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Releases: IOCoin/iocoin

I/O COIN Beta HTML5 Wallet for OSX Sierra

06 Aug 02:18
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This is the new HTML5 wallet for I/O Coin with support for OSX Sierra. This is the beta version we are still testing it for any issues. Once your done downloading the wallet please be sure to download the entire blockchain file for faster sync our you can also let the wallet sync on it's own. At first it will be a bit slow to find the seeds if you want to speed that up you may add the file peers.dat below.

I/O Coin folder is located here ~/Library/Application Support/IOCoin

Make sure to always backup your .dat file prior to making any changes or upgrading. Copy and paste your entire iocoin folder if your doing an upgrade. Don't send to the wallet unless you have fully synced the wallet. Send 1 ioc or less as a test to verify functionality.


I/O Coin Non DIONS Complete Blockchain Year 7/23/17 Block 14569--

24 Jul 03:35
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This is the complete blockchain files before DIONS upgrade up until 7/23/17 Block 14569--.

If you are syncing make sure to BACKUP YOUR WALLET.DAT Never Delete please save your files until you have successfully synced. download, extract, copy and paste into the I/O Coin Folder. For the html5 iocoin.conf and html5wallet.conf are needed to be imported also so make sure to always save these files

If you dont have the iocoin folder launch the wallet one time and close. Then place the the txleveldb and blk0001.dat in the folder. Once is synced you can add your .dat file to access your coins.

~/Library/Application Support/IOCoin

Windows 10

I/O Coin Bootstrap to Block 1.3M

06 Jun 23:37
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This is a bootstrap file that will speed up the blockchain sync. Install the qt wallet and immediately close it, unzip June.6th.2017-dat.gz and Place the bootstrap.dat and peers.dat files in the iocoin folder.

iocoin folder location;

OSX is located at ~/Library/Application Support/IOCOIN

Windows enable hidden files, then proceed to locate the iocoin folder in the appdata/roaming/IOCoin

Re launch the wallet and let the wallet sync. Wallet will show as not-responding but it will be syncing, should take no longer than 24hrs for a full sync. DO NOT CLOSE THE WALLET during this process.

Our team is working on a brand new and faster bootstrap for DIONS.

I/O Coin BootStrap To Block 1M

09 Jan 17:48
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This is a bootstrap file that will speed up the blockchain sync. Install the qt wallet and immediately close it, remove all files and place the bootstrap.dat and peers.dat files in the iocoin folder.

iocoin folder location;

OSX is located at ~/Library/Application Support
Windows enable hidden files, then proceed to locate the iocoin folder in the appdata/roaming

Re launch the wallet and let the wallet sync. Wallet will show as not-responding but it will be syncing, should take no longer than 24hrs for a full sync. DO NOT CLOSE THE WALLET during this process.

Our team is working on a brand new and faster bootstrap for DIONS.


25 Mar 00:54
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This I/O Coin QT Version v3.1.0.0-g32a928e is for OSX El Capitan 10.11.3 only , This version is for OSX 64bit, for people who are experiencing unexpected quit on their wallets. This will be our last qt release before DIONS.

NEW! I/O Coin HTML5 Beta Version 1.1.8 March 8th 2016

04 Mar 22:35
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This is an urgent update of our current HTML5 wallet version 1.1.6 and 1.1.7 Users. Make sure to always test a receive & send to the wallet with 1 ioc prior to receiving or sending bigger amounts. This wallet is mainly released for OSX 64 bit El Capitan users experiencing QT wallet issues and Windows 10 Users who have experience issues with the auto generated wallet address or ME address on HTML5 not receiving coins. The ME address issue was only replicated under Windows 10. This wallet version is still under testing so make sure to backup your .dat & entire iocoin folder before installing the wallet. After you install this updated wallet, If you are sending coins to a new generated HTML5 wallet address please test, receive & send 1 ioc while in testing. Before upgrading please back up the entire iocoin folder containing all the files in it including the wallet.dat and html5wallet.conf

For windows this folder is located in appdata/roaming/iocoin
For osx is located on ~/library/Application Support/iocoin

Then proceed to uninstall the wallet and re-install this update.

For the HTML5 wallet the address book is saved in this file (html5wallet.conf) (DON'T ERASE or DELETE THIS FILE, please back it up)

If you have a current html5 version 1.1.6 or 1.1.7 beta wallet with a ME address please don't send any coins to that address, stop using the wallet and upgrade to version 1.1.8 - Link is below

This release is for medium to advanced users to test. For beginners reach out to us in slack so that we can assist you. Please report any bugs you may find to

NEW! I/OCoin HTML5 February 19th 2015 Release Version 1.1.6

19 Feb 06:46
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NEW! I/OCoin HTML5 February 19th 2015 Release Version 1.1.4

First of all backup your existing HTML5 wallet.dat before you upgrade!
Because of a bug in the current HTML5 wallet, you should not use the build in backup facility but use the below steps.
In the new release, the backup functionality is fixed.

How to backup manually

  1. Open HTML5 wallet and Go to settings tab
  2. Click on Show Data Folder and it will open up your IOcoin data Folder
  3. After this folder is open, Please CLOSE down wallet (Make sure to completely close down wallet after this folder is open) Very Important
  4. Once wallet is fully closed you are going to look for your wallet.dat file, inside the iocoin folder, make sure to copy and paste to another folder on the desktop, also it would be wise to backup to a USB stick.
  5. Be aware, if you made a backup of the wallet that has not yet been encrypted, you should do another backup when it is encrypted and replace the old backup!

[b]HTML5 release:[/b]
We have some really nice new features added to the HTML5 wallet.

Backup feature is fixed
Added link to
Added exchange / price info in-wallet + a buy button to buy ioc
Added amount of coins listed per wallet address
Overall stability and security measures
Enhanced the IONS features

Some screens of the wallets features;

ip bitcointalk-1
ip bitcointalk-2
ip bitcointalk-3
ip bitcointalk-4
ip bitcointalk-5
ip bitcointalk

Before Installing Backup Wallet.dat File. Make sure to fully uninstall any previous versions of the HTML5 Wallet. You can't run qt and html5 wallets at the same time for windows. For mac please download wallets with chrome or firefox

Windows 8
Windows 7
OSX 64BIT Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion

Supported Platforms

  • Windows 8 (32-bit binary). Tested on Windows 7 x64.
  • Windows 7 (32-bit binary). Tested on Windows 7 x64.
  • Mac OS X 10.7+ (32-bit and 64-bit binaries). Tested on 10.8, 10.9. and 10.10 Yosemite

Unsupported Platforms

  • Windows XP (daemon crash)
  • OS X 10.6 and earlier (unsupported by node-webkit)
  • Linux (experimental support, see below)

All other operating systems: Use at your own risk!

Installation (Windows)

Run the installer executable.
Do not change the installation folder or wallet will be unable to find the daemon executable.

Run wallet using shortcut in start menu, or by starting IOCoin HTML5 Wallet.exe.

Installation (OS X)

If you use a 32-bit system, download the 32-bit DMG. Otherwise, you may use either, but 64-bit is recommended.

Open the DMG, drag into the Applications shortcut, then drag iocoind into the bin shortcut.

Run wallet by opening

Installation (Linux, Unsupported)

  1. Compile the iocoin daemon from the source code.
  2. Copy the compiled iocoind into /usr/local/bin or a create a symlink in /usr/local/bin to where you have iocoind.
  3. Download the app.nw and the node-webkit runtime for Linux.
  4. Drag and drop app.nw onto the node-webkit binary. If it fails to run, you may need to modify the binary to find libudev. Please see here for more information.


It crashed!/Something broke! Who do I yell at?

Take a screenshot of any information that appeared (e.g. any pop-ups). Send an email to or talk to one of the mods in #iocoin on

Where does the wallet store its settings?

  • On Windows: C:\Users\<Your Username>\AppData\Roaming\IOCoin\html5wallet.conf
  • On OS X: /Users/<Your Username>/Library/Application Support/html5wallet.conf
  • On Linux: ~/.iocoin/html5wallet.conf

How do I install a custom theme?

  1. If it does not exist, create a themes folder inside the folder that contains html5wallet.conf (see above for exact location).
  2. Drop the theme's folder inside the themes folder you just created.
  3. The theme should now be selectable in the Settings tab.

How can I create a new theme?

  1. Download the app.nw version of the wallet and the node-webkit runtime for your platform (the wallet uses v0.10.5 so we recommend this version for compatibility reasons).
  2. Rename app.nw to and unzip it into a folder.
  3. At the bottom of index.html, change DEBUG = false; to DEBUG = true;.
  4. Create a new CSS file in the css/themes folder.
  5. Copy img/no-preview.png and rename the copy to the same name as your .css file.
  6. Run the wallet by dropping the app folder (with index.html and package.json at top-level) onto the node-webkit executable.
  7. The debug tools will open with the wallet and the wallet will be using a "dummy" daemon.

How can I distribute my theme?

  1. Create a new folder with the name of your theme somewhere on your computer (e.g. your desktop).
  2. Place your theme's CSS file inside and rename it to theme.css.
  3. Take a screenshot of your theme, crop and resize it so it's 195x150, and place it in the folder, renaming it to preview.png.
  4. Compress the folder into a ZIP file and share it with the world!

POS I/O Constant Stake and Message Fields QT Wallets

04 Nov 07:51
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POS I/O Constant Stake and Message Fields November 4th 2014
New OSX Mac and Windows wallet v 3.1.0


18 Aug 23:31
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Implementation of IONS.

Mac: IOCoin-Qt-
Linux Qt 5: iocoin-qt-
Windows: iocoin-

Smooth PoS

02 Aug 11:38
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This update changes the difficulty retargeting to allow for a smooth transition to PoS.

It is a mandatory update, and takes effect at block 24376.

Mac: IOCoin-Qt-
Linux Qt 5: iocoin-qt
Windows: iocoin-