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Releases: ICTman1076/foo_maloja

v0.0.2 Bellwald - uses new APIs

06 Sep 15:23
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Upgrade to this version to avoid reliance on backwards compatability.

NOTE: This requires use of Maloja 2.9+

See v0.0.1 for info on which component to use


31 Jul 17:31
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v0.0.1 Pre-release

Wahey, my first C++ code, and my first FB2K component! Sure, I had a massive leg-up from @medvid but I'm still proud lol

If you use 2.7.x, the API this relies on doesn't work. Upgrade to 2.8+ please.

v0.0.1 - Arosa

The first release of foo_maloja, it can connect to any https-secured maloja server and provide native scrobbles. Future versions will allow you to use non-HTTPS-secured servers.

Which version should I use?

Try to use the normal version, foo_maloja.fb2k-component. If that fails to scrobble, install HTTPS on your server, or use foo_maloja_insecure.fb2k-component if that's impossible.

This is a pre-release

I'm not confident in my C++ skills, so I could've made some terrible design decisions. Moreover, only basic testing has been done, so I can't cconfirm it works 100%. Feedback appreciated! :)

Thank yous

Thank you to @krateng for creating Maloja, and thank you to @medvid for foo_listenbrainz which gave me a big leg-up in coding this.

Check out my stuff too I guess

I'm and my Maloja is

Cheers :)