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Specaid Vs The TableRow

tedLehigh edited this page Feb 8, 2013 · 2 revisions

Same Thing... Using TableRow...

Looks the same But Table Row doesn't get Tagging for free.

    Given I have Stores
        | Store Id | Name                        |
        | 42       | Red's Brick and Landscaping |

    Given I have People
        | Emp Id | First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Years Of Service | Store Id |
        | 1      | Fox        | C           | Smith     | 1                | 42       |

    Then There are People
        | Emp Id | First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Years Of Service | Store.Name                  |
        | 1      | Fox        | C           | Smith     | 1                | Red's Brick and Landscaping |

You should notice a LOT more code.

        [Given(@"I have Stores")]
        public void GivenIHaveStores(Table table)
            var storeRepo = RecallAidHelper.GetReal<StoreRepo>();

            foreach (var tableRow in table.Rows)
                var newStore = new Store();

                newStore.StoreId = int.Parse(tableRow["Store Id"]);
                newStore.Name = tableRow["Name"];


        [Given(@"I have People")]
        public void GivenIHavePeople(Table table)
            var peopleRepo = RecallAidHelper.GetReal<PeopleRepo>();
            var storeRepo = RecallAidHelper.GetReal<StoreRepo>();

            foreach (var tableRow in table.Rows)
                var localTableRow = tableRow;

                var newPerson = new Person();

                newPerson.EmpId = tableRow["Emp Id"];
                newPerson.FirstName = tableRow["First Name"];
                newPerson.MiddleName = tableRow["Middle Name"];
                newPerson.LastName = tableRow["Last Name"];
                newPerson.YearsOfService = int.Parse(tableRow["Years Of Service"]);

                var store = storeRepo.GetById(localTableRow["Store Id"]);

                newPerson.Store = store;


        [Then(@"There are People")]
        public void ThenThereArePeople(Table table)
            var peopleRepo = RecallAidHelper.GetReal<PeopleRepo>();

            foreach (var tableRow in table.Rows)
                var person = peopleRepo.GetById(tableRow["Emp Id"]);

                if (person == null)
                    Assert.Fail("Person not found");

                Assert.AreEqual(tableRow["First Name"],person.FirstName);
                Assert.AreEqual(tableRow["Middle Name"],person.MiddleName);
                Assert.AreEqual(tableRow["Last Name"],person.LastName);
                Assert.AreEqual(int.Parse(tableRow["Years Of Service"]),person.YearsOfService);
