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History / Drivers comparison


  • Oops --'

    @ISSOtm ISSOtm committed Jul 13, 2024
  • Update fO's song size after recent "catalog" optimisation

    @ISSOtm ISSOtm committed Jul 13, 2024
  • Updated Drivers comparison (markdown)

    @potatoTeto potatoTeto committed Apr 12, 2024
  • Updated Drivers comparison (markdown)

    @potatoTeto potatoTeto committed Apr 12, 2024
  • Updated Drivers comparison (markdown)

    @potatoTeto potatoTeto committed Apr 12, 2024
  • i've started maintaining gbmod again

    @DevEd2 DevEd2 committed Feb 27, 2024
  • Note GBSoundSystem's internal sample support

    @martendo martendo committed Dec 27, 2023
  • Add GbSoundSystem

    @ISSOtm ISSOtm committed Dec 21, 2023
  • Turn inline links into reference links to make row width a bit more digestible

    @ISSOtm ISSOtm committed Jan 18, 2023
  • oops

    @DevEd2 DevEd2 committed Jan 7, 2023
  • The Long-Overdue Addition of DevSound X™

    @DevEd2 DevEd2 committed Jan 7, 2023
  • Align footnote heading with "DGB" name

    @ISSOtm ISSOtm committed Nov 3, 2022
  • Removed the trackerboy column, as there currently isn't a functional driver for TrackerBoy (the linked repo is just some utilities and documents)

    @SuperDisk SuperDisk committed Oct 25, 2022
  • Changed "Vgm player" to "DGB", added DGB engine size (small)

    @Pegmode Pegmode committed Oct 24, 2022
  • Update: gbt_player External SFX + Size, Carillon GBDK support

    @bbbbbr bbbbbr committed Oct 23, 2022
  • Updated Drivers comparison (markdown)

    @DevEd2 DevEd2 committed Oct 23, 2022
  • Added Trackerboy / Trackerboy Engine

    @sttng sttng committed Oct 23, 2022
  • Add row listing licenses for the trackers

    @ISSOtm ISSOtm committed Oct 23, 2022
  • Write down mathman's reporting of lsdpack being maintained

    @ISSOtm ISSOtm committed Oct 22, 2022
  • updates to sections for gbmod, devsound lite, and carillon

    @DevEd2 DevEd2 committed Oct 22, 2022
  • Create driver comparison page

    @ISSOtm ISSOtm committed Oct 22, 2022