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Releases: IS4Code/PawnPlus

PawnPlus v1.4.3

29 Dec 16:40
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  • Added str_capacity and str_reserve to control the internal string's buffer capacity.
  • str_addr, var_addr, and co. now have a second parameter specifying the particular behaviour of strings copied into the dynamic string via amx_SetString. For example, amx_buffer_string_auto_fit allows resizing the string to fit any number of characters inside. Note that not all SA-MP functions use amx_SetString, so this will only improve interop with those that do.
  • Added support for reading two special environment variables, PAWNPLUS_NO_AMX_HOOKS and PAWNPLUS_NO_FILE_HOOKS. This allows circumventing Zeex/samp-plugin-crashdetect#127 if the server is launched via PAWNPLUS_NO_FILE_HOOKS=1 ./samp03svr or
  • Fixed pawn_try_call_native_msg and similar functions to correctly load their arguments.

PawnPlus v1.4.2

30 Dec 22:32
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  • Unifies the result of str_addr and str_buf_addr (and var_addr and var_buf_addr) so that both functions can be used interchangeably. AmxStringBuffer: (and str_buf_addr) should still be used in situations where the implementation of the native is known to rely on the value being an actual address of the character data, but it is valid to be used instead of str_addr in all situations.

    Please note that the address returned from str_addr and str_buf_addr is meant to be temporary, only to be used for the native for which it was created for. and might become unusable sooner than in the previous versions.

  • pp_max_recursion now returns the old value.

  • pp_toggle_exec_hook can be used to disable modifications to the AMX execution, at the cost of making certain advanced features (like async, threading, custom callbacks etc.) unavailable.

PawnPlus v1.4.1

09 Oct 11:57
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  • (task_)await_str(_s) (#49 from @Se8870).
  • handler_inverted_return for compatibility with y_hooks (#52 from @AGraber).
  • math_random_generator (and the random_generator enum) to set the concrete generator for random functions.


  • pawn_on_init and pawn_on_exit use shorter names internally, allowing 7 characters longer identifiers. Scripts do not have to be recompiled.
  • Random generation was changed to guarantee consistency on both Windows and Linux. The default generator is now generator_mt19937 (used to be generator_minstd_rand0 on Linux). See this article for more details on how random number generation works between compilers. Consistency of generated numbers with previous versions is not guaranteed!


  • Fixed the use of tagof and sizeof in parameters for older compilers with YSI (see #48).
  • regex_cached_addr verifies that the memory location was not destroyed.
  • str_set_format allows using the target string during the formatting before it is replaced.
  • Fixed the amx_FindPublic hook to hide new callbacks from amx_NumPublics called inside the original function.
  • Fixed custom callbacks calls when amx_Exec has null retval. (#53 from @AGraber).

Note: Starting from this release, the "-static" binary is compiled on a different machine than before and may not work on old systems.

PawnPlus v1.4

10 Oct 11:21
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  • Added the possibility to register and handle a custom format selector, including the str_register_format and str_get_format_tag functions and the tag_op_format tag operation. More here.
  • str_val_* functions have a new format string parameter to use the format operation instead of string conversion. The value corresponds to a format specifier in str_format.
  • An expression (in {, }) in str_format may be followed by a format specifier like an argument substitution.
  • Added tag_set_op_expr to allow handling a tag operation with an expression.
  • Added regex_start_at_pos to treat the pos argument as an absolute start of the string (for ^).
  • All families of functions that accept variant parameters now also accept dynamic strings natively.
  • Added pp_daytime to obtain the time of day in milliseconds.


  • The d format selector does not necessarily imply signed integer conversion when applied on tagged values, only "decimal", meaning it can be used on Float: and unsigned:.
  • str_format and similar functions treat a sole "%s" format string specially and do not use a tag operation, primarily to speed-up the case of appending a single string via str_append_format.
  • Functions that do not return a meaningful value are marked with unit: in the include. This does not denote an actual tag, only that the function always returns 1 (or raises an error on failure).
  • task_set_error raises an error when used with a non-error code.
  • var_delete raises an error when used on an invalid variant reference.
  • The debug module on Windows now also hooks CreateFileW in addition to CreateFileA to accomodate for different host environments. It is now also restricted to .amx files. This could affect plugins that use CreateFileA to open a file, then close the file and expect the file to be immediately available with CreateFileW again, or that use CreateFileW to open a file, close it and then try to open it in another thread. The lifetime of all prolonged handles still ends with the next tick, and now also when an AMX is fully loaded.


  • ConstStringTag: is used instead of StringTag: in a couple of places.
  • Fixed assertion error on an invalid format specifier.
  • Clearing containers properly invalidates their iterators.
  • Fixed a crash on exit related to unsetting the locale.
  • Fixed assertion error when regex_cached_addr is used on a dynamic string.
  • Added missing tag_uid_amx_guard to the include.
  • tag_call_op now also supports tag_op_handle.
  • iter_set_* is now regarded as cell-returning in metadata.
  • Fixed a potential memory leak on amx_commit (thanks @GermanAizek).

PawnPlus v1.3.2

14 Nov 15:22
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  • Newly added callback handlers are not called from the same callback handler for the current callback.
  • Do not extend the lifetime of the last opened file (used by the debug module) indefinitely, preventing locking files for external access.
  • Added fallback for trampoline creation for CreateFileA/fopen, fixing crashes on some platforms.

PawnPlus v1.3.1

22 Jun 13:42
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  • expr_parse supports hex escape sequences for producing any character cell via its numeric value. The syntax is \xXX or \uXXXXXXXX.
  • Removing a callback handler from a callback handler no longer stops other handlers from executing or causes crashes when false is returned.
  • pp_module_name fixed for Linux.
  • subhook has been updated to the latest version, hopefully solving crashes on some platforms.

PawnPlus v1.3

26 Apr 18:55
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  • map_new and pool_new allow specifying the ordered state at creation.
  • bool:stay parameter for iter_erase specifying the iterator shouldn't move to the next element. Usable in loops. New iter_empty function, also usable via operator!.
  • var_iter accepts count like in iter_repeat. handle_iter added.
  • Task-related optimizations.


  • Cloning a pool doesn't reassign the indices.
  • Cloning a map or a pool preserves its ordered state.
  • Deep clear of some containers doesn't delete them anymore.

PawnPlus v1.2.1

21 Dec 22:09
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  • math_try_round, math_try_floor, math_try_ceiling, and math_try_truncate for when the result might not fit in a 32-bit integer.
  • Missing tags added to PP_ALL_TAGS.
  • start parameter in str_get is actually used.
  • Fixed a potential crash when *_delete_deep is called on an ordered pool.

PawnPlus v1.2

10 Oct 11:34
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  • list_sort_expr added for sorting lists based on an expression.
  • math_random_seed added to configure the random generator; the initial seed is also different each time.
  • pawn_add_filter pushes the addresses of arguments directly if possible.
  • Various fixes regarding callbacks, AMX initialization, and incorrect parameter counts.

PawnPlus v1.1

09 Aug 12:47
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  • A new type of collection providing support for efficient storage of data using reusable integer indices.
  • When an element is added to a pool, it gets assigned an index which is then used to refer to the element.
  • Pools come in two versions with the same API – ordered (new indices are assigned in a specific order), and unordered. Ordered pools will always assign the lowest unused index to a newly added element.
  • A pool can grow to any size if there are no unused slots for new elements.


  • Dynamic run-time representations of operations.
  • Can be constructed from components in a tree-like manner, or parsed from string with expr_parse.
  • The parser supports all standard Pawn operators and some PawnPlus-specific ones. It can also find and use non-public Pawn variables (via the debug API).
  • Expressions can be used in collections and new types of iterators to easily perform queries on multiple elements.


  • async pseudo-attribute for functions using the async pattern (together with return async).
  • The await macro has an alternative definition supporting multiline expression, but requires additional configuration for all tags (enabled via PP_MULTILINE_AWAIT).
  • await_arr and await_var added.


  • The API is now more unified, so all collections have roughly the same functions with the same semantics.
  • The capacity of the underlying container can be obtained.


  • If {} is used in str_format and it doesn't correspond to a color code or a parameter selector, it is parsed and executed as a piece of code.
  • %f in str_format accepts a width parameter.
  • str_append_format added.

Pawn and AMX

  • pawn_create_callback can be used to create a new callback/public function and attach it to the current script. The function consists of an expression that is executed every time the public function is called.
  • Declarational initializers and finalizers added. Any public function whose name starts with _pp@on_init@ will be called first before every other function, when the script is loaded. Any function whose name starts with _pp@on_exit@ will be called last after all other functions, when the script is unloaded. Macros pawn_on_init and pawn_on_exit can be used for easy creation of these functions.
  • AMX guards introduced. While a Pawn guard protects the object for the duration of the current context (analogous to a local variable), an AMX guard protects it for the duration of the script (analogous to a global/static local variable).
  • Handling public function index incompatibility with SAMPGDK can be resolved by pp_public_min_index or pp_use_funcidx. Callback handlers can be registered for negative indices.
  • Captured arguments (in pawn_register_callback or pawn_add_hook) now accept v, h, and x as new types of values. v corresponds to a Variant: argument which is copied to the closure and loaded when it is restored, h corresponds to a Handle: argument which is prolonged by the closure (so the underlying object is not destroyed) and whose value is loaded when the closure is restored, and x corresponds to an Expression: argument containing an expression which is executed every time the argument is restored.

Error handling

  • Dynamically called external natives that raise a system error/signal do not crash the server, but are handled and reported via PawnPlus errors.


  • Support for errors and serialization.


Error handling

  • pp_on_error is only called for a native called directly by the script. Errors in internally called natives are handled or propagated by the code that called them. pawn_try_call_native never invokes pp_on_error.


  • Iterators are invalidated on addition only when necessary (when the underlying buffer needs to be reallocated).


  • Calling operations on variables that are incompatible (different tags or sizes) now produces an error (used to return null).


  • Dynamically called operations on signed: and unsigned: values can raise an error.

Pawn and AMX

  • Incorrect public function index caused by SAMPGDK is detected and warned about.



  • collect operation is now correctly called in some places.


  • When a context is stored after a call to an asynchronous function, reset_stk and reset_hea are now used to correctly restore the original values of stk and hea, fixing a memory leak that happened when a public function with parameters was stored (because the parameters were not taken into account when stk was restored).


  • signed: and unsigned: subtraction fixed.

Error handling

  • Allocation of more data than the script supports is prevented.

Pawn and AMX

  • Removing a hook handler when it is running will not crash the server.


Format expressions

new val1 = 5, val2 = 10;
print_s(str_format("the sum of {val1} and {val2} is {val1 + val2}"));


new Map:m = map_new();
map_add(m, 1, 10);
map_add(m, 2, 21);
map_add(m, 3, 30);
map_add(m, 4, 41);
map_add(m, 5, 50);
map_remove_if(m, expr_parse("10*$key != $value")); //removes 2 and 4

Caching expressions

static Expression:expr;
    expr = expr_parse("$value*$value");

Declarational callback handler

    new id = pawn_create_callback("OnPlayerConnect", expr_const(0));
    pawn_register_callback(amx_encode_public(id), "MyOnPlayerConnect");