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Model Server API

Lee Dong Ho edited this page Jul 27, 2019 · 17 revisions

Using AlpacaServer

Installation (You can skip this part if you already installed it.)

  - alpaca_client
  + alpaca_server:
     - alpaca_model
     - alpaca_serving
  - annotation

move into alpaca_server directory and enter the command:

python -m pip install .

start AlpacaServer

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=" " alpaca-serving-start

Currently, GPU does not support.

Using AlpacaClient

Installation (You can skip this part if you already installed it.)

  + alpaca_client:
  - alpaca_server
  - annotation

move into alpaca_client directory and enter the command:

python -m pip install .


Method Description
.initiate(project_id) Model Initiate: If the model of same project id already exists in the directory, this method loads the model. If not, initiates the model
.online_initiate(sentences, predefined_label) If the model is firstly initialized, it needs to make mappings of words, chars and labels to feature indices. (word_vocab, char_vocab, label_vocab)
.online_learning(sentences, labels, epoch, batch) feeds annotated sentences into the model with specified epoch and batch size.
.active_learning(sentences, acquire) Feeds the sentences into the model and get the most ambiguous instances by size of acquire
.predict(sentences) Feeds the sentences and get the prediction


1. Connect to server

from alpaca_serving.client import *
ac = AlpacaClient()

2. Initiate the model

# 'MODEL INITIATED' if there is no existing model with same project_id = 1
# 'MODEL LOADED' if there is existing model with same project_id = 1

If 'MODEL INITIATED' appears, we should build word, label mappings before we use the model.

ac.online_initiate(sent,[['B-PER', 'I-PER', 'B-LOC', 'I-LOC', 'B-ORG', 'I-ORG', 'B-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'O']])

3. Get indices of the most ambiguous instances by active learning method.

active_indices = ac.active_learning(sent, acquire=5)

4. Train the model with those instances.

active_sent = [sent[a_i] for a_i in active_indices]
active_label = [label[a_i] for a_i in active_indices]
ac.online_learning(active_sent,active_label, epoch=5, batch=5)
# 'Online learning completed'

5. Get prediction

ac.predict(‘New York and Paris’)
# {'words': ['Paris', 'and', 'New', 'York'], 'entities': [], 'tags': [['B-LOC', 'O', 'B-LOC', 'I-LOC']]}

What if 'error' message comes out?

It's because of resource overloaded in the server-side. Wait 2~3 seconds and Try request again.