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How we use project boards

Embrik Einang edited this page Feb 9, 2018 · 10 revisions

Description of our project boards

We would like to try out Github projects in this project due to integration with Github Issues that we would use anyway, and to reduce the amount of different systems to manage in the process. Project Boards gives the same functions as Trello while being in the same system.

We will have certain tasks that aren't related to any user stories, and these would be labeled with either "tech" or "report" label. This will keep track of the tasks/issues regarding them.

Our Sprint Project Boards has seven columns to manage how far in the production process our tasks are.

  1. First column: User Stories, this column is basicly the description of the user stories our tasks are regarding.
  2. Second column: Todo tasks, this column is a list of the tasks regarding the user stories in the given Sprint that isn't started.
  3. Third column: In progress is a column that keep track of tasks in progress that isn't finished and ready for QA.
  4. Fourth column: Ready for QA is the column where we place tasks considered to be ready for quality assurance, a coworker that hasn't been working on the given tasks has to place this into the QA column and do a review before the task is done.
  5. Fifth column: QA column is the "in progress" column for Quality Assurance. This is where you place tasks when your reviewing the code.
  6. Ready for testing: User stories put in the RfT column will need to be tested rigorously. Writing tests and executing them before putting it back in QA to have the tests checked by another team member.
  7. Sixth column: Blocked is a column for tasks that isn't finished but that you can't continue to work further on until other aspects of the system is ready.
  8. Seventh column: Done, the lasts column is for finished tasks that are ready to production.
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