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Michael Weatherby edited this page Dec 30, 2019 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the Datapack-Utilities wiki!

Before getting started make sure you are familiar with the following:

  • Function tags: Almost every API in DU uses a function tag to make calls

  • Scoreboard data: used to pass numerical arguments to function calls

  • NBT manipulation: not as common, but used for some API calls like NBT crafting, world gen, and player inventory manipulation

Important Dependencies

Datapack Utils uses Lantern Load to control load order of its dependents. It is highly recommended to use Lantern Load in your datapack if you are using DU as a dependency. Add your datapack's load function to Lantern Load's post_load.json function tag.

DU uses the scoreboard $du.ver load to store version in the format XX.XX.XX.XX: for example, 12345678 is version (usually the last number (78) is denoted with a letter). You can check this score to enforce a min/max version of DU is used.