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Solving Natural Conic Formulations with Hypatia.jl

This archive is distributed in association with the INFORMS Journal on Computing under the MIT License.

The software and data in this repository are a snapshot of the software and data that were used in the research reported on in the paper "Solving Natural Conic Formulations with Hypatia.jl" by C. Coey, L. Kapelevich, J.P. Vielma. The snapshot is based on this SHA in the development repository.

Important: This code is being developed on an on-going basis at Please go there if you would like to get a more recent version or would like support.


To cite this software, please cite the paper and the software itself using the following DOI.


Below is the BibTeX for citing this version of the code.

title = {{Hypatia.jl} version v2021.0177},
author = {Chris Coey and Lea Kapelevich and contributors},
year = 2021,
publisher = {INFORMS Journal on Computing},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.6466746},
note = {Available for download from},


Hypatia is a highly-customizable open source interior point solver for generic conic optimization problems, written in Julia.

For more information on Hypatia, please see:


To use Hypatia, install Julia, then at the Julia REPL, type:

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("Hypatia")
julia> using Hypatia


Scripts in the benchmarks/natvsext directory are used for comparing natural and extended formulations for problems in the examples folder using Hypatia and MOSEK.

In benchmarks/natvsext, the file raw/bench.csv contains the raw output of the run.jl script, from which our results are generated. The analysis folder contains files produced from this raw CSV file by the analyze.jl script. These processed results files are used to generate the PGFPlots plots (from the CSV files in the csvs folder) and LaTeX tables (from TeX files in the tex folder) in the paper. The full set of tables and plots is given in natvsext_results.pdf.

The following instructions for running the run.jl and analyze.jl scripts in benchmarks/natvsext should work from a Linux/macOS shell/terminal.

Install Julia and dependencies

Install the selected version of Julia (e.g. v1.7) from

Install the selected version of MOSEK (e.g. version 9) by following the instructions at

Start Julia from the shell and enter Julia's pkg mode by typing ]. Install Hypatia and the script dependencies:

pkg> dev Hypatia
pkg> add Combinatorics CSV DataFrames DataStructures DelimitedFiles Distributions
pkg> add DynamicPolynomials ForwardDiff JuMP PolyJuMP Random SemialgebraicSets
pkg> add SpecialFunctions SumOfSquares Test Printf Distributed ECOS MosekTools

Exit Julia. Set the desired version of Hypatia (e.g. v0.5.0) with:

cd ~/.julia/dev/Hypatia
git checkout v0.5.0

Update packages by starting Julia again and typing ], then:

pkg> up

Exit Julia, and change directory to the benchmarks/natvsext folder:

cd ~/.julia/dev/Hypatia/benchmarks/natvsext

The run.jl script

Open run.jl with a code editor. Under inst_sets = and JuMP_examples = , uncomment the items under the "natural formulations paper" header and comment (add #) the remaining.

This script spawns a process for each instance and each solver, one at a time. It kills the process if a memory or time limit is reached (see the options at the top of run.jl). It puts output files into the raw folder, specifically a csv file that is used by the analysis script, and a txt file of script progress and solver printouts.

Start a GNU Screen from the shell by typing screen (see for installation).

Run (from the benchmarks/natvsext directory):

mkdir -p raw
killall julia; ~/julia/julia run.jl &> raw/bench.txt

If the script errors in the next few minutes, follow the error messages to debug, or if that fails, try starting Julia and running:

julia> include("run.jl")

Follow any prompts or error instructions (e.g. to install missing packages).

If the script does not error after a few minutes, detach from the GNU Screen session by typing ctrl+a then d (to later reattach, type screen -r). Monitor the progress of the script by typing:

cat raw/bench.txt
tail -f raw/bench.txt

The script should take several days to finish.

The analyze.jl script

This script reads the csv output of the run.jl script, raw/bench.csv, and analyzes these results, outputting analysis/summaries into files in the analysis folder and printing some information to the shell.

Start Julia (from the benchmarks/natvsext directory) and run:

julia> include("analyze.jl")

Follow any error messages to debug. The script should take at most a couple of minutes. When finished, inspect the files in the analysis folder.

Ongoing Development

This code is being developed on an on-going basis at the Github site.


For support in using this software, submit an issue.


This work has been partially funded by the National Science Foundation under grant OAC-1835443 and the Office of Naval Research under grant N00014-18-1-2079.