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Xander Corcoran edited this page May 13, 2024 · 1 revision

Quizzy supports several kinds of embed types in the question and explanation fields for questions that will render their associated elements in the quiz view. This allows for questions to support images, LaTex math, code segments, and possibly more in the future!

It's important to note that the AI-enhanced features do not engage much in creating embeds, so you will likely need to specify them yourself if you want to use them. However, when generating new questions from existing content, only embeds containing links to images will be removed from the question when prompting new questions, so don't worry about vital content for a question being missing when generating new questions (unless its an image embed)

All embeds are specified between matching pairs of 3 backtick characters (```), and all embeds have their type denoted as a label immediately after the opening backticks for an embed. You can specify as many embeds as you wish of any type inside of a question or explanation field and they should render fine.

Image Embeds

An image embed is specified with the "img:" label, followed by a direct link to an image. If you want a good service for hosting local images, I personally use: The aim for sourcing images online rather than locally is to allow .qizy files to be small and stored in a JSON plaintext. Here is an example of using an image embed for a question in the Quiz Builder:


And that same question rendered in the Quiz View:


To reiterate, image imbeds ARE NOT included in examples for AI-generated questions to improve accuracy and reduce costs, even if the question entirely depends on it. (Idk what middle ground I could achieve if I were to include the link since asking AI to interpret the image along with a response is a bit out of my wheelhouse)

LaTeX Math Embeds

A math embed using LaTeX formatting is specified with the "math:" label, followed by the LaTeX formatting for a math expression. This embed in theory can support any kind of math expression that is supported by LaTeX formatting but in reality it is limited by the capabilities of MatPlotLib rendering it since that is what this embed is based on. Here is an example of using a math embed for an explanation in the Quiz Builder:


And that same explanation rendered in the Quiz View:


Code Embeds

A code embed that uses its own frame to denote a code segment is specified with the "code:" label, followed by the code segment that you want to specify. This embed allows for code segments to stand out from the plaintext of a question. Here is an example of using a code embed for a question in the Quiz Builder:


And that same question rendered in the Quiz View:


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