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This package is meant to serve as the base tooling and architecture for IQ's USWDS site building effort.

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This package is meant to serve as the base tooling and architecture for IQ's USWDS site building effort.

IQ USWDS will install necessary tooling for compiling custom site code and USWDS code as one file, and for using Fractal to build and preview the site.

Expected Local Configuration

There are the minimum requirements to successfully use IQ USWDS locally:

  • WSL with Ubuntu 20.04 or equivalent.
  • NVM
  • Github Auth Tokens generated and available to your local terminal profile.

If you are missing any of these configurations please speak with your project tech lead or a senior dev.

How to use


  1. Add the package repo to the repositories section of your composer.json as seen here:
            "type": "git",
            "url": ""
  2. Install IQ USWDS by using lando composer require iq/iq_uswds
  3. Navigate to the IQ USWDS Folder and run
    1. nvm use - This will install and switch to the necessary version of Node and NPM.
    2. npm ci - This will install the necessary node modules
    3. npm run copy:uswds - This will copy the USWDS font, js, and icons to the base theme asset folder
  4. Copy the following files and directories into your existing sub theme folder
    • subtheme.fractal.config.js - Rename this fractal.config.js in your subtheme.
    • You will need to modified the path pointing to the IQ USWDS base theme to match your directory structure.
    • subtheme.gulpfile.js - Rename this gulpfile.js in your subtheme
    • You will need to modified the path pointing to the IQ USWDS base theme to match your directory structure.
    • the src directory and all files under it (NOTE: You may not want to copy all of the components. Ideally you should point your components to the IQ USWDS component and only override it if necessary.)
    • the .nvmrc, .npmrc, package.json and package-lock.json files
    • iq.tooling.yml - this is your configuration file.
  5. Navigate to your theme folder and run:
    1. nvm use - This will install and switch to the necessary version of Node and NPM.
    2. npm ci - This will install the necessary node modules

You should now be ready to start working with USWDS and Fractal. Before you do anything in your sub theme let's do some configuration.


IQ USWDS comes with a configuration file to simplify so parts of the process. The file is named iq.tooling.yml. Here is an example of the contents of the file:

  themePath: ./
  project_title: NIA
  component_path: ./src/components
  assets_path: ./assets
  build_path: ./build
  basePath: ./
  uswds_path: ../../contrib/uswds_base/templates
  template_path: templates
  theme_name: nia
  img_dest: ./assets/img
  img_source: ./src/images/**
  version: 3
  dist_css_path: ./assets/css
  dist_theme: ./src/scss


Fractal Settings

This section contains all of the settings for Fractal that can be changed.

static_path - the fractal public path. This will generally be fractal or public. Do not add any slashes.

themePath - the path to the current theme. This will generally be ./ or the current directory.

project_title - the theme title

assets_path - the theme assets folder, this is were the build assets will be placed. Do not make this a folder where you don't want anything to be deleted.

build_path - the folder where the a static version of Fractal will be placed. This is used for clients/PM.

basePath - this is ALSO the theme path but is used for a different purpose. It should generally be the current directory or ./.

uswds_path - this is the path to the uswds base theme. Normally this would be ../../contrib/uswds_base/templates. Configure this appropriately.

template_path - the current theme template path

theme_name - the themes machine name

IQ Tooling Settings

This section constains setting specific to IQ USWDS tooling.

img_dest - Fractal my sometimes need the images you are using available to it, as such it is good practice to store the images in the theme src directory, then have them moved as build assets. This folder points to the destination folder.

img_source - Fractal my sometimes need the images you are using available to it, as such it is good practice to store the images in the theme src directory, then have them moved as build assets. This folder points to the source folder.

iq_uswds_path - The path to the IQ USWDS theme.

USWDS Complier settings

This section are specific to the USWDS complier.

version - Currently the complier can be used with USWDS 2.x and 3.x. The default is version 3.

dist_css_path - The USWDS complier css build path

dist_theme - The USWDS complier scss source path. This is where styles.scss should be located.

Using the information above, configure your subtheme with the appropriate paths relative to your theme.

Acquia Hosted Sites

Due to the file structure associated with Acquia you are going to need to edit the following in your theme directory to get Fractal to work properly.

  1. Edit line 4 gulpfile.js
    • ../../../../themes/custom/iq_uswds to ../../../../docroot/themes/custom/iq_uswds
  2. Edit line 2 of fractal.config.js
    • ../../../../themes/custom/iq_uswds/fractal.config to ../../../../docroot/themes/custom/iq_uswds/fractal.config


Now that you've added the appropriate configuration for your subtheme. You can now get started.

First you'll want to make sure your theme has the USWDS fonts and JS available to your theme Fractal. If you copied the package.json you can run npm run copy:uswds. This will copy the USWDS files.

With those copied you get started setting up your components in the following structure in your theme:


If you follow the installation instructions earlier, you will likely already have that structure.

From here you can run npm run start:fractal and begin theming.

Theme Building notes
  • Non-USWDS Images relating to your theme should be placed in the src/images folder. These images will need to be copied over to the assets directory in order for them to render properly in your theme. To copy your images to the assets directory you will need to run npm run copy:images.
  • If you need to leave your USWDS development git branch to work on something else, you can run npm run assets:rebase when you re-enter the USWDS development git branch. Doing so will compile the USWDS assets, copy theme images and compile sass.


This package is meant to serve as the base tooling and architecture for IQ's USWDS site building effort.






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