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This archive is distributed in association with the INFORMS Journal on Computing under the MIT license.

The software, StochasticPrograms.jl, and data in this repository are associated with the paper Efficient Stochastic Programming in Julia by M. Biel and M. Johansson.

This repository is a snapshot of the project, taken on 2021-07-01 from at commit 4bacecfc812b602fd338af22c1441e6ef481d722, and is provided for historical interest.

Readers are directed to for the actively developed project repository, and to for the latest documentation.


To cite this software, please cite the paper using its DOI and the software itself, using the following DOI.


Below is the BibTex for citing this version of the code.

  author    = {Martin Biel and Mikael Johansson},
  title     = {StochasticPrograms.jl}, 
  publisher = {INFORMS Journal on Computing},
  year      = {2021},
  doi       = {10.5281/zenodo.5595111},
  url       = {},


StochasticPrograms.jl is a general purpose modeling framework for stochastic programming written in the Julia programming language. The framework includes both modeling tools and structure-exploiting optimization algorithms. Stochastic programming models can be efficiently formulated using expressive syntax and models can be instantiated, inspected, and analyzed interactively. The framework scales seamlessly to distributed environments. Small instances of a model can be run locally to ensure correctness, while larger instances are automatically distributed in a memory-efficient way onto supercomputers or clouds and solved using parallel optimization algorithms. These structure-exploiting solvers are based on variations of the classical L-shaped, progressive-hedging, and quasi-gradient algorithms.


In Julia, the latest version of the framework can be installed as follows:

pkg> add StochasticPrograms

Afterwards, the functionality can be made available in a module or REPL through:

using StochasticPrograms


The code listings included in the paper are provided as separate Julia files in the scripts folder. To run the example in the paper, first install any 1.X version of Julia (e.g., 1.0 or 1.6) from The provided script can be used to download the latest version of Julia (1.6.0) and then load install.jl which installs the StochasticPrograms.jl package as well as any other Julia packages necessary to run the examples. Alternatively, the scripts folder includes a Manifest.toml file that can be used to load a Julia environment that can run the examples. The benchmark code as well as data files for the large-scale SSN problem considered in the numerical experiments are included as well in the scripts folder. The experiments were run on a 32-core machine. To run the experiments in another setup, the benchmark.jl must be configured accordingly. A license is required to use Gurobi as a subproblem solver. Free third-party solvers can be used instead, but performance will be affected.

A simple stochastic program

To showcase the use of StochasticPrograms we will walk through a simple example. The reader is otherwise referred to the documentation for a complete introduction of the software framework. We consider how to model, analyze, and solve a stochastic program using StochasticPrograms. In many examples, a MathOptInterface solver is required. Hence, we load the GLPK solver:

using GLPK

We also load Ipopt to solve quadratic problems:

using Ipopt

Stochastic model definition

First, we define a stochastic model that describes a simple stochastic program:

@stochastic_model simple_model begin
    @stage 1 begin
        @decision(simple_model, x₁ >= 40)
        @decision(simple_model, x₂ >= 20)
        @objective(simple_model, Min, 100*x₁ + 150*x₂)
        @constraint(simple_model, x₁ + x₂ <= 120)
    @stage 2 begin
        @uncertain q₁ q₂ d₁ d₂
        @recourse(simple_model, 0 <= y₁ <= d₁)
        @recourse(simple_model, 0 <= y₂ <= d₂)
        @objective(simple_model, Max, q₁*y₁ + q₂*y₂)
        @constraint(simple_model, 6*y₁ + 10*y₂ <= 60*x₁)
        @constraint(simple_model, 8*y₁ + 5*y₂ <= 80*x₂)

The optimization models in the first and second stage are defined using JuMP syntax inside @stage blocks. Every first-stage variable is annotated with @decision. This allows us to use the variable in the second stage. The @uncertain annotation specifies that the variables q₁, q₂, d₁ and d₂ are uncertain. Instances of the uncertain variables will later be injected to create instances of the second stage model. We will consider two stochastic models of the uncertainty and showcase the main functionality of the framework for each.


First, we create two instances of the random variable. For simple models this is conveniently achieved through the Scenario type, created as follows:

ξ₁ = @scenario q₁ = 24.0 q₂ = 28.0 d₁ = 500.0 d₂ = 100.0 probability = 0.4


ξ₂ = @scenario q₁ = 28.0 q₂ = 32.0 d₁ = 300.0 d₂ = 300.0 probability = 0.6

where the variable names should match those given in the @uncertain annotation. We are now ready to instantiate the stochastic program introduced above.

sp = instantiate(simple_model, [ξ₁, ξ₂], optimizer = GLPK.Optimizer)
Stochastic program with:
 * 2 decision variables
 * 2 recourse variables
 * 2 scenarios of type Scenario
Structure: Deterministic equivalent
Solver name: GLPK

We can now print and inspect the full stochastic program:

Deterministic equivalent problem
Min 100 x₁ + 150 x₂ - 9.600000000000001 y₁₁ - 11.200000000000001 y₂₁ - 16.8 y₁₂ - 19.2 y₂₂
Subject to
 x₁  Decisions
 x₂  Decisions
 y₁₁  RecourseDecisions
 y₂₁  RecourseDecisions
 y₁₂  RecourseDecisions
 y₂₂  RecourseDecisions
 x₁  40.0
 x₂  20.0
 y₁₁  0.0
 y₂₁  0.0
 y₁₂  0.0
 y₂₂  0.0
 x₁ + x₂  120.0
 -60 x₁ + 6 y₁₁ + 10 y₂₁  0.0
 -80 x₂ + 8 y₁₁ + 5 y₂₁  0.0
 -60 x₁ + 6 y₁₂ + 10 y₂₂  0.0
 -80 x₂ + 8 y₁₂ + 5 y₂₂  0.0
 y₁₁  500.0
 y₂₁  100.0
 y₁₂  300.0
 y₂₂  300.0
Solver name: GLPK


The most common operation is to solve the instantiated stochastic program for an optimal first-stage decision. We instantiated the problem with the GLPK optimizer, so we can solve the problem directly:


We can then query the resulting optimal value:


and the optimal first-stage decision:

2-element Vector{Float64}:

Alternatively, we can solve the problem with a structure-exploiting solver. The framework provides both LShaped and ProgressiveHedging solvers. We first re-instantiate the problem using an L-shaped optimizer:

sp_lshaped = instantiate(simple_model, [ξ₁, ξ₂], optimizer = LShaped.Optimizer)
Stochastic program with:
 * 2 decision variables
 * 2 recourse variables
 * 2 scenarios of type Scenario
Structure: Stage-decomposition
Solver name: L-shaped with disaggregate cuts

It should be noted that the memory representation of the stochastic program is now different. Because we instantiated the model with an L-shaped optimizer it generated the program according to a stage-decomposition structure:

Min 100 x₁ + 150 x₂
Subject to
 x₁  Decisions
 x₂  Decisions
 x₁  40.0
 x₂  20.0
 x₁ + x₂  120.0

Subproblem 1 (p = 0.40):
Max 24 y₁ + 28 y₂
Subject to
 x₁  Known(value = 40.0)
 x₂  Known(value = 20.0)
 y₁  RecourseDecisions
 y₂  RecourseDecisions
 y₁  0.0
 y₂  0.0
 y₁  500.0
 y₂  100.0
 -60 x₁ + 6 y₁ + 10 y₂  0.0
 -80 x₂ + 8 y₁ + 5 y₂  0.0

Subproblem 2 (p = 0.60):
Max 28 y₁ + 32 y₂
Subject to
 x₁  Known(value = 40.0)
 x₂  Known(value = 20.0)
 y₁  RecourseDecisions
 y₂  RecourseDecisions
 y₁  0.0
 y₂  0.0
 y₁  300.0
 y₂  300.0
 -60 x₁ + 6 y₁ + 10 y₂  0.0
 -80 x₂ + 8 y₁ + 5 y₂  0.0

Solver name: L-shaped with disaggregate cuts

To solve the problem with L-shaped, we must first specify internal optimizers that can solve emerging subproblems:

set_optimizer_attribute(sp_lshaped, MasterOptimizer(), GLPK.Optimizer)
set_optimizer_attribute(sp_lshaped, SubProblemOptimizer(), GLPK.Optimizer)

We can now run the optimization procedure:

L-Shaped Gap  Time: 0:00:01 (6 iterations)
  Objective:       -855.8333333333339
  Gap:             0.0
  Number of cuts:  7
  Iterations:      6

and verify that we get the same results:



2-element Array{Float64,1}:

Likewise, we can solve the problem with progressive-hedging. Consider:

sp_progressivehedging = instantiate(simple_model, [ξ₁, ξ₂], optimizer = ProgressiveHedging.Optimizer)
Stochastic program with:
 * 2 decision variables
 * 2 recourse variables
 * 2 scenarios of type Scenario
Structure: Scenario-decomposition
Solver name: Progressive-hedging with fixed penalty

Now, the induced structure is the scenario-decomposition that decomposes the stochastic program completely into subproblems over the scenarios. Consider the printout:

Scenario problems
Subproblem 1 (p = 0.40):
Min 100 x₁ + 150 x₂ - 24 y₁ - 28 y₂
Subject to
 y₁  0.0
 y₂  0.0
 y₁  500.0
 y₂  100.0
 x₁  Decisions
 x₂  Decisions
 x₁  40.0
 x₂  20.0
 x₁ + x₂  120.0
 -60 x₁ + 6 y₁ + 10 y₂  0.0
 -80 x₂ + 8 y₁ + 5 y₂  0.0

Subproblem 2 (p = 0.60):
Min 100 x₁ + 150 x₂ - 28 y₁ - 32 y₂
Subject to
 y₁  0.0
 y₂  0.0
 y₁  300.0
 y₂  300.0
 x₁  Decisions
 x₂  Decisions
 x₁  40.0
 x₂  20.0
 x₁ + x₂  120.0
 -60 x₁ + 6 y₁ + 10 y₂  0.0
 -80 x₂ + 8 y₁ + 5 y₂  0.0

Solver name: Progressive-hedging with fixed penalty

To solve the problem with progressive-hedging, we must also specify an internal optimizers that can solve the subproblems:

set_optimizer_attribute(sp_progressivehedging, SubProblemOptimizer(), Ipopt.Optimizer)
set_suboptimizer_attribute(sp_progressivehedging, MOI.RawParameter("print_level"), 0) # Silence Ipopt

We can now run the optimization procedure:

Progressive Hedging Time: 0:00:07 (303 iterations)
  Objective:   -855.5842547490254
  Primal gap:  7.2622997706326046e-6
  Dual gap:    8.749063651111478e-6
  Iterations:  302

and verify that we get the same results:



2-element Array{Float64,1}:

Decision evaluation

Consider the following first-stage decision:

x = [40., 20.]

The expected result of taking this decision in the simple finite model can be determined through:

evaluate_decision(sp, x)

Decision evaluation is supported by the other storage structures as well:

evaluate_decision(sp_lshaped, x)


evaluate_decision(sp_progressivehedging, x)

Stochastic performance

Apart from solving the stochastic program, we can compute two classical measures of stochastic performance. The first measures the value of knowing the random outcome before making the decision. This is achieved by taking the expectation in the original model outside the minimization, to obtain the wait-and-see problem. Now, the first- and second-stage decisions are taken with knowledge about the uncertainty. If we assume that we know what the actual outcome will be, we would be interested in the optimal course of action in that scenario. This is the concept of wait-and-see models. For example if the first scenario is believed to be the actual outcome, we can define a wait-and-see model as follows:

ws = WS(sp, ξ₁)
Min 100 x₁ + 150 x₂ - 24 y₁ - 28 y₂
Subject to
 x₁  Decisions
 x₂  Decisions
 y₁  RecourseDecisions
 y₂  RecourseDecisions
 x₁  40.0
 x₂  20.0
 y₁  0.0
 y₂  0.0
 x₁ + x₂  120.0
 -60 x₁ + 6 y₁ + 10 y₂  0.0
 -80 x₂ + 8 y₁ + 5 y₂  0.0
 y₁  500.0
 y₂  100.0

The optimal first-stage decision in this scenario can be determined through:

x₁ = wait_and_see_decision(sp, ξ₁)
2-element Vector{Float64}:

We can then evaluate this decision:

evaluate_decision(sp, x₁)

The difference between the expected wait-and-see value and the value of the recourse problem is known as the expected value of perfect information (EVPI). The EVPI measures the expected loss of not knowing the exact outcome beforehand. It quantifies the value of having access to an accurate forecast. We calculate it in the framework through:


EVPI is supported in the other structures as well:




If the expectation in the original model is instead taken inside the second-stage objective function Q, we obtain the expected-value-problem. The solution to the expected-value-problem is known as the expected value decision. We can compute it through

= expected_value_decision(sp)
2-element Vector{Float64}:

The expected result of taking the expected value decision is known as the expected result of the expected value decision (EEV). The difference between the value of the recourse problem and the expected result of the expected value decision is known as the value of the stochastic solution (VSS). The VSS measures the expected loss of ignoring the uncertainty in the problem. A large VSS indicates that the second stage is sensitive to the stochastic data. We calculate it using


VSS is supported in the other structures as well:


