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feature: function to find all executables with the same signature (#1291
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pvojtechovsky authored and monperrus committed May 23, 2017
1 parent 08151bd commit 085df8e
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* Copyright (C) 2006-2017 INRIA and contributors
* Spoon -
* This software is governed by the CeCILL-C License under French law and
* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify
* and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C license as
* circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the CeCILL-C License for more details.
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
package spoon.reflect.visitor.filter;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import spoon.SpoonException;
import spoon.reflect.code.CtLambda;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMethod;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType;
import spoon.reflect.visitor.Filter;
import spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtConsumableFunction;
import spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtConsumer;
import spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery;
import spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryAware;

* Returns all methods/lambdas with same signature in related inheritance hierarchies.
* It can be be used to found all other methods, which has to be changed if signature of method or lambda expression has to be changed.<br>
* Expects {@link CtExecutable} as input
* and produces all {@link CtExecutable}s,
* which have same signature and are declared in sub/super classes or sub/super interfaces of this or related inheritance hierarchy.<br>
* It makes sense to call this mapping functions for {@link CtMethod} and {@link CtLambda} instances
* and then it returns {@link CtMethod} and {@link CtLambda} instance which overrides each other or have same signature.
public class AllMethodsSameSignatureFunction implements CtConsumableFunction<CtExecutable<?>>, CtQueryAware {

private boolean includingSelf = false;
private boolean includingLambdas = true;
private CtQuery query;

public AllMethodsSameSignatureFunction() {

* @param includingSelf if true then input element is sent to output too. By default it is false.
public AllMethodsSameSignatureFunction includingSelf(boolean includingSelf) {
this.includingSelf = includingSelf;
return this;

* @param includingLambdas if true then extra search for {@link CtLambda} executables,
* with same signature will be processed too.
* If false, then it returns only {@link CtMethod} instances.
* By default it is true.
public AllMethodsSameSignatureFunction includingLambdas(boolean includingLambdas) {
this.includingLambdas = includingLambdas;
return this;

public void apply(final CtExecutable<?> targetExecutable, final CtConsumer<Object> outputConsumer) {
//prepare filter for lambda expression. It will be configured by the algorithm below
final LambdaFilter lambdaFilter = new LambdaFilter();
final CtQuery lambdaQuery = targetExecutable.getFactory().getModel().getRootPackage().filterChildren(lambdaFilter);
//the to be searched method
CtMethod<?> targetMethod;
if (targetExecutable instanceof CtLambda) {
//the input is lambda
if (includingSelf && includingLambdas) {
if (query.isTerminated()) {
//in case of lambda, the target method is the method implemented by lambda
targetMethod = ((CtLambda<?>) targetExecutable).getOverriddenMethod();
if (query.isTerminated()) {
//the input is the lambda expression, which was already returned or doesn't have to be returned at all because includingSelf == false
//add extra filter into lambdaQuery which skips that input lambda expression Filter<CtLambda<?>>() {
public boolean matches(CtLambda<?> lambda) {
return targetExecutable != lambda;
} else if (targetExecutable instanceof CtMethod) {
if (includingSelf) {
if (query.isTerminated()) {
targetMethod = (CtMethod<?>) targetExecutable;
} else {
//CtConstructor or CtAnonymousExecutable never overrides other executable. We are done
if (includingSelf) {

final List<CtMethod<?>> targetMethods = new ArrayList<>();
CtType<?> declaringType = targetMethod.getDeclaringType();
//search for all declarations and implementations of this method in sub and super classes and interfaces of all related hierarchies.
class Context {
boolean haveToSearchForSubtypes;
final Context context = new Context();
//at the beginning we know that we have to always search for sub types too.
context.haveToSearchForSubtypes = true;
//Sub inheritance hierarchy function, which remembers visited sub types and does not returns/visits them again
final SubInheritanceHierarchyResolver subHierarchyFnc = new SubInheritanceHierarchyResolver(declaringType.getFactory().getModel().getRootPackage());
//add hierarchy of `targetMethod` as to be checked for sub types of declaring type
//unique names of all types whose super inheritance hierarchy was searched for rootType
Set<String> typesCheckedForRootType = new HashSet<>();
//list of sub types whose inheritance hierarchy has to be checked
final List<CtType<?>> toBeCheckedSubTypes = new ArrayList<>();
//add hierarchy of `targetMethod` as to be checked for super types of declaring type
while (toBeCheckedSubTypes.size() > 0) {
for (CtType<?> subType : toBeCheckedSubTypes) {
ClassTypingContext ctc = new ClassTypingContext(subType);
//search for first target method from the same type inheritance hierarchy
targetMethod = getTargetMethodOfHierarchy(targetMethods, ctc);
//search for all methods with same signature in inheritance hierarchy of `subType`
forEachOverridenMethod(ctc, targetMethod, typesCheckedForRootType, new CtConsumer<CtMethod<?>>() {
public void accept(CtMethod<?> overriddenMethod) {
CtType<?> type = overriddenMethod.getDeclaringType();
//mark that new super type was added, so we have to search for sub types again
context.haveToSearchForSubtypes = true;
if (query.isTerminated()) {
if (context.haveToSearchForSubtypes) {
context.haveToSearchForSubtypes = false;
//there are some new super types, whose sub inheritance hierarchy has to be checked
//search their inheritance hierarchy for sub types
subHierarchyFnc.forEachSubTypeInPackage(new CtConsumer<CtType<?>>() {
public void accept(CtType<?> type) {
if (includingLambdas) {
//search for all lambdas implementing any of the found interfaces

* calls outputConsumer for each method which is overridden by 'thisMethod' in scope of `ctc`.
* There is assured that each method is returned only once.
* @param ctc - class typing context whose scope is searched for overridden methods
* @param thisMethod - the
* @param distintTypesSet set of qualified names of types which were already visited
* @param outputConsumer result handling consumer
private void forEachOverridenMethod(final ClassTypingContext ctc, final CtMethod<?> thisMethod, Set<String> distintTypesSet, final CtConsumer<CtMethod<?>> outputConsumer) {
final CtQuery q = ctc.getAdaptationScope()
.map(new AllTypeMembersFunction(CtMethod.class).distinctSet(distintTypesSet));
q.forEach(new CtConsumer<CtMethod<?>>() {
public void accept(CtMethod<?> thatMethod) {
if (thisMethod == thatMethod) {
//do not return scope method
//check whether method is overridden by searched method
* note: we are in super inheritance hierarchy of type declaring input `method`, so we do not have to check isSubTypeOf.
* Check for isSubSignature is enough
if (ctc.isSubSignature(thisMethod, thatMethod)) {
if (query.isTerminated()) {

private CtMethod<?> getTargetMethodOfHierarchy(List<CtMethod<?>> targetMethods, ClassTypingContext ctc) {
for (CtMethod<?> method : targetMethods) {
CtType<?> declaringType = method.getDeclaringType();
if (ctc.isSubtypeOf(declaringType.getReference())) {
return method;
//this should never happen
throw new SpoonException("No target executable was found in super type hiearchy of class typing context");

public void setQuery(CtQuery query) {
this.query = query;

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