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tommypayne111 edited this page Sep 4, 2014 · 1 revision

Figuring out how to ask questions in a technical class can be a learning process all its own. Here's a breakdown with examples to get the process started. Try to be as specific as you can.

I need a break down!

  • What does this error message mean exactly?
The method rect(float, float, float, float) in the type PApplet is not applicable for the arguments (int, int).


  • What does "void" mean?
  • I keep seeing token in error messages. What is it?
  • I keep seeing NullPointerException in error messages. What is that?
  • What is the plus for here?
println("Position: " + x);

Whys and Whatfors?

  • Why are floats called float?
  • Why would I make a number a variable that's never going to vary?
  • What's the difference between "mousePressed() and mousePressed"?

Hows and Can Is

  • How do I create an alternating pattern?
  • How do I highlight something when I mouse over it?

More examples please.

  • What are some other mouse effects?

What do the 8 numbers in a quad line of code mean?

quad(138, 131, 186, 120, 169, 263, 230, 276);