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TEAM-Deploy - A crude Windows deployment tool

TEAM-Deploy is a simple tool to replace the Windows Setup written entirely in Batch. It's designed for rapid deployment of Windows in environments such as repair shops.

Size Limit CLI

💾 Setup

To start using TEAM-Deploy clone or download the repository and populate the Images folder with your WIM or ESD files, the Answerfiles folder with your Answerfiles, Associationfiles folder with your Associationfiles and the Packages folder with your Siloed provisioning packages.

Note that no path should contain spaces, that includes the path to the repository itself aswell as the names of the image files, answerfiles, associationfiles, and provisioning package files.

Not all versions of DISM support applying Siloed provisioning packages. If you want to use provisioning packages you should use the latest version of DISM from the Windows ADK and set the adkLocation option in the TEAM-Deploy.cfg file to the location of the ADK installation.

📋 Usage

Execute TEAM-Deploy.cmd with administrative privileges and use the menu to select the disk, image, answerfile, association file and provisioning package to be used. The script will then format the disk, write the partition table, copy the image to the disk and apply the answerfile, association file and provisioning package. Finally it will create the bootloader.

Partitioning, image deployment, answerfile deployment, association file deployment, provisioning package deployment, and bootloader creation can all be disabled independently by entering an X in the corresponding selection menus.

📝 Configuration

The TEAM-Deploy.cfg file contains the configuration for TEAM-Deploy. Some of those settings are default selections and can be changed at runtime, others such as the size of the various partitions are fixed and can only be changed in the configuration file. The following options are available:

  • bootType - The boot type of the system. Valid values are UEFI and BIOS (when booted from PE will be overwritten with the current PE boot type).
  • partitionTable - The partition table type to be written. Valid values are GPT and MBR. Choose GPT for UEFI systems and MBR for BIOS systems (when booted from PE will be overwritten with the partition table type fitting to the boot type).
  • sizeSystem - The size of the system partition in MB. The default value is 200.
  • sizeRecovery - The size of the recovery partition in MB. The default value is 1000.
  • sizeMSR - The size of the MSR partition in MB. The default value is 16.
  • letterSystem - The letter of the boot partition. The default value is J.
  • letterOS - The letter of the Windows partition. The default value is K.
  • letterRecovery - The letter of the recovery partition. The default value is L.
  • arch - The architecture of the system. Valid values are X86 and X64.
  • diskID - The index of the disk to be used for the deployment. The default value is X for no selection.
  • imageID - The index of the image to be deployed. The default value is 1 for the first image (alphabetically sorted) in the Images\<Arch> folder.
  • imageIndex - The index within the image to be deployed. The default value is 1 for the first index in the selected image (for stock Microsoft images that typically is the Home edition).
  • answerID - The index of the answerfile to be used. The default value is 1 for the first answerfile (alphabetically sorted) in the Answerfiles\<Arch> folder.
  • assocID - The index of the association file to be used. The default value is 1 for the first association file (alphabetically sorted) in the Associationfiles\<Arch> folder.
  • packageID - The index of the provisioning package to be used. The default value is 1 for the first provisioning package (alphabetically sorted) in the Packages\<Arch> folder.
  • adkLocation - The location of the ADK installation. The default value is X:\ADK. Will be ignored if not found.

💵 Credits

Thanks to SelfMan for some of the english translations.


TEAM-Computer Windows Deployment Tool






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