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Last updated: 2021-09-13 by Tijn Berends (

This repository contains the source code of IMAU-ICE, as well as a few scripts for compiling and running the code locally and on the UU Gemini system.

=========================== ===== GETTING STARTED =====

  1. Click the green "Code" button on GitHub, and click "Download ZIP".
  2. Decompress the file wherever you want the main model folder to be.
  3. Run "compile_clean.csh" in the IMAU-ICE folder by typing "./compile_clean.csh" in the terminal. 4a. If it works: congratulations, you've succesfully compiled the model. 4b. If it doesn't: this most likely is because the external packages needed by the compiler (Lapack, NetCDF, MPI, and PETSc) are located somewhere else in your system than they are in mine. In that case, ask your local tech-savvy IT person to fix this.
  4. Once the model has succesfully compiled, run it by typing "./run_IMAU_ICE_local.csh". If succesfull, you should see the following output: (see below).
  5. An output folder should now have appeared in your IMAU-ICE folder (IMAU-ICE/results_YYYYMMDD_001) containing several ASCII text files and two NetCDF files.

This runs a short 1000-year schematic experiment. If all of this works, you can move on to realistic simulations. For this, you need appropriate input files describing present-day topography/mathymetry, ice geometry, and climate, as well as some sort of forcing record. Contact me if you need these.

NOTE FOR GEMINI: if you want to run IMAU-ICE on Gemini, you need to make two small manual changes:

  • src_vXXX/Makefile_include_Gemini.txt: the path to MYLIB2 (line 4) needs to be changed from my username (beren017) to you own.
  • src_vXXX/Makefile : change the include statement (lines 6-7) from "include Makefile_include_local.txt" to "Makefile_include_Gemini.txt"

Screen output for the test run in step 5:

==================================================== ===== Running IMAU-ICE v2.0 on 1 cores =====

Running benchmark experiment "EISMINT_1"

Output directory: results_20210216_002/

Initialising insolation data from /Users/berends/Documents/Datasets/Insolation_laskar/

Initialising model region ANT (Antarctica)... Initialising model grid at 50.00 km resolution: [ 29 x 29] pixels Mapping PD data to model grid... Mapping init data to model grid... Initialising climate model... Initialising SMB model... Initialising BMB model... Initialising ice dynamics model... Initialising ELRA GIA model... Finished initialising model region ANT.

Coupling model: t = -120.000 kyr

Running model region ANT ( Antarctica) from t = -120.000 to t = -119.900 kyr t = -120.00 kyr - writing output...

Coupling model: t = -119.900 kyr

Running model region ANT ( Antarctica) from t = -119.900 to t = -119.800 kyr t = -119.90 kyr - writing output...

Coupling model: t = -119.800 kyr

Running model region ANT ( Antarctica) from t = -119.800 to t = -119.700 kyr t = -119.80 kyr - writing output...

Coupling model: t = -119.700 kyr

Running model region ANT ( Antarctica) from t = -119.700 to t = -119.600 kyr t = -119.70 kyr - writing output...

Coupling model: t = -119.600 kyr

Running model region ANT ( Antarctica) from t = -119.600 to t = -119.500 kyr t = -119.60 kyr - writing output...

Coupling model: t = -119.500 kyr

Running model region ANT ( Antarctica) from t = -119.500 to t = -119.400 kyr t = -119.50 kyr - writing output...

Coupling model: t = -119.400 kyr

Running model region ANT ( Antarctica) from t = -119.400 to t = -119.300 kyr t = -119.40 kyr - writing output...

Coupling model: t = -119.300 kyr

Running model region ANT ( Antarctica) from t = -119.300 to t = -119.200 kyr t = -119.30 kyr - writing output...

Coupling model: t = -119.200 kyr

Running model region ANT ( Antarctica) from t = -119.200 to t = -119.100 kyr t = -119.20 kyr - writing output...

Coupling model: t = -119.100 kyr

Running model region ANT ( Antarctica) from t = -119.100 to t = -119.000 kyr t = -119.10 kyr - writing output... t = -119.00 kyr - writing output...

================================================================================ ===== Simulation finished in 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 3 seconds! =====