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File metadata and controls

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The purpose of this section of the documentation is to provide a general introduction to the top level components of the IDAES Integrated Platform. Each component is described in greater detail with a link in their description.


IDAES is based on python-based algebraic modeling language, Pyomo. The documentation for its components (i.e. sets, parameters, variables, objectives, constraints, expressions, and suffixes) are provided in the Pyomo documentation.

flowsheet/index property_package/index unit_model/index dmf/index


Flowsheet models<user_guide/components/flowsheet/index:Flowsheet> are the top level of the modeling heirachy. Flowsheet models represent traditional process flowsheets, containing a number of unit models connected together into a flow network and the property packages.

Property Package

Property packages<user_guide/components/property_package/index:Property Package> are a collection of related models that represent the physical, thermodynamic, and reactive properties of the process streams.

Unit Model

Unit models<user_guide/components/unit_model/index:Unit Model> represent individual pieces of equipment and their processes.

Data Management Framework

The Data Management Framework <user_guide/components/dmf/index:Data Management Framework> is used to manage all the data needed by the platform, including flowsheets, models, and results. It stores metadata and data in persistent storage.