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Getting Started


To install the IDAES PSE framework, follow the set of instructions below that are appropriate for your needs and operating system. If you get stuck, please contact

After installing and testing IDAES, it is strongly recommended to do the IDAES tutorials located on the |examples-site|.

If you expect to develop custom models, we recommend following the :ref:`advanced user installation<advanced_user_guide/advanced_install/index:Advanced User Installation>`.

The OS specific instructions provide information about optionally installing Miniconda. If you already have a Python installation you prefer, you can skip the Miniconda install section.


IDAES supports Python 3.6 and above.

System Section
Linux :ref:`min_install_linux`
Windows :ref:`min_install_windows`
Mac OSX :ref:`min_install_osx`
Generic :ref:`min_install_generic`


If you are using Python for other complex projects, you may want to consider using environments of some sort to avoid conflicting dependencies. There are several good options including conda environments if you use Anaconda.


Install Miniconda (optional)

  1. Download:
  2. Install anaconda from the downloaded file in (1).
  3. Open the Anaconda Prompt (Start -> "Anaconda Prompt").
  4. In the Anaconda Prompt, follow the :ref:`min_install_generic` instructions.


Install Miniconda (optional)

  1. Download:
  2. Open a terminal window
  3. Run the script you downloaded in (1).

Install Dependencies

  1. The IPOPT solver depends on the GNU FORTRAN, GOMP, Blas, and Lapack libraries, If these libraries are not already installed on your Linux system, you or your system administrator can use the sample commands below to install them. If you have a Linux distribution that is not listed, IPOPT should still work, but the commands to install the required libraries may differ. If these libraries are already installed, you can skip this and proceed with the next step.


    Depending on your distribution, you may need to prepend sudo to these commands or switch to the "root" user.

    Ubuntu 18.04 and 19.10 and distributions based on them:

    sudo apt-get install libgfortran4 libgomp1 liblapack3 libblas3

    Ubuntu 20.04 and distributions based on it

    sudo apt-get install libgfortran5 libgomp1 liblapack3 libblas3

    Current RedHat based distributions, including CentOS:

    yum install lapack blas libgfortran libgomp

Complete Generic Install

Follow the :ref:`min_install_generic` instructions.


Install Miniconda (optional)

  1. Download:
  2. For the next steps, open a terminal window
  3. Run the script you downloaded in (1).

Complete Generic Install

Follow the :ref:`min_install_generic` instructions.

Generic Install

The remaining steps performed in either the Linux or OSX Terminal or Powershell. If you installed Miniconda on Windows use the Anaconda Prompt or Anaconda Powershell Prompt. Regardless of OS and shell, the following steps are the same.

Install IDAES

  1. Install IDAES with pip by one of the following methods
  1. To get the latest release:

    pip install idaes-pse
  2. To get a specific release, for example 1.7:

    pip install idaes-pse==1.7
  3. To get the latest version from the GitHub main branch:

    pip install 'idaes-pse[prerelease] @'
  4. To get a specific fork or branch, for example myfork (of idaes-pse) and mybranch:

    pip install 'idaes-pse[prerelease] @'
  5. For developers: follow the :ref:`advanced user installation<advanced_user_guide/advanced_install/index:Advanced User Installation>`.

  1. Run the :doc:`idaes get-extensions command<../user_guide/commands/get_extensions>` to install the compiled binaries. These binaries include solvers and function libraries. See :ref:`Binary Packages <getting_started/binaries:Binary Packages>` for more details.

    idaes get-extensions


If you are not able to successfully run the idaes get-extensions command due to network security settings or another reason, you can download binary release files from, and extract them in the directory indicated by the idaes bin-directory command. You will need both the idaes-lib-* and idaes-solvers-* files appropriate for your operating system.


The IDAES binary extensions are not yet supported on Mac/OSX.

As a fallback (assuming you are using a conda env) you can install the generic ipopt solver with the command conda install -c conda-forge ipopt though this will not have all the features of our extensions package.

  1. Run the :doc:`idaes get-examples command <../user_guide/commands/get_examples>` to download and install the example files:

    idaes get-examples

By default this will install in a folder "examples" in the current directory. The command has many options, but an important one is --dir, which specifies the folder in which to install.

for Mac and Linux users this would look like:

idaes get-examples --dir ~/idaes/examples

or, for Windows users, it would look like:

idaes get-examples --dir C:\Users\MyName\IDAES\Examples

Refer to the full :doc:`idaes get-examples command documentation <../user_guide/commands/get_examples>` for more information.

  1. Run tests:

    pytest --pyargs idaes -W ignore
  2. You should see the tests run and all should pass to ensure the installation worked. You may see some "Error" level log messages, but they are okay, and produced by tests for error handling. The number of tests that failed and succeeded is reported at the end of the pytest output. You can report problems on the |github-issues| (Please try to be specific about the command and the offending output.)

Install IDAES using Conda

As an alternative to the pip install method described above, IDAES can also be installed using the Conda package manager.

  1. Create a new Conda environment with a name of your choice (in this example, my-idaes-env):

    conda create --yes --name my-idaes-env python=3.8


The --yes optional flag can be used to perform the installation without having it pausing to ask for confirmation.

  1. Activate the my-idaes-env Conda environment:

    conda activate my-idaes-env


This step is needed when starting a new session or a new console tab/window.

  1. Install the IDAES Conda package using the conda install subcommand:

    conda install --yes -c IDAES-PSE -c conda-forge idaes-pse


The most recent stable release will be selected by default. To instead select a particular version, specify the version tag using an = after the package name, e.g. idaes-pse=1.9.0rc0.

  1. To complete the installation, follow the instructions described in the previous section from Step 2 ("Run the idaes get-extensions command...") onward.

Optional Dependencies

Some tools in IDAES may require additional dependencies. Instructions for installing these dependencies are located :ref:`here<getting_started/opt_dependencies:Optional Dependencies>`.

.. toctree::


Updating an existing installation

When a new version is released, an IDAES installation can be updated without having to remove and reinstall it from scratch.

The following steps describe how to upgrade an existing installation in-place, assuming that the installation was done using one of the methods described earlier in this section.


If IDAES was installed in a dedicated environment (e.g. a Conda environment, or Python virtual environment), activate the environment before running any of these commands.

  1. Open a terminal and verify the currently installed version of IDAES:

    idaes --version
  2. Install the upgraded version of the idaes-pse package using pip install:

    pip install --upgrade idaes-pse

If a newer version of the idaes-pse package is available, the currently installed version will be removed and replaced by the newest available version. Check again the IDAES version to verify that the upgrade was successful:

idaes --version
  1. Run the idaes get-extension command to install compiled binaries compatible with the newly upgraded IDAES version. These binaries include solvers and function libraries. See :ref:`Binary Packages <getting_started/binaries:Binary Packages>` for more details.:

    idaes get-extensions
  2. Finally, use the idaes get-examples command to install the most recent version of the IDAES examples compatible with the upgraded IDAES version.


    If the examples target installation directory is not empty, its contents, including examples installed with a previous IDAES version and other files, will be overwritten without warning. To avoid losing data, it is strongly recommended that you make a backup copy of any existing examples directory before proceeding.

After creating a backup copy of the existing examples directory, run:

idaes get-examples