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File metadata and controls

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DVN Developers Guide


Dataverse 4.0 depends on Solr, which you should run on localhost during development. The Dataverse-specific schema.xml configuration file described below is required. Solr must be running with this custom schema in place during setup.

Installing and Running Solr

Download solr-4.6.0.tgz from to any directory you like but in the example below, we have downloaded the tarball to a directory called "solr" in our home directory. For now we are using the "example" template but we are replacing schema.xml with our own.

  • cd ~/solr
  • tar xvfz solr-4.6.0.tgz
  • cd solr-4.6.0/example
  • cp ~/NetBeansProjects/dataverse/conf/solr/4.6.0/schema.xml solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml
  • java -jar start.jar

Please note: If you prefer, once the proper schema.xml file is in place, you can simply double-click "start.jar" rather that running java -jar start.jar from the command line.

Once Solr is up and running you should be able to see a "Solr Admin" dashboard at http://localhost:8983/solr

Once some dataverses, datasets, and files have been created and indexed, you can experiment with searches directly from Solr at http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection1/query and look at the JSON output of searches, such as this wildcard search: http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/select?q=*%3A*&wt=json&indent=true . You can also get JSON output of static fields Solr knows about: http://localhost:8983/solr/schema/fields

Setting up your dev environment

(This section HAS CHANGED!) Once you install glassfish4 and PostgresQL, you need to configure the environment for the dataverse app - configure the database connection, set some options, etc. We have a new installer script that should do it all for you:

cd scripts/install


The script will prompt your for some configuration values. It is recommended that you choose "localhost" for your hostname if this is a development environment. For everything else it should be safe to accept the defaults.

This new script is a hybrid of the old installer from v.3.* and Michael's shell script - the latter is used for configuring Glassfish, by means of asadmin commands. A serious advantage of this approach is that you should now be able to safely run the installer on an already configured system.

Once again, you don't need to run the old script scripts/setup/ anymore!

All the future changes to the configuration that are Glassfish-specific and can be done through asadmin should now go into scripts/install/

Rebuilding your dev environment

(NOTE: this has also changed!) If you have an old copy of the database and old Solr data and want to start fresh, here are the recommended steps:

  • drop your old database
  • clear out your existing Solr index: curl http://localhost:8983/solr/update/json?commit=true -H 'Content-type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"delete": { "query":"*:*" }}'
  • run the installer script above - it will create the db, deploy the app, populate the db with reference data and run all the scripts that create the domain metadata fields. You no longer need to perform these steps separately.
  • confirm you are using the latest Dataverse-specific Solr schema.xml per the "Installing and Running Solr" section of this guide
  • confirm http://localhost:8080 is up
  • If you want to set some dataset-specific facets, go to the Root Dataverse / Edit Dataverse Setup via web browser.