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This is a templete with some ommon codes for general aplications, this include general function of Firebase


  • Ionic CLI Version: >2.2.1
  • Ionic App Lib Version: >2.2.0
  • Cordova CLI: >6.5.0
  • Node Version: >v7.3.0
  • Create a proyect in Firebase
  • Create a app in Facebook developers
  • Create a count in Ionic Cloud


  1. Clone repository

    $ git clone
  2. Install dependencies

    $ npm install
  3. Add plugin of Facebook with the credentials of your app in Facebook developers

    $ ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-facebook4 --variable APP_ID="123456789" --variable APP_NAME="myApplication" --save
  4. Install platform

    $ ionic platform add android
    $ ionic platform add ios
  5. initialize the app in ionic cloud

    $ ionic io init


  1. Set the config variables of firebase in env/dev.json and env/prod.json (Don't change the key firebase_config)
  "firebase_config": {
    "apiKey": "",
    "authDomain": "",
    "databaseURL": "",
    "projectId": "",
    "storageBucket": "",
    "messagingSenderId": ""


This project have two json where is possible to add variables to use in production or development environment.

To use diferents environtmens use --prod for production and not put nothing for development

$ ionic serve
$ ionic serve --prod

Add varible in your component to use the environmet variable

declare const ENV;

constructor() {

Unit Test

Now is possible to run unit test in ionic 2

$ npm test

All dependencies to create and run unit test were installed, you only need to create de unit test file:

Create unit test


For generate a file with web page documentation run:

$ npm run docs