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Rainbow6 Data Visualization

This is an interactive web app for ICS-484 Final Project.



The program is a powerful and interactable web app that allows users to virsualize game data and customize the data sets based on their own desires by controling parameters in each topic.

  • We ranked the Tier list for all operators in the current season. Users can explore their intensities in different conditions ( platform, game mode, map ... ).

  • We calculate score for each operator in details based on their performance in games. Their scores depend on four dimensions such as Win Rate, Popularity, Kill (average), Survival. Users can choose their favorite operators and look them in details.

  • We also provide the analysis for many different possible factors about the Win rate. Try to help user to improve their win rates as much as possible in each game.


By the end of the page, we used the 19GB Full Set to do the data visualization.

Installation Guide

Before you start:

  • Please check the Python version on your computer. Make sure that you have python on computer.
  • Set up develop envrionment: Pip or Conda.

Step 1:

Download the code into you local computer.

Step 2:

  • Go to the folder by using terminal or other IDEAs
  • Complie the ' ' to run the program

Step 3:

  • See the web app on your localhost server. (It will be display on your terminal after you complie the program.)


If there are some compile errors such as "No module named ... ", All you need to do is intall these missing modules by pip install NAME_MODULE_MISSED or conda install NAME_MODULE_MISSED .

Using pip or conda depends on which develop envrionment you are in.