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A cryptocurrency wallet CLI that connects with the (private) IceCereum cryptocurrency network

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IceCereum Wallet

The purpose of this wallet is to connect to the IceCereum Network and be able to transfer accounts on your behalf. This wallet is likely to remain stable as the basic functionality of interacting with the IceCereum Network are complete. However, in the event of a new update being available, the wallet should notify you that there is a new update.

If you want a barebones and very simple instructions, feel free to check out The ELI5 instructions

Installation Instructions


If you have windows, you can install the latest release from releases. The OS may ask you to be wary of downloading a random exe from off the internet, but eh, you trust me ...right? If you don't, try running from source as outlined below.

MacOS / Linux / Running from Source

For MacOS and Linux, I cannot create an executable file because of limitations of PyInstaller, the package that is used to generate executables. To do run it from source, make sure you have Python3.8+ installed. You also need to have python3-dev installed if you're on Linux (found here

python3 --version # for MacOS / Linux
py --version # for Windows

Next, either:

  • clone this repository
  • download the code as a zip, extract it and cd into that folder
git clone

You can choose to set up a virtual environment or you can choose to install requirements straight away

virtualenv icecereum
source icecereum/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt # for MacOS / Linux
py -m pip install -r requirements.txt # for Windows

Now, you should be ready to run the program

python3 # for MacOS / Linux
py # for Windows


To understand the general program capabilites along with what the IceCereum Network is, type info in your CLI. This should explain how to use the program for the first time. In case you want to be reminded of how to use the program, type shortinfo to get a quick summary. Briefly, the functionalities of the program are:


This contains info and shortinfo. They have no arguments.


This contains all the handling capabilities of interacting with your encrypted wallet.

wallet create <wallet_name>
wallet load <wallet_name>
wallet list
wallet restore <wallet_name>

When you create your wallet, you will be asked to enter a password. Enter some generic password and NOT your usual password. This program hasn't been made with keeping Side-Channel attacks in mind and thus if someone attempts to get data from your cache, RAM, storage or whatever, they may be able to get your data. You'll be soon shown 12 random words which will be NEVER shown again. These 12 words are now your seed. This seed is the most important thing about your wallet as it can restore it in case you forget your password. NEVER share this seed with anyone and NEVER note it down digitally. It is always recommended to store your seed on a piece of paper and keep that piece of paper safe.

Once you create your wallet after entering your password and noting down your seed, you will see a folder generated called IceCereum-Meta/. This program and the newly generated folder must always be in the same directory for you to use your wallet. When you close the program and re-open it, you should use wallet load <wallet_name> to access your wallet again. In case you forgot your wallet name, type wallet list to list all the wallets you have.

In the event that you lose your wallet file or forget your password, it is possible to restore it using wallet restore <wallet_name>. In that case, you will be asked to enter another password and re-enter the 12 words that you were shown at the time of creating the wallet. Enter the words in the originally shown order.

Account Stats

address shows you your loaded wallet address. balance shows you your loaded wallet's balance on the network. transactions shows a list of all the transactions that have been locally recorded. This will not sync transactions with the network. In case you wish to see incoming transactions that haven't been stored locally, type sync and you will have to enter a message for every new transaction you get (leave it blank for no message).

Transferring funds

Now that you have a wallet, you may want to transfer some funds. There are two ways that this can be done. An interactive way and a non-interactive way. For the interactive way, you can type transfer and the program will accordingly prompt you for the address to send coins to, the amount to send and a message to remind you what this transaction is for (the message is stored on your computer and not sent to the network). If you don't want to be prompted, you can do transfer -to <to_address> -a <amount> -msg <message> to achieve just the same.

Once you finish entering these details, you will be shown the current network's mining fee and be accordingly asked whether you are okay with sending that amount. Every 3 hours, the mining fee of the network is revised based off of the activity of the previous three hours. If there were a lot of transactions, the mining fee would be high for the next three hours. Similarly, if there were only a few transactions, the mining fee would be low.

If you are okay to transfer the amount + mining fee, you will be asked to enter your wallet password in order to transfer the funds. If the transfer was successful, you should see "Transaction added to TXPOOL" as the message. This means that the transfer has been successful, but not yet added to the blockchain. Every three hours, transactions from the TXPOOL will be added to the blockchain.

To make the receiver realise that you transferred the funds, ask them to sync to see their transactions. They should be able to see a new incoming transaction that corresponds to what you just sent.


To enter a 42 character long address can be hard every time you want to transfer funds. This program has the option of creating nicknames - aliases that store addresses under names. Instead of typing out:

transfer -to 0x...long_address... -a 10.5 -msg "some message",

you can do:

transfer -to <name> -a 10.5 -msg "some message"

nick create <name> 0x...long_address...
nick list
nick info <name>
nick delete <name>

Create a nick using nick create; list all the nicks you have stored by typing nick list; to get a particular nick, use nick info; to delete a nick use nick delete.

Command help

If you need any help about a command, type help <command_name> for the description and usage to show up

IceCereum Rewards

Occasionally, you may see you received funds from IceCereum-Rewards. Those are rewards for transferring funds to someone. To read more about the workings of the IceCereum Network, read protocol.

I Created My Wallet. Now What?

Now that you created your wallet, it's time for you to receive some funds. Unfortunately since this is a private cryptocurrency, you can't really buy these coins anywhere. This cryptocurrency was created as meme and is intended to be only "used" between my friends and I. If you know me and want some IceCereums, shoot me an email and I'll transfer some to you. Otherwise if you know someone on the network, you can ask them to transfer coins to you.

I encountered a bug / Something went wrong / Help

In case you find a bug or something goes wrong, first type set debug true and repeat your command. Copy that entire error message and create an issue. That way I'll respond to you (hopefully) to fix out the bug.

If you need help, make sure you've read this README and then ask a question by raising an issue. If something is unclear, I'll undoubtedly update this README so that others don't face issues. But don't ask for help without reading this README because that's just very annoying.


A cryptocurrency wallet CLI that connects with the (private) IceCereum cryptocurrency network






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