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A model of fixation durations during mind-wandering.

  • UCM.R: utility functions for simulating the UCM of fixation duratinos
  • UCM-demo.R: a demonstration of how to use the functions in UCM.R, shown below:

Simulating fixation durations with the UCM model in R


This file demonstrates how to use the UCM model contained in the file UCM.R. This implementation of the model was written with the simmer package in R, which is a discrete event simulator. First, let’s load some packages, load the source code for the UCM utility functions, and set a seed so that our results are reproducible:


## Load the UCM source code

Simulating a single trial using UCM

First, we can run UCM for five seconds with the default parameter settings:

ucm <- UCM() %>%

## simmer environment: anonymous | now: 5 | next: 5.0138453616531
## { Monitor: in memory }
## { Source: init. | monitored: 1 | n_generated: 1 }
## { Source: timer. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 21 }
## { Source: labile. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 20 }
## { Source: nonlabile. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 16 }
## { Source: motor. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 16 }
## { Source: execution. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 16 }
## { Source: fixation. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 16 }

As we can see, the current time of the simulator (now) is now 5 seconds, and the next event occurs at 5.01 seconds. This output also tells us that the timer has cycled 21 times, 20 of which made it to the labile stage, and 16 of which continued to saccade execution.

To get more detailed information, we can use the function get_states, which returns a dataframe detailing the time of every state transition in the model. The stage column tells us whether the transition happened in the timer, the labile stage, the non-labile stage, the motor planning stage, or saccade execution. The n column tells you how many walks completed this stage at this point in time, and the id column is a unique identifier linking random walks between stages. The state column tells us which state the model transitioned to at that point in time (from 0 to N-1), and cum_state carries the same information except that each stage starts a state above the previous stage, which is useful for plotting. Finally, the replication column tells us which instance of the UCM this state transition pertains to. Since we only ran one instance, replication is always 1.

## # A tibble: 1,240 × 7
##      time stage n     replication state cum_state    id
##     <dbl> <fct> <chr>       <int> <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 0      timer 0               1     0         0     1
##  2 0.0447 timer 0               1     1         1     1
##  3 0.0491 timer 0               1     2         2     1
##  4 0.0492 timer 0               1     3         3     1
##  5 0.0803 timer 0               1     4         4     1
##  6 0.0872 timer 0               1     5         5     1
##  7 0.0888 timer 0               1     6         6     1
##  8 0.104  timer 0               1     7         7     1
##  9 0.107  timer 0               1     8         8     1
## 10 0.122  timer 0               1     9         9     1
## # … with 1,230 more rows

To get information about the model’s simulated fixations, we can use the function get_fixations. The id, n, and replication columns are the same as before. We also have columns telling us the start_time, the end_time, and the duration of every fixation the model has made.

## # A tibble: 15 × 6
##       id n     replication start_time end_time duration
##    <dbl> <chr>       <int>      <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1     1 0               1      0.568     1.01   0.437 
##  2     3 1               1      1.03      1.22   0.189 
##  3     4 2               1      1.24      1.62   0.379 
##  4     7 3               1      1.64      1.95   0.305 
##  5     8 4               1      1.97      2.19   0.220 
##  6     9 5               1      2.21      2.30   0.0942
##  7    10 6               1      2.32      2.69   0.369 
##  8    11 7               1      2.71      3.10   0.389 
##  9    12 8               1      3.12      3.23   0.116 
## 10    13 9               1      3.25      3.55   0.297 
## 11    14 10              1      3.56      3.77   0.207 
## 12    15 11              1      3.79      4.06   0.268 
## 13    16 12              1      4.07      4.32   0.248 
## 14    17 13              1      4.34      4.53   0.189 
## 15    18 14              1      4.55      4.77   0.221

To get information about which saccade program cancellation, we can use the function get_cancellations. The id and replication columns are the same as before. The cancelled column tells us whether the saccade program with this id was cancelled (1) or not (0). Finally, n_cancellations tells us how many saccade programs were cancelled during the fixation with this id. n_cancellations is 0 for all cancelled saccade programs.

## # A tibble: 20 × 4
##       id replication cancelled n_cancellations
##    <dbl>       <int>     <dbl>           <dbl>
##  1     1           1         0               1
##  2     2           1         1               0
##  3     3           1         0               0
##  4     4           1         0               2
##  5     5           1         1               0
##  6     6           1         1               0
##  7     7           1         0               0
##  8     8           1         0               0
##  9     9           1         0               0
## 10    10           1         0               0
## 11    11           1         0               0
## 12    12           1         0               0
## 13    13           1         0               0
## 14    14           1         0               0
## 15    15           1         0               0
## 16    16           1         0               0
## 17    17           1         0               0
## 18    18           1         0               0
## 19    19           1         0               0
## 20    20           1         0               0

We can also easily get a nifty plot of the UCM’s state through time:

ggsave('plots/UCM-trace.png', width=10, height=3)

Custom parameter settings

We’re also not limited to the default parameter settings. We can set custom parameters like so:

ucm <- UCM(N_timer=15, t_timer=.3,
           N_labile=20, t_labile=.2,
           N_nonlabile=20, t_nonlabile=.05,
           N_motor=30, t_motor=.02,
           N_execution=30, t_execution=.015) %>%

ggsave('plots/UCM-trace2.png', width=10, height=3)

Simulating many trials in parallel

Thankfully, simmer makes it easy to run multiple instances of the UCM in parallel with the function parallel::mcapply. Depending on how many cores you have on your machine, though, this could take a minute or two. Also note that we need to use the wrap function, which ensures that our simulation data is available after the parallel processes are complete.

## set the number of cores

## run 1000 trials, each lasting 30s, in parallel
ucms <- mclapply(1:1000, function (i) {
    UCM() %>%
        run(until=30) %>%

head(ucms, n=3)
## [[1]]
## simmer environment: anonymous | now: 30 | next: 30.0093411920058
## { Monitor:  }
## { Source: init. | monitored: 1 | n_generated: 1 }
## { Source: timer. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 122 }
## { Source: labile. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 121 }
## { Source: nonlabile. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 99 }
## { Source: motor. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 99 }
## { Source: execution. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 99 }
## { Source: fixation. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 99 }
## [[2]]
## simmer environment: anonymous | now: 30 | next: 30.0011336141098
## { Monitor:  }
## { Source: init. | monitored: 1 | n_generated: 1 }
## { Source: timer. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 116 }
## { Source: labile. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 115 }
## { Source: nonlabile. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 94 }
## { Source: motor. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 94 }
## { Source: execution. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 94 }
## { Source: fixation. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 94 }
## [[3]]
## simmer environment: anonymous | now: 30 | next: 30.016297300884
## { Monitor:  }
## { Source: init. | monitored: 1 | n_generated: 1 }
## { Source: timer. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 122 }
## { Source: labile. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 121 }
## { Source: nonlabile. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 95 }
## { Source: motor. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 95 }
## { Source: execution. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 95 }
## { Source: fixation. | monitored: 2 | n_generated: 95 }

As you can see, ucms is a list containg 1000 instances of the UCM. We can use the same functions as before on this list to, say, make a histogram of fixation durations as a function of the number of cancellations within the fixation:

cancellations_hist(ucms, max_cancellations=3)
ggsave('plots/UCM-cancellations.png', width=6, height=4)

Local Rate Modulation

Since UCM is implemented with the simmer package, it is painless to add more events to our simulator. One useful example is in local rate modulation, where you want to speed up or slow down the random walks of the timer, the labile stage, and the non-labile stage for some period of time. To do so, we first need to define a simmer trajectory which specifies when and how long to modulate the walk rate. The UCM responds to the global attribute "modulation", which can be modified using the simmer command set_global. For instance, the following code says that we want to reduce the rate by a factor of 4 for a duration of five seconds, then resume at the normal rate:

modulation <- trajectory() %>%
    set_global("modulation", 0.25) %>%
    timeout(5) %>%
    set_global("modulation", 1)

Next, we can run the UCM as before, but this time we add a simmer generator for our modulation trajectory, starting at five seconds. Including the argument mon=2 tells simmer to log the modulation events we defined above in case we need it for later.

ucm <- UCM() %>%
    add_generator('mod.', modulation, at(5), mon=2) %>%

To demonstrate how this alters the model’s behavior, we can make a trace plot as before, adding a shaded area to highlight the period of modulation:

trace_plot(ucm) +
    geom_rect(aes(xmin=5, xmax=10, ymin=-Inf, ymax=Inf, fill='modulation'),
              data=data.frame(), inherit.aes=FALSE, alpha=0.5, show.legend=FALSE)
ggsave('plots/UCM-local-modulation.png', width=10, height=3)

Local Cancellation

The other major case where we need to augment the simulator with additional information is when we want to model local cancellation of saccade programs, for instance when a stimulus disappears for a duration. To model this, we can create a trajectory which logs the state of the stimulus using the global attribute "stimulus" (1 is on and 0 is off). Then to make the appearance and disappearance of the stimulus cancel any labile saccade programs, we can use the simmer command send('cancel-labile'), which broadcasts a signal that saccade programs in the labile stage listen to:

stimulus <- trajectory() %>%
    set_global("stimulus", 0) %>% ## turn off the stimulus
    send('cancel-labile') %>%     ## cancel any labile programs
    timeout(1) %>%
    set_global("stimulus", 1) %>% ## turn on the stimulus
    send('cancel-labile')         ## cancel any labile programs

Then as before, we simply create an instance of the UCM, add a generator to initialize the starting state of the stimulus to on, add a generator to turn off the stimulus after two seconds, and run the model:

ucm <- UCM() %>%
    add_generator('stim.', trajectory() %>% set_global('stimulus', 1), at(0)) %>%
    add_generator('stim-off.', stimulus, at(2), mon=2) %>%

trace_plot(ucm) +
    geom_rect(aes(xmin=2, xmax=3, ymin=-Inf, ymax=Inf, fill='modulation'),
              data=data.frame(), inherit.aes=FALSE, alpha=0.5, show.legend=FALSE)
ggsave('plots/UCM-local-cancellation.png', width=10, height=3)


Hopefully this gives you a good idea of how to simulate fixation durations using the UCM model. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at


A model of fixation durations during mind-wandering.






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