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QuickStart edited this page Jun 20, 2024 · 6 revisions

Teamserver installation

Download the latest version in release: XiebroC2

First generate the default profile.json file


Echo the success of generating profile.json

The original profile.json was successfully generated!

Display parameters

Teamserver.exe -h

Modify TeamServerIP in the profile.json file to your vps address

"TeamServerIP": "",
"TeamServerPort": "8880",
"Password": "123456",
"StagerPort": "4050",
"Telegram_Token": "",
"Telegram_chat_ID": "",
"Fork": false,
"Route": "www",
"Process64": "C:\\windows\\system32\\notepad.exe",
"Process86": "C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\notepad.exe",
"WebServers": [],
"listeners": [],
"rdiShellcode32": "",
"rdiShellcode64": "0x64.."


Teamserver.exe -c profile.json

Control side (currently only supports windows)

Add listener

Attack->listener->Add, select payload, currently only TCP and websocket protocols are supported, and they are all long connections, the advantage is fast echo speed




If you need to run the client on MacOS, you need to install Wine. Wine converts Windows system calls into POSIX standard system calls by providing a [compatibility layer]( layer). This is equivalent to the JVM virtual machine in Java, but unlike the virtual machine, Wine is an API call conversion at the operating system layer, and there is no virtual layer, so the running efficiency is much higher than the virtual machine method.

This time we will use Homebrew to install Wine. Homebrew is the most popular package manager under macOS. If you haven't installed Homebrew yet, please visit Homebrew official website for more details, or install it directly in the terminal using the following command:

$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Next, we use Homebrew to install Wine:

$ sudo spctl --master-disable # Allow installation of software from unknown sources
$ brew install --cask wine-stable
$ chmod +x XiebroC2MAc
$ WINEDEBUG=-all wine XiebroC2MAc



If you encounter the problem of Chinese garbled characters, the solution to the problem is here Wine solves Chinese garbled characters

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