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This project implements a seismic stations xml database compliant with the FDSN Station xml format fdsn-station and the corresponding FDSN webservice fdsnws-station .

Install From the project directory invoke ant to build the package file fdsn-station-0.1.xar into the build directory. Install the package into your eXist-db using the package manager.

eXist-db can be installed simply as a docker:

sudo docker pull existdb/existdb:release
sudo docker run -it -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 --name exist existdb/existdb:latest

Alternatively fdsn-station and eXist-db can be built and deployed in one shot:

sudo docker build --rm . -t exist-fdsn-station
sudo docker run --name exist-fdsn-station -it exist-fdsn-station

You can also use the provided compose.yaml

mkdir data
docker compose up -d

Your database content is on data directory.

Use the API to add stations.

Here is an example using curl, passing through the nginx proxy server:

curl -X PUT "http://127.0.01:80/fdsnws/station/1/query?" -H  "accept: application/xml"  -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -H "filename: INGV_ABSI.xml"  --data-binary @Station/INGV_ABSI.xml -o output.xml -i -v -fdsn:password

and another example using curl but directly to the eXist-db host:

curl -X PUT "" -H  "accept: application/xml"  -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -H "Expect:" -H "filename: INGV_ABSI.xml"  --data-binary @Station/INGV_ABSI.xml -o output.xml -i -v -fdsn:password

Adjust IP addresses if needed.

Query the webservice version as for the FDSN Station standard, assuming the docker network:port exposed:

wget " -O version.text" 

Try this examples with the stations provided, or adapt to your stations set.

wget "" -O some-stations-norestricted.txt 

Web interface GUI interface is accessible:

Security: default admin password is empty, fdsn default password is fdsn. Change it using eXist-db ide.

Need more help?

User Manual is coming.