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Artifact Supplementing ICFP'23 Submission "Generic Programming With Extensible Datatypes"

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Generic Programming with Extensible Data Types; Or, Making Ad Hoc Extensible Data Types Less Ad Hoc

Brief Artifact Description

Our artifact is an Agda library rooted under ./ROmega. We also provide HTML documentation under ./html/. The development consists principally of the following components:

  • An intrinsic mechanization of Rω, the calculus introduced by §4. By "intrinsic", we mean that untyped terms and unkinded types have no meaning. So our ASTs are of kinding and typing derivations, not of types and terms, respectively. The syntax and semantics of each judgment introduced in §4 are modularly housed in their own folders—e.g., ROmega.Types.Syntax gives the AST for kinding derivations. For a full description of each module, see the Library Structure below.
  • A formalization of the Index Calculus, which we give as semantics for Rω (§5). This is housed in ROmega.IndexCalculus.
  • A Denotation of Rω into the Index Calculus. This is housed in each Rω component folder's Semantics.agda, e.g. the denotation of types is given in ROmega.Types.Semantics.

A full description of each module is given below.


  • If not done so already, install Agda according to the instructions relevant for your operating system. Instructions here.
  • As per Step 4 of the Agda installation instructions, you must install the Agda Standard Library. Instructions here.
  • The development is housed under ./ROmega/. ROmega.All imports all modules; you may thus verify that all files type check by type checking All.agda.

The artifact was built & written using Agda version and the Agda standard library version 1.7.1. As of this writing, the latest versions are and 1.7.2, respectively. Our development will work (and has been tested) with these latest versions.

Example Derivations

The following examples of the paper were mechanized in ROmega.Examples.Section-3.

Section Paper Location Line Location
\S3.1 sel, in ¶. 58
\S3.1 con, in ¶. 80
\S3.1 case, in ¶. 114
\S3.1 ifte, in ¶. 147
\S3.2 reify and reflect, in Figure 3. 175, 229
\S3.2 map-π and map-Σ, in figure 4. 331, 396

Library Structure

We offer a full description of each folder and file, for reference.

ROmega.All imports all modules. Files and folders are named as the Agda std-lib does, e.g., ROMega.Foobar simply exports the contents of the (base) files within ROmega.Foobar.*. Theorems and lemmas of module Foobar are named Foobar.Properties.agda.


System Rω denotes into a subset of Agda which we term the Index Calculus (see §5). So, this directory houses the semantic image of Rω.


We postulate functional extensionality in ROmega.Postulates.FunExt.


Common utility is placed in ROmega.Lib. We define ≡-elim in .ROmega.Lib.Equality, which we use when rewriting is inconvenient or not possible (e.g., in a let statement).







Paper & Mechanization Differences

The presentation of Rω in our paper and in the mechanization differ in the following ways.

  • Conversion of Singletons and Records/Variants. The paper's type system makes use of the rule (E-SING) to state that singletons, singleton records, and singleton variants are all equivalent. In the mechanization, we move this capability to the typing rules (rules Σ, Σ⁻¹, Π, and Π⁻¹ in ROmega.Terms.(Syntax|Semantics).agda). This does not really affect the expressivity of the language: it is effectively an explicit cast system instead of implicit coercion.

    We made this decision simply so that the equivalence relation could denote into propositional equality:

      ⟦_⟧eq : τ ≡t υ → (H : ⟦Δ ⟧ke) → ⟦ τ ⟧t H ≡ ⟦ υ ⟧t H

    This definition holds for all other equivalence rules. However, in the denotation of terms, the singleton (ℓ ▹ M) denotes to ⟦ M ⟧, but the record Π (ℓ ▹ M) denotes to an index calculus record. These two are isomorphic, but not propositionally equal. Consequently, we decided to adopt explicit coercions in the mechanization so as to make the equivalence relation's denotation stronger---again, without real cost to the expressivity of Rω.

  • Multi-rows. The revised submission includes { τ₁ , ... , τₙ } in the syntax of types. However, such rows will not type in the minimal row theory, which we only implement. So they were omitted from the mechanization's syntax of types purely for convenience.

  • Records and Variants of higher kind. The paper permits records and variants to be constructed from rows of higher kind (rules (K-Π) and (K-Σ), resp.). However, the mechanization is more restrictive: you may only construct a record/variant from a term of star kind. We discuss this in §5.2 of the paper: "we have made one simplification relative to Rω: we implement records and variants only at the base kind, and express the type constructor variants using type functions. This does not reflect a fundamental limitation in our embedding, but simply a choice made for expediency in development." I should add here that the trick is rather simple: if ρ : R [ ⋆ → ⋆ ], for example, then instead of Π ρ we can write (λ s : ⋆. Π (ρ ·⌈ s ⌉)).

  • Parameterization by row theories. Rω is and can be indexed parametrically by multiple row theories, but our mechanization is restricted to just the minimal row theory. This is relayed to the reader in section 5. We provide some evidence in favor of parameteriziation of the mechanization by way of parameterizing the hard bit (the entailment relation). However, we do not provide an instantiation for any theory but the minimal row theory, and we do not explicitly parameterize the kinding and equivalence relations.


Artifact Supplementing ICFP'23 Submission "Generic Programming With Extensible Datatypes"






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