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RiC-O 1.0: a major milestone, compliant with RiC-CM 1.0, and more!

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@florenceclavaud florenceclavaud released this 06 Feb 18:24
· 60 commits to master since this release

This version is the third part of ICA Records in Contexts (RiC) standard 1.0, which is the first stable and complete version of the first three parts of RiC. It is therefore a major milestone in the development of RiC-O.

Here are the main changes made in this version compared to the previous one, version 0.2 released in February 21:

  • fixed various bugs; removed some unnecessary formal declarations (see issue #46);
  • made RiC-O fully compliant with version 1.0 of RiC-Conceptual Model: see the issue relating to the modification of the ontology as concerns the modeling of dates (#62), issue #45, and related issues, #73, #74, #75;
  • created transitive object properties, subproperties of rico:followsOrFollows, rico:hasOrHadPart, rico:hasOrHadSubordinate, and of their inverse properties (see issue #41);
  • created some new object properties to respond to user requests: rico:isAgentAssociatedWithPlace, rico:isOrWasEmployerOf; rico:wasMergedInto and rico:wasSplitInto (#53), rico:hasDeathPlace and rico:hasBirthPlace (#34), rico:hasOrHadAnalogueInstantiation and rico:hasOrHadDigitalInstantiation (#60), and of their inverse properties;
  • rolified the n-ary Relation classes (see issues #67); improved their documentation (see issue #38);
  • added labels (rdfs:label) in French and Spanish for all classes and properties (see issues #43 and #87);
  • updated the metadata and the introduction of the ontology (see issue #76);
  • provided accompanying material: a HTML view of the ontology, CSV lists of its components, updated examples (see issue #47);
  • provided a modularized version of the ontology (see issue #44);
  • updated the information website; among the pages, a new one was created.

Each of the modifications made in the OWL file is documented by a skos:changeNote annotation added to the specification of the modified component.

These changes result in RiC-O version 1.0 being more compact than version 0.2, though at the same time functionally enhanced through the addition of a significant number of new components (mainly object properties).

In order to have a global overview of the changes, you can also read the new web page about migrating data from v0.2 to v1.0.

Again, a big "thank you" to all the people who, outside the ICA/EGAD group, contributed to the development of this version, through their requests, their comments, their advice or their help during the translation of the labels.