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ITCase Sphinx Theme


$ pip install itcase_sphinx_theme -U

Edit your Sphinx's

Near the top, add the following

import itcase_sphinx_theme

Activate the theme

html_theme = 'itcase'
html_theme_path = [itcase_sphinx_theme.get_html_themes_path()]

If you want see version of theme in the bottom just add extension:

extensions = ['itcase_sphinx_theme']

Theme options

You can set theme options in like.

html_theme_options = {
    'travis_button': True,
    'github_button': True,
    'github_user': 'ITCase',
    'github_repo': 'pyramid_sacrud',
Here are list of options with default values:
  • logo — Show logo at the top of navigation menu. default: false
  • logo_image — Path to logo. default: ""
  • logo_width — Width in 'px' or '%'. default: ""
  • logo_height — Height in 'px' or '%'. default: ""
  • logo_image_desc — Description after logo image. default: ""
  • index_menu — Show navigation menu on main page. default: false
  • sticky_menu — Make navigation element always visible on page. default: true
  • github_button — Show git star badge under breadcrumbs. default: false
  • github_userdefault: ""
  • github_repodefault: ""
  • travis_button — Show travis badge under breadcrumbs. default: false
  • travis_userdefault: ""
  • travis_repodefault: ""

How use theme