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Anton Pryamostanov edited this page Aug 14, 2020 · 22 revisions

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Bobbin is Slf4j-compatible logging library written in Groovy and supported both in Groovy and Java projects.

In short

Bobbin creates multiple log files using a simple YAML configuration supporting Groovy Scripts to compute file names and other dynamic parameters during run-time.

Some of the File name segregation criteria include:

  • Thread Name
  • Thread Group Name
  • Class Name
  • Log level
  • MDC values
  • Date
  • Any other run-time parameters and their combinations

Bobbin leverages the concept of Logback/Log4j2 sifting appenders while providing much more easier configuration using native Groovy/Java scripting expressions.

Bobbin is high-performance logger optimized to be used in heavy load multi-threaded environments (with hundreds of persistent threads - especially those with persistent threads like batch and messaging applications).

It's CPU, GC and RAM footprint has been tuned to work as a primary logger within Spring stack, including Web context and JPA.

Next: Introduction

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