one is found. Please specify prediction column name.")
        prediction_column_name = prediction_column_name[0]

        # identify prediction column index
        predict_col_index = output_column_names.index(prediction_column_name)

        if predict_col_index < 0:
            raise Exception("Missing prediction column in the scoring response")

        prediction_vector = []
        for value in score_predictions.get("rowValues"):
            response_prediction = value["value"][predict_col_index]["value"]

        import numpy as np
        prediction_vector = np.array(prediction_vector)
        import warnings
        if np.issubdtype(prediction_vector.dtype, np.str_):
            warnings.warn("The predictions for the regression problem are strings. Converting them to floats.")
            prediction_vector = prediction_vector.astype(float)

        return prediction_vector
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. {}".format(str(ex)))

Custom Model Engine

This section provides the score function template for model deployed in a custom engine. The online scoring end point of custom engine will be used for scoring. Please be aware that a cost will be incurred for scoring using this method.

Classification Problems

def score(training_data_frame):
        "url": <EDIT THIS>,
        "username": <EDIT THIS>,
        "password": <EDIT THIS>
    # To be filled by the user - model scoring url
    scoring_url = <EDIT THIS>

    # The data type of the label column and prediction column should be same .
    # User needs to make sure that label column and prediction column array 
    # should have the same unique class labels
    prediction_column_name = <EDIT THIS>
    probability_column_name = <EDIT THIS>

    cols_to_remove = []
    # edit these if your training dataframe contains label column
    label_column = "TO_BE_EDITED"

    # edit these if your training dataframe contains meta columns
    meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]

    # Removing the meta columns/label column from the feature_columns
    feature_cols = [col for col in training_data_frame.columns if col not in cols_to_remove]

        training_data_rows = training_data_frame[feature_cols].values.tolist()

        payload_scoring = {
            "fields": feature_cols,
            "values": [x for x in training_data_rows]

        # Retain username and password for custom
        username = CUSTOM_ENGINE_CREDENTIALS.get("username")
        password =  CUSTOM_ENGINE_CREDENTIALS.get("password")

        import requests
        import time

        start_time = time.time()
        response =, json=payload_scoring, auth=(username, password))
        if not response.ok:
            raise Exception(str(response.content))

        response_time = int((time.time() - start_time)*1000)

        # Convert response to dict
        import json
        score_predictions = json.loads(response.text)

        prob_col_index = list(score_predictions.get("fields")).index(probability_column_name)
        predict_col_index = list(score_predictions.get("fields")).index(prediction_column_name)

        if prob_col_index < 0 or predict_col_index < 0:
            raise Exception("Missing prediction/probability column in the scoring response")

        import numpy as np
        probability_array = np.array([value[prob_col_index] for value in score_predictions.get("values")])
        prediction_vector = np.array([value[predict_col_index] for value in score_predictions.get("values")])

        return probability_array,prediction_vector
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. {}".format(str(ex)))

Regression Problems

def score(training_data_frame):
        "url": <EDIT THIS>,
        "username": <EDIT THIS>,
        "password": <EDIT THIS>
    # To be filled by the user - model scoring url
    scoring_url = <EDIT THIS>

    # The data type of the label column and prediction column should be same .
    # User needs to make sure that label column and prediction column array 
    # should have the same unique class labels
    prediction_column_name = <EDIT THIS>

    cols_to_remove = []
    # edit these if your training dataframe contains label column
    label_column = "TO_BE_EDITED"

    # edit these if your training dataframe contains meta columns
    meta_columns = ["TO_BE_EDITED"]

    # Removing the meta columns/label column from the feature_columns
    feature_cols = [col for col in training_data_frame.columns if col not in cols_to_remove]
        training_data_rows = training_data_frame[feature_cols].values.tolist()

        payload_scoring = {
            "fields": feature_cols,
            "values": [x for x in training_data_rows]

        # Retain username and password for custom
        username = CUSTOM_ENGINE_CREDENTIALS.get("username")
        password =  CUSTOM_ENGINE_CREDENTIALS.get("password")

        import requests
        import time

        start_time = time.time()
        response =, json=payload_scoring, auth=(username, password))
        if not response.ok:
            raise Exception(str(response.content))

        response_time = int((time.time() - start_time)*1000)

        # Convert response to dict
        import json
        score_predictions = json.loads(response.text)

        predict_col_index = list(score_predictions.get("fields")).index(prediction_column_name)

        if predict_col_index < 0:
            raise Exception("Missing prediction/probability column in the scoring response")

        import numpy as np
        prediction_vector = np.array([value[predict_col_index] for value in score_predictions.get("values")])

        import warnings
        if np.issubdtype(prediction_vector.dtype, np.str_):
            warnings.warn("The predictions for the regression problem are strings. Converting them to floats.")
            prediction_vector = prediction_vector.astype(float)

        return prediction_vector
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception("Scoring failed. {}".format(str(ex)))