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IGCIT Driver Switch

IGCIT edited this page Jul 5, 2023 · 2 revisions

IGCIT Driver Switch

This tool aims to make easier to test multiple driver versions for regressions/issues


  • Windows 10 1909 or higher / Windows 11
  • 7th generation Intel GPU or above (legacy, Xe, Arc)

How to use

Note: This program requires Admin rights for drivers restore and load operations

Note 2: If you load a driver version higher than the one currently installed, the new driver will replace it

Note 3: Downgrades will not replace your installed driver and you can switch back with the Restore driver button (in some cases, multiple loads in sequence may overwrite your installed driver with the loaded one)

Load a driver:

  • Place your Intel drivers packages ( .exe ) in intel_drivers folder
  • Run IGCIT Driver Switch
  • Select a driver version from the list
  • Click Load Driver to load the selected driver ( your screen may flicker during the operation )

Currently loaded driver is unpacked in extracted_tmp folder.

Restore your driver:

  • Run IGCIT Driver Switch
  • Click Restore Driver to restore your driver to the one installed in your OS ( your screen may turn black for a few seconds )



My screen is black!


Detach and re-attach your HDMI/DP/Other video cable, or if the problem persists, reboot in safe mode, uninstall the driver with DDU and perform a clean install


The application is not working properly, i have errors or other issues


Open an issue and explain your problem.

Do not use a template for this!