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Building IETS3

Alexei Quapp edited this page Jan 28, 2021 · 4 revisions

Building IETS3

Building IETS3 is easy. You just need to run:

# On macOS/Linux

# On Windows

And gradle will take care of the build.

Building against local mbeddr

In order to do this you will need a local version of the mbeddr repository.

After you have done your changes in mbeddr you need to run:

# On macOS/Linux
./gradlew publishMbeddrPlatformToLocal

# On Windows
gradlew.bat publishMbeddrPlatformToLocal

This will build the mbeddr platform and push that version to your local maven cache as a snapshot.

After this is complete you can run a build in IETS3 that forces local dependency resolving:

# On macOS/Linux
./gradlew -PforceLocalDependencies
# On Windows
gradlew.bat -PforceLocalDependencies

This will take the local snapshot version of mbeddr and will fail if there is none. It will also use that snapshot version no matter how old that version is.

Pushing to local maven

If there are other repositories that depend on the IETS3 artefacts then you need to push the IETS3 artefacts to your local maven repo.

You can do so by running:

# On macOS/Linux
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
# On Windows
gradlew.bat publishToMavenLocal

This will build IETS3 and push it.