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Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree

Advanced Lane Finding - Project 4

The goals / steps of this project are the following:

  • Compute the camera calibration matrix and distortion coefficients given a set of chessboard images.
  • Apply a distortion correction to raw images.
  • Use color transforms, gradients, etc., to create a thresholded binary image.
  • Apply a perspective transform to rectify binary image ("birds-eye view").
  • Detect lane pixels and fit to find the lane boundary.
  • Determine the curvature of the lane and vehicle position with respect to center.
  • Warp the detected lane boundaries back onto the original image.
  • Output visual display of the lane boundaries and numerical estimation of lane curvature and vehicle position.

My project includes the following files:

  • P4.ipynb containing the script to run the model.
  • Three '.mp4' video files containing the result of this model.
  • 'TEST_IMAGES' folder containing 6 original test images and 11 additional test images sourced from challenge_video and harder_challenge_video.
  • 'OUTPUT_IMAGES' folder containing visual respresentaions of steps that I took in creating this model
  • '' markdown report which you are now reading.

Camera Calibration

The code for this step is contained in the third code cell of the IPython notebook P4.ipynb.

I have implemented a camera calibration class created by a fellow udacity student mxbi. The class creates a camera and distortion matrix that can be later used by calling the calibration.undistort or transform.warp functions. The class uses OpenCV's findChessboardCorners function to generate a set of image points to then create a matrix of (x, y, z) "object points".

Then using the output objpoints and imgpoints the class computes the camera calibration and distortion coefficients using the cv2.calibrateCamera() function. These variables are then stored inside the class until distortion correction to the test image using the calibration.undistort:

Pipeline (Thresholding)

To come up with an optimal thrsesholding combination for detecting yellow and white traffic lanes I have explored many different color spaces (contained in the color_explr.ipynb file), mainly the HLS, LUV and LAB color spaces:

I took the Saturation Channel from the HLS color space and thresholded it to pick up pixels only in the 170 - 255 range.

I took the Luminance Channel from the LUV color space and thresholded it to pick up pixels only in the 220 - 255 range.

I took the A-Channel from the LAB color space and thresholded it to pick up pixels only in the 95 - 155 range.

I came up with the thresholding ranges for these color spaces by separating the outputs and manually changing the values to see which ranges worked best.

I then combined the thresholded image with Sobel output to get the final image:

I have also tried using contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE), it is great for improving the contrast of the image especially in the low light environments but without an algorithm for recognizing image condition constant CLAHE filtering was adding too much noise.

Pipeline (Persective Transform)

For the perspective transform I have implemented a class created by a fellow udacity student mxbi.

The code in this PerspectiveTransform class includes a function called warp and unwarp which is created by using cv2's getPerspectiveTransform and warpPerspective functions

class PerspectiveTransformer():
    def __init__(self, src, dist):
        self.Mpersp = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src, dst)
        self.Minv = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(dst, src)
    # Apply perspective transform
    def warp(self, img):
        return cv2.warpPerspective(img, self.Mpersp, (img.shape[1], img.shape[0]))
    # Reverse perspective transform
    def unwarp(self, img):
        return cv2.warpPerspective(img, self.Minv, (img.shape[1], 

The PerspectiveTransform class takes as inputs an image (img), as well as source (src) and destination (dst) points. I chose the hardcode the source and destination points in the following manner:

src = np.array([[585, 460], [203, 720], [1127, 720], [695,460]]).astype(np.float32) 

dst = np.array([[320, 0], [320, 720], [960, 720],
[960, 0]]).astype(np.float32)

This resulted in the following source and destination points:

Source Destination
585, 460 320, 0
203, 720 320, 720
1127, 720 960, 720
695, 460 960, 0

I verified that my perspective transform was working as expected by drawing the src and dst points onto a test image and its warped counterpart to verify that the lines appear parallel in the warped image.

Pipeline (Lane Fitting)

For this part I used the code from Udacity's "Advanced Lane Finding lesson"

First I take a histogram of the Combined Binary Image:

histogram = np.sum(binary_warped[binary_warped.shape[0]/2:,:], axis=0)

Set the parameters for the Sliding Window method, and plot the lanes onto a blank image:

cv2.fillPoly(color_warp, np.int_([pts]), (0,255, 0))

Then unwarp the image and combine the results:

newwarp = transform.unwarp(color_warp)
result = cv2.addWeighted(img, 1, newwarp, 0.3, 0)

To calculate calculated the radius of curvature of the lane and the position of the vehicle with respect to the center I used the formula:

Represented by folowing code:

ym_per_pix = 30/720.0 # meters per pixel in y dimension
xm_per_pix = 3.7/700.0 # meters per pixel in x dimension

        left_curverad = ((1 + (2*left_fit[0]*y_eval*ym_per_pix + left_fit[1])**2)**1.5) / np.absolute(2*left_fit[0])

        right_curverad = ((1 + (2*right_fit[0]*y_eval*ym_per_pix + right_fit[1])**2)**1.5) / np.absolute(2*right_fit[0])

        average_curve_rad = (left_curverad + right_curverad)/2
        curvature = "Radius of curvature: %.2f m" % average_curve_rad

        left_pos = (left_fit[0]*y_eval**2 + left_fit[1]*y_eval + left_fit[2])
        right_pos = (right_fit[0]*y_eval**2 + right_fit[1]*y_eval + right_fit[2])
        lanes_mid = (left_pos+right_pos)/2.0
        distance_from_mid = binary_warped.shape[1]/2.0 - lanes_mid
        mid_dist_m = xm_per_pix*distance_from_mid

Here is an example of my result on a test image:

Pipeline (Video)

Here's a link to my project_video result.


Here I'll talk about the approach I took, what techniques I used, what worked and why, where the pipeline might fail and how I might improve it if I were going to pursue this project further. I got a decent result on my project_video with a fairly accurate lane plotting but on the challenge_video and the harder_challenge_video the lane plotting started off well and quickly got distorted and confused by the different lighting and shadows. The pipeline could be greatly improved with an implementation of a condition recognizing algorithm that would switch between the thresholding and filtering methods based on the condition of the image, also a different and a more robust algorithm for the area of interest selection would greatly improve the prediction of the plotting especially on the harder_challenge_video due to its many curves and turns.

Second submission

I experimented a bit with thresholding different color spectrums, particularly the HSV and the HSL spectrums:

HSV = cv2.cvtColor(your_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)

#For yellow
yellow = cv2.inRange(HSV, (20, 100, 100), (50, 255, 255))

#For white
sensitivity_1 = 68
white = cv2.inRange(HSV, (0,0,255-sensitivity_1), (255,20,255))

sensitivity_2 = 60
HSL = cv2.cvtColor(your_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HLS)
white_2 = cv2.inRange(HSL, (0,255-sensitivity_2,0), (255,255,sensitivity_2))
white_3 = cv2.inRange(your_image, (200,200,200), (255,255,255))

bit_layer = your_bit_layer | yellow | white | white_2 | white_3

and it did not work out for me so I kept the original settings. I also tried implementing cv2's matchShapes function but ran into some complications and considering how late this project already is I decided to keep the original code.


Udacity CarND Term 1 Project 4






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