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**This is the I/O Coin Protocol 60022, Dions-html5 Windows 10 & OSX Sierra 64Bit Wallet-DIONS-Sirius-v5.0.0.0-g5729cf1 Ver 80000**

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@IOCoin IOCoin released this 19 Aug 23:48
· 709 commits to master since this release

This is the I/O Coin Protocol 60022, Dions-html5 Windows 10 & OSX Sierra 64Bit Wallet-DIONS-Sirius-v5.0.0.0-g5729cf1 Ver 80000

Super Seed Nodes

Mandatory Update for our users, Protocol 60021 is no longer supported. The dev team has also added a special api call "IOGET" this is secondary alert system to IOC for devs to communicate crucial information to our community and enables a private pull from chain for crucial data structure distribution to our community. This alert will only be used in special circumstances only and it requires private keys held by core devs. This is our update to the known current alert system. In the event GitHub was to be down and the team needed to distribute crucial update IOGET could be use as a back up mechanism.

Dev Signatures
shasum -a 256 IOCOIN.2208087.tar.gz

shasum - a 256 IOC-BOOTSRAP height= 3097018

shasum -a 256 dions-aurora.dmg

shasum -a 256 dions-aurora.exe

shasum -a 256

This is an upgrade version for Sirius. If you are on Protocol 60021 or below, Apache or Cochise all you need to do is close wallet and daemon and simply install over. As aways please back up the entire folder including wallet.dat and do a dumpwallet prior to upgrading.

If you are not on apache or cochise or ragnorok follow instructions below

We have been hard at work with the update to our stealth addresses. We have now updated the UI and some common routines (UI auto lock has been removed, DIONS expiry has been updated to allow recreation of an expired alias, backward compatibility for orange wallet to display DIONs and messages, added shade features, buy iocoin has been removed to allocate space needed for stealth -this will be re integrated at later time with new view).

Because stealth addresses have a new framework, the new updated UI will display a message that will check for backward compatibility. Once the user sees this message, in order to upgrade to shade, the user will follow a 2 step process in order to upgrade.

Wallet Ragnorok Installation instructions
Do a full backup press ESC and do a command DUMPWALLET + file location "example" DUMPWALLET /Users/COCO/Desktop/IOCWallet.txt this should make a file with your private keys. Now close wallet and daemon, do an entire folder backup of where the wallet.dat lives that contains the blockchain files (Full BackUp) for extra safety we recommend 2 backups to 2 different places USB and Folder. Install New wallet over the existing one and run. Here you will see a message top right (Your wallet version is 60000, to use shade and latest features you must upgrade your wallet to latest version.) Once you see this message, close your wallet and make sure daemon is also shutdown.

Open Terminal (OSX) or CMD (W10) to initiate the upgrade. Type iocoind --datadir=(location of wallet folder containing the wallet.dat) -upgradewallet then press enter. Wait for it to upgrade your wallet.dat and launch the wallet. You can open debug.log to verify is done, process should take no longer than a few minutes. DONE

Headless Linux
./iocoind walletpassphrase -password- 9999999 true

and if you want to upgrade it to use stealth: ./iocoind --datadir=/root/.iocoin -upgradewallet

first stop the daemon: ./iocoind stop
wallet.dat make copy for security: cp wallet.dat wallet-bf-upgrade.dat
go to downloads folder: cd /Downloads
Get the upgrade files:
Rename download for easy setup: mv
Give proper rights: chmod +x ~/Downloads/
Install the script: ./
Launch the new wallet: ./iocoind (wait a few minutes)
Then check if protocol is 60022: ./iocoind getinfo
If yes, then stop the wallet again: ./iocoind stop
Upgrade wallet: ./iocoind --datadir=/root/.iocoin -upgradewallet (optional if you want to use the stealth features)
Wait for a few minutes and you are done.



OSX it would be iocoind --datadir=/Users/COCO/Documents/IOCOIN -upgradewallet (press enter)

Linux Debian Headless Daemon sudo ./

CMD (Windows) (command line) to initiate the upgrade, C:\Program Files (x86)\DIONS HTML5 Wallet iocoind.exe --datadir=c:\users\wallet-folder-location -upgradewallet (press enter)

C:\Program Files (x86)\DIONS HTML5 Wallet> , you need to start at c: (cd.. "enter" cd.. "enter"...) type cd program files (x86) "enter". cd dions html5 wallet "enter"

Iocoind.exe --datadir="c:\walletfolderlocation" -upgradewallet

wait a 1 minute or 2 an open the wallet ui by launching the wallet icon
unlock for staking. Once you run this command in terminal it will upgrade the wallet to the new shade/stealth address framework. If upgraded successfully Message should be gone. We have set a block for shade to go live, this will give time for our users to fully upgrade to the new framework in order for the shade payments to be mined. This is to ensure our users have enough time to upgrade to latest version. Always test send 1 ioc.

Shade/ Stealth will be available to exchanges only if exchanges decide to upgrade to stealth. If not they will be available between users that have upgraded. Regular ioc sends and receive will be as usual.

To backup your wallets after the upgrade make sure to run ESC DUMPWALLET and DUMPWALLETRT in addition to wallet.dat to ensure you have full backups save to 2 different locations



Please Remember This is Mandatory Upgrade to Protocol 60022

Please Keep DIONS Alias creation in wallet to a maximum of 3 per wallet.dat... Headless has more wider upper limit per wallet.dat we tested up to 100

Full Blockchain Files included up to block 1860075.... We recommend using bootstrap if is a new sync if not it could take up to 2 days to be fully synced. Full Blockchain files bootstrap take around 15 to 20 minutes to fully sync.

If your balance is not displaying properly press ESC then repairwallet

Please remember this is a mandatory update, if you send coins to bittrex or anyone from the old protocol wallets 60015, 60016, 60017, 60018, 60019, 60020, 60021.

60021 is now banned for security reasons so please wait to send to bittrex or back to wallets after a successful upgrade to ensure safety of your coins. Always send 1 ioc as test to ensure proper receive during upgrade times.

For a Guide and How to for the wallet install please check our website

For wallet support

Again Make sure to Always Backup all files and folders before upgrading