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PyRTKLIB -- A bridge between AI and GNSS.


2023.11.23 v0.2.5 Optimize the folder structure

In previous versions, the .so file is directly in site-packages folder, which is disgusting. To let the code editor can make use of the .pyi, the .so file is moved, and is loaded by the file now.

2023.11.07 v0.2.4 Update the rtklib to demo5 b34h

Update the base rtklib version to demo5 b34h

  • The support number of Beidou up to 46
  • No implementation functions are deleted. I don't know why they remain in the source code.
    • input_tersusf
    • input_cnavf
    • readfcb
    • init_cmr
    • free_cmr
    • update_cmr
    • input_cnav
    • input_tersus
  • And these files are deleted
    • delete pyrtklib5/rtksrc/ppp_corr.c
    • delete pyrtklib5/rtksrc/qzslex.c
    • delete pyrtklib5/rtksrc/rcv/cmr.c
    • delete pyrtklib5/rtksrc/rcv/gw10.c
    • delete pyrtklib5/rtksrc/rcv/rcvlex.c

2023.11.05 v0.2.3 Bug fix and code optimization

This version contains follow updates:

  1. Using template binding functions to replace binding macros.
  2. Arr1Dchar now has an own constructor and can be constructed from a python string.
    output_path = Arr1Dchar("pyexample_output.txt")
  3. Now all the pointer member in structure has a setter function, you can directly modify it like:
    obs = obs_t()
    data = Arr1Dobsd_t(100) = data
    obs.n = len(data)
    obs.nmax = obs.n
    But it's not recommended to do so, because this may lead memory leakage. Many pointers in rtklib may refer to anther variable, thus, call free() to directly clear it may cause other problems. Please make sure you won't modify it too often.
  4. obs.set_data() has been removed.
  5. "FILE*" params in functions (input_ubxf, input_rawf e.g.) is devided into "const char *filename, const char *mode", the file open operation will be processed in the overloaded function. Here is an example.
    raw = raw_t()
    ret = input_rawt(raw,STRFMT_UBX,Arr1Dchar("example.ubx"),Arr1Dchar("rb"))
  6. Fix a serious bug on MacOS in rtkcmn.c. On MacOS (or BSD), _POSIX_C_SOURCE should larger than 199309, or the function strtok_r will have a different behavior, and make segmentation fault.
  7. Optimized the example.

2023.10.14 Install via pip

Big Progress!!!!

Now you can install it via pip

pip install pyrtklib5


This is a Python binding for RTKLIB from rtklibexplorer , which provides more satellites support compared to the original version. Many researchers are currently using Python for research, especially in deep learning field. Thus, we implement this Python interface of RTKLIB to build a bridge between Python and positioning. By means of RTKLIB, you can easily read data from rinex file and process the positioning using the methods provided by RTKLIB, such as SPP, RTK, PPP.

If you want to use the tool based on original RTKLIB version, please refer to pyrtklib

If you want to use the rtklib deeply, please refer to the point position example.

If you just need the result, please refer to the post position example.

Python Code

C Code


Install Via Pip (Recommend)

pip install pyrtklib5

The package relies on both system version and python version. Currently, we provide the pre-compiled wheel package on Linux and Macos. The Linux version is compiled for manylinux2010 (GLIBC after 2.12). Limited to hardware, the Macos version can only be compiled on two devices -- Macos Ventura Intel and Macos Sonoma M1. (If you can help us compile on more platforms, we would appreciate it.) Here is a table for the support information.

Python Linux(After 2010) Macos Sonoma(M1) Macos Ventura(Intel)

Manually Install

Installation of pyrtklib is very easy, just clone the code and install it.

  1. Dependencies

    We don't provide pre-compiled package so far, thus, this library will be compiled in time. (Looking forward one day it can be directly installed by pip!) It requires several dependencies, including gcc and cmake. If you are using on a MacOS, please first install gcc by brew and set the compiler path, because RTKLIB used GNU C features, which is hard to solve in clang. MSVC is not tested.

  2. Clone from github

git clone
  1. Install
cd pyrtklib_demo5
python3 install

Then you can use this lib by importing it.

from pyrtklib5 import *

Key Feature

The aim for this binding is to make a interface of RTKLIB, without changing any code in RTKLIB. However the biggest obstucle is that RTKLIB enoumously uses function side effect. For example, the reading function readrnx, you should pass the obs, nav, sta as input parameters, and the process result will be directly written to obs, nav, and sta. Thus, these functions only receive the pointer and it requires the Python interface contains the original pointer. Unfortunately, the STL container can't satisfy this requirement because STL container will copy the data. If Python receives a STL container, it's not the original version of the data.

Thus, we implement Arr1D and Arr2D to handle the array and can also be used as the pointer. Arr1D has a structure like this:

template<class T>
struct Arr1D<T>{
    T* src;
    int len;

If you want to create it in Python, just use "Arr1D"+"ctype", for example, if you want a char type array, then, it should be:

myarr = Arr1Dchar(3)

The constructor parameter is the length. In the above example, the length is 5. You can directly to modify the data:


And you can also use the slides:


So far, the Arr1D and Arr2D don't have the ability to print itself, if you use


you'll get:

<pyrtklib.Arr1Dchar object at 0x7fe3799a6ef0>

So, if you want to see the content, you can change it to a list by:


Then the result will be:


<span style="color:red;font-size:20px">Warning: Be really carefull to use Arr1D and Arr2D, because it doesn't have a bounary check. In some cases, it's a pure pointer and doesn't know how long itself is. So be careful to set the index, or the segmentation fault will occur.


This binding provides all the functions and data structures in rtklib. The structures in rtklib is used as a class in Python. For example, if you want a obs_t, then you can use it by:

obs = obs_t()

And the data in obs can be accessed by:[0]

Notice that is a Arr1Dobsd_t class. In other words, this is an array of obsd_t. For more detail, you can see in the


If you find this tool useful, you can cite our paper as:

  title={Fisheye camera aided NLOS exclusion and learning-based pseudorange correction},
  author={Hu, Runzhi and Wen, Weisong and Hsu, Li-ta},
  booktitle={2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)},


pyrtklib implemented on rtklibexplorer_demo5







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