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How we use project boards

DjCreztian edited this page Feb 7, 2018 · 10 revisions

Lets write some stuff here about how and why we use Github projects instead of Trello/Jira etc.

Our Sprint Project Boards has seven columns to manage how far in the production process our tasks are.

  1. First column: User Stories, this column is basicly the description of the user stories our tasks are regarding.
  2. Second column: Todo tasks, this column is a list of the tasks regarding the user stories in the given Sprint that isn't started.
  3. Third column: In progress is a column that keep track of tasks in progress that isn't finished and ready for QA.
  4. Fourth column: Ready for QA is the column where we place tasks considered to be ready for quality assurance, e coworker that hasn't been working on the given tasks has to place this into the QA column and do a review before the task is done.
  5. Fifth column: QA column is the "in progress" column for Quality Assurance. This is where you place tasks when your reviewing the code.
  6. Sixth column: Blocked is a column for tasks that isn't finished but that you can't continue to work further on until other aspects of the system is ready.
  7. Seventh column: Done, the lasts column is for finished tasks that are ready to production.
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