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Campus recicle and reuse Problem

David Santiago Ortiz Almanza edited this page Feb 3, 2024 · 5 revisions

Interview 1

Author: Juan Diego Castellanos Bonilla

Interview Structure

  • Introduction

    • Could you please confirm your understanding and agreement for this interview to be recorded for analysis and research purposes?
      • Purpose: To ensure informed consent and legal compliance for recording the interview. (ask before I interview)
  • Background Information

    • Can you tell me about your current role or field of study?
      • Purpose: To understand the interview's academic context and how it impacts their knowledge in the topic (asked before I interview)
  • Asking basics of recicle and reuse in the university

    • What do you think happens to the university's recyclable and reusable trash?

      • Purpose: To assess the knowledge of the people in the university about the topic.
    • Since universities generate a large amount of garbage, do Andean students help separate reusable and recyclable elements?

      • Purpose: To identify how the perspective of the interviewed for him and others.
  • knowledge of tools for recicle

    • Do you think that a university platform for students such as a mobile or web application could facilitate the identification of material and resources to reuse and recycle?
      • Purpose: To discover what recicle tools the interviewed know and if not if they are needed to facilitate the recicle and reuse.
  • Ideas to implement the solution not only for the university but also for its surroundings

    • Do you think that applying a recycling and reuse plan with the premises near the U would imply a change in their business model and that it would be feasible for the university?
      • Purpose: To learn about the interviewed point of view of the scenario where the university and its surroundings can work as one.
  • **academic point of view with a now days topic **

    • As a biology student, you believe that the university does what is necessary to recycle and reuse. In the same way, when you see the help that students do for forest fires, you believe that the university should implement an area to donate and that by doing recycling correctly Do these give a bonus? And if so, what type would the bonus be?
      • Purpose: To identify valued works the university can do to help the students recicle and reuse and give some space for them to help according to the needs of the time.

Full Interview


Interview Summary



1. knowledge of the person

  • What? Alejandra talks about the little she knows about the program of recicle and reuse in the university.
  • How? Alejandra only knows about the material recicle and reuse of the laboratories.
  • Why? now days is important for people to know what are they doing with their trash and how the institution use them and manage them.
  • Who? University students in this context but all the people.

2. Use of Digital Tools

  • What? Alejandra don´t know nothing about tools that can be used to learn how to separate and divide the trash or reuse it.
  • How? While she know some materials thanks to lab or by reading the lable, she still doubt and is not clear how to treat them.
  • Why? Because in the school they always told her that she must recicle and reuse, nevertheless most of the time in a day she don´t know nor have the time.
  • Who? students in Colombia.

3. sharing the program and creating a community with Uniandes surroundings

  • What? Alejandra shares that creating a net between the university and the locals next to them can generate and improvement in the recicle and reuse.
  • How? she thinks that creating a connection with the locals and the university can help them know how to implemented and generate that conscious for recicle and reuse.
  • Why? most of the students although they tend to recicle and try to reuse in the university, when they go to lunch or do some work (papers) they most of the time forget that they need to recicle and reuse. therefore they won´t recicle.
  • Who? This situation involves students and the locals close to the university.

4. Desired applications in now days topics

  • What? Alejandra suggest that the university should have some space so people can help with now days problems and also can give a reuse place for people in needs.
  • How? Expresses a desire for a space that the university can bring, also the needs of a page in which students can redeem for a bonus in classes that are not important to the pensum.
  • Why? Alejandra thinks that if they promote the recicle and reuse with an incentive in academic purposes people with try to do it more and learn more of it.
  • Who? Users would be students and professionals who wants to help the environment and also increase their grades.