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DjCreztian edited this page May 2, 2018 · 38 revisions

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Project description V1

This is the project proposal for our group, 24, in norwegian:

"Utvikling av publikumsløsning for tilstand på gang/sykkel-veg. Ved å bruke posisjonsdata fra brøytebiler, mindre brøytemaskiner, feiebiler etc. ønskes det å lage en løsning for å samle inn data om (vinter)drift på gang/sykkel-veg. Dataene tenkes delt med publikum gjennom en webbasert kartløsning og/eller app hvor man kan se om det har blitt utført f.eks. brøyting på en ønsket strekning. Dette kan gjerne sees i sammenheng men en crowdsourcing-løsning hvor man kan dele informasjon om strekninger, f.eks. en app hvor man kan gi tilbakemelding på gode eller dårlig forhold på en gitt strekning. Videre vurderes det å bruke enkel og billig teknologi for å utruste utstyr som ikke i dag har mulighet til å rapportere inn posisjon. F.eks. kan mindre brøytemaskiner, sykler, feiebiler etc. tenkes utstyres med dette. Hensikten er å gi reisende god informasjon om sin reiserute, og gjennom dette bidra til økt sykling og gåinggjennom hele året. Rapportering av sensordata fra mobiler, eller andre IoT-enheter kan også være en del av en slik løsning. Kamera eller annet utstyr kan settes opp langs traseer eller knutepunkt. Værdata kan gjerne inkorporeres."

Here is our interpretation in english:

Development of a crowdsourced solution for the condition of walkways and bike roads. Using GPU data from plow trucks of different sizes, sweeper trucks, etc. the solution should gather data from walkways and bike roads. The data is intended to be shared with a user base through a web based map solution and/or an app where the user can see if for example plowing has been performed on the given road. This can be seen in combination with a crowdsourced solution where the users can share information about road segments, for example an app where the user can give feedback on good or bad conditions on a given road segment. Additionally, simple and cheap technology can be used to equip tools which do not yet have the ability to send their position. For example smaller plow trucks, bikes, sweeping trucks etc. could be equipped as such. The intent is to give travelers high quality information about their travel route, and through this increase amount of bikers and walkers throughout the year. Cameras or other equipment can be set up on alignments and points of conjunction. Weather data can be incorporated as well.


Not everything in this task can be implemented by us. Realistically, according to the customer, creation and implementation of hardware is going to take at least a year, and is outside of our field of work. Therefore, we choose to focus on the software part of the task. After a discussion with the customer, we have reduced the task to:

  • A web application
  • Weather integration
  • A map with color coded roads based on their condition(data given from companies such as Mowic, Zeekit)
  • Crowdsourced feedback
  • Login functionalities
  • Admin functionalities
  • GPS features

Project description V2

During our investigation of the initial description we found some problems.

  • Zeekit, Mowic and OpenRoute has some potential data. This is either confidential or has to be bought (exporting and information). Neither are the software manufacturers the owners of the data, it is the entreprenaurs (that has contracts with SVV).
  • Still no data for GS-roads, the entreprenaurs are only collecting data for highways, since this is what their contract says. We will therefore have to use data from highways until new contracts are made and they have the data they actually want to display.

We got some older data that SVV had instead so we could see the formatting and what fields they were gathering. This was exported to .geojson by Johan from SVV.

In addition do this our customer requested a change in which map we used. We had originally planned to use Google Maps with React-google-maps libraries, however we were informed that such a solution would cost a lot of money since SVV is a governmental organisation. Google Maps are only free of charge for and small amount of daily users as well. It was requested that we used a map that SVV had made for the road networks in Norway. This map should be used with Leaflet for interaction, and we found a suitable react-framework called react-leaflet.

Our solution would still be a website that displays a Map of roads in Trondheim and Norway, coloring roads based on the status on the given roads. This means there was small changes in what tools we were requested to use in our project, while the main goal were the same.

Project description V3

In a meeting about two weeks later, when we had requested that all participants in the meeting should go through and read our updated release plan (which we had previously sent without the request) we had major changes to our project.

It is informed that SVV has multiple map solution, and another under development. This meant that if we provided another one it would never really be considered used anyway, and definitely not further developed since their own solution already are in Alpha.

While the goal of the project remains the same, providing a tool to connect production data to road segments we have a new focus based on new information.

  • Roads are not segmented in segments that fits with such a system (to far segments would provide potential false information or increase complexity in the update process of information).
  • No tools available are combining weather data, production data and the vegnett.
  • The format of data gathered and which parameters they collect are old and should maybe be improved.

Our new assignment is to produce a tool with easy access (we suggested an API and that was accepted) that SVV can use to make the final solution in the future. This API should provide functionality such as:

  • Segment the road into practical segments. We choose to have segments at 100m. Vegnett from NVDB.
  • Map-matching. This means that GPS coordinates gathered will not be the exact same for every time a road is maintained. Therefore we should match where the maintenance has been done with which segment it belongs to. This also includes roads where a bridge lies above another road (2 different segments, same GPS coordinates).
  • Include weather data with the segments. This data is provided by external APIs such as MET, SMHI or
  • Generalizing this information so they have one tool for all the information instead of multiple different. A part of the assignment is therefore to determine the structure of the data and which parameters we find to be important for such a solution.

With this major adjustment we also discussed with our customer that there would be no more changes to the assignment.

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