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Releases: INSaFLU/docker

v1.6.0 Datasets

27 Oct 21:40
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The major novelty of release v1.6.0 is the introduction of Datasets - From consensus sequences to advanced Nextstrain phylogenetic and genomic analysis, coupled with geographic and temporal data visualization and exploration of sequence metadata.

Note: If you install this specific version, the update-insaflu command will not work unless you specifically do git checkout master inside the container

Note: This version seems to be missing one migration. Although it should work without it, to fully update go in the container and do 'cd /insaflu_web/INSaFLU/; python3 makemigrations; python3 migrate; ../commands/restart-apache'


27 Oct 08:24
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Note: To be able to install this version correctly you'll need to add "&& git checkout tags/v1.5.2" after "cd INSaFLU" in the Dockerfile of the insaflu-server component.