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Getting Started

This section takes you through a the entire process of conducting a co-simulation with Maestro2.

This guide is based on the command line interface (CLI) of Maestro2 and consists of two parts:
The first part :ref:`getting_started_part1` concerns writing a MaBL Specification by hand and executing it.
The second part :ref:`getting_started_part2` concerns using the specification generation feature of Maestro for generating the specification.

Note that Maestro2 also features a web API presented in :ref:`web-api`.


If you are using the development branch, then the documentation might not be up to date. However, you can consult the tests, and These tests are run by our CI system, so if the build passes, then these are valid.


The first step is to install the dependencies along with the tools and resources that are to be used

  • Download and install Java 11
  • Download maestro-2.x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar from the newest Maestro2 2.x.x release on the Maestro release page To easier follow the tutorials below it is recommended to rename the jar file to maestro2.jar, such that the terminal commands can be copy-pasted.
  • Optional: Python 3 for plotting capabilities


The example throughout this getting started guide concerns a water tank. The tank (Continuous Time component) has a constant inflow of water and a valve that is controlled by a controller (Discrete-Event component). When the valve is open, the water level within the tank decreases, and whe the valve is closed, the water level increases. The controller determines when to open and close the valve based on a maximum and a minimum water level.


Water Tank Example

This is modelled as two FMUs with external connections, internal connections and parameters as presented in the figure below.


Water Tank FMUs and ports

Part 1: First MaBL Specification

This part presents a MaBL specification written by hand with descriptive comments.

To follow this part download the :download:`getting started part1 resources <images/wt_example/>` and unzip into a directory. To easier follow this guide the downloaded jar file can be placed in the same directory as the resources has been unzipped into.

The corresponding MaBL code, including descriptive comments, to execute this co-simulation is presented below:

.. literalinclude:: images/wt_example/wt-example.mabl
    :language: c

To execute this (one can use the file corresponding wt-example.mabl from the unzipped example resouces) run the following command from the terminal:

java -jar maestro2.jar --interpret wt-example.mabl

Where --interpret is to interpret a specification

The result is available in outputs.csv. This can be plotted with python, and the result should look like the figure below.


Result from co-simulation

Part 2: Specification Generation and Expansion

This part also concerns the water tank but uses the capabilities of specification generation and expansion to create the specification. Thus, the user does not have to write MaBL by hand. Specification generation and Expansion are not treated in detail in this guide, but more information is available in :ref:`sec-specification_generator` and :ref:`sec-expansion`.

To follow this part download the :download:`getting started part2 resources <images/wt_example/>` and unzip into a directory. To easier follow this guide the downloaded jar file can be placed in the same directory as the resources has been unzipped into.

The specification generator is based on JSON configuration files with the same structure as the ones used in Maestro1. For this reason, it is also possible to use the INTO-CPS Application to create the specification files. These files are available in the folder of the given Multi-Model. This is also mentioned below where the actual terminal command is issued.

Configuration file

The content of the configuration file is briefly described after the example below. A more detailed description is available at :ref:`sec-legacy-config-format`. The configuration for this example is:

.. literalinclude:: images/wt_example/wt-example-config.json
   :language: json

  • fmus contains mappings between a key, enclosed in {} and the corresponding FMU.
  • connections contains mappings from a single FMU output port to one or more FMU input ports. The format of a port is {fmuKey}.instance.scalarVariableName
  • parameters contains mappings from a single FMU parameter port and a value.
  • algorithm describes that the fixed-step algorithm should be used with the size 0.001. Currently only fixed-step is supported.
  • end_time is the end-time of the simulation

Specification Generation

The command below generates the specification based on the configuration file above:

java -jar maestro2.jar --spec-generate1 wt-example-config.json --dump-simple "./"

Where --spec-generate1 instructs Maestro2 to use specification generator for legacy configuration files (i.e. configuration files for maestro1) and --dump-simple describes to dump the final specification at the current directory.


The INTO-CPS Application creates two configuration files in JSON format: a multimodel configuration file and a simulate configuration file. These files can both be added to the terminal command, i.e. --spec-generate1 multimodel.json simulate.json, and will be merged by Maestro. Thus, one does not have to merge these files manually.

Final specification and Execution

The final specification is in the file spec.mabl and is not presented here but can be downloaded: :download:`spec.mabl <images/wt_example/spec.mabl>`.

Furthermore, a spec.runtime.json file has been produced with information for the runtime DataWriter CSV plugin with information on where to store the csv result:

.. literalinclude:: images/wt_example/spec.runtime.json
    :language: json


To execute the specification execute the following command:

java -jar maestro2.jar --interpret spec.mabl

Where --interpret instructs Maestro2 to interpret the subsequent specifications, in this case spec.mabl.

The interpreter will automatically look for *.runtime.json files within the same directory as the jar file.

Similar to above in :ref:`getting_started_part1`, the results can be viewed and plotted with the accompanying python script: python

Extra: Expansion

This section gives a small insight into the expansion feature of Maestro. It is possible to use expansion plugins within in a MaBL specification. When Maestro encounters a MaBL expand statement during processing, it will replace the statement with MaBL code generated by the related expansion plugin. This happens automatically in the part2 example, but it can be made obvious.

Run the command below:

java -jar maestro2.jar --spec-generate1 wt-example-config.json --dump-intermediate "./part2mabl-intermediate"
--dump-intermediate describes to dump the specification after every expansion iteration at "./part2mabl-intermediate"

The directory part2mabl-intermediate now contains files with different numbers in increasing order due to the flag --dump-intermediate "./part2mabl-intermediate". The initial specification, spec00000.mabl, refers to the specification generated by the specification generator without any expansions carried out. spec00001.mabl is the specification after 1 expansion has been carried out and so forth. The larget number referes to the specification after all expansions has been carried out.

spec00000.mabl is the specification generated by the specification generator which contains several annotations (marked with @) and two expand statements (begins with: expand): initialize and fixedStep. The reason for these annotations are that the file is self-contained. The relevant information to generate the final specification is added to the specifications via these annotations. See the example below and the description afterwards:

.. literalinclude:: images/wt_example/spec00000.mabl

  • Line 12-13 describes the framework and the JSON necessary to generate the configuration of the framework context, which is needed by the expansion plugins.
  • Line 61 describes a configuration used specifically for the initialize expansion plugin on the subsequent line
  • Line 62 specifies that the initialize expansion plugin should be expanded.
  • Line 63 specifies that the fixedStep expansion plugin should be expanded.

The next example presents the intermediate expansion spec00002.mabl generated after the expansion of line 61 and 62 in spec00000.mabl containing @Config(...) and Initializer.expand initialize(...) respectively. Thus the @Config(...) and Initializer.expand initialize(...) have been replaced with the MaBL generated by the corresponding Initialize plugin as seen on line 61 to 158. As it can be seen on line 159, FixedStep.expand fixedStep(...) has not been expanded yet.

.. literalinclude:: images/wt_example/spec00002.mabl